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Your Stories of Kind, Wonderful Behavior


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I just finished reading the thread on rude, obnoxious behavior witnessed on a cruise. What about the opposite?

On our first cruise (second honeymoon) I was nervous and we met a couple of experienced cruisers who made it a point to check on us during the week. Their funniest exchange was on Princess Cay, they asked if "It" was smaller than I thought it would be? Embarassed, I replied "Excuse me?" They said "the shower, was it smaller than you thought it would be?" We loved those guys!

Or on a second cruise, the nice Scottish couple who made it a point to ask about our son after overhearing a phone conversation with our insurance company. We were in St. Thomas and the insurance company called to ask us questions about our son's accident. What accident?:eek:

They were in the bus with us on the way back to the ship when we finally got in touch with our son to make sure he was ok. He was fine, car was totaled.

Let's hear tales of those wonderful times when strangers have touched your hearts. :D

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Near the end of an excursion in St. Lucia I went into my bag to get the money out to pay the tour guide and it was not there:eek:It was getting close to time to get back to the ship and I was not sure if there was time to get on the ship, get to the cabin, get some more money, go out thru security again, get to the tour van, give him the money, and get back on the ship.(talk about a run on sentence) I had most of what I needed left from my spending money but the envelope with the excursion money was not there.


One couple on the tour was from our ship and on cruise critic, they loaned me some money and another couple loaned me the rest.:) The couple from CC were on our ship so it was easy to get the money back to them when we got to the ship. The other couple were from another ship and we had just met that day. Of course I mailed the money to them the day we returned home. It was so nice of both of these couples to help me and my husband. I had felt so stupid and embarrassed.


When we got back on the ship I found the envelope. The night before I had taken it out of the safe and set it on the shelf below to relock the safe and forgot to pick it up.:o And I thought I was so organized.


People can be so nice, helpful and trusting.


I never for a moment thought anyone in the van had taken it. I was sure it was me. The tour guide was upset, when we got home I emailed him to let him know I found it.

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Had my kids with me on a 9 day to the Caribbean. We really clicked with an older couple who were seated with us at dinner. After one port when we went to dinner, the wife said she'd bought a silk dress from a vendor in port but that it didn't fit and asked me to come try it on to see if it fit me. It did - she insisted that I take the earrings she'd bought to match it. I had it pressed and wore it to the last formal night. She also picked up silver earrings for my daughter in port. I thought it was very sweet of them to think of us.


I just finished reading the thread on rude, obnoxious behavior witnessed on a cruise. What about the opposite?

On our first cruise (second honeymoon) I was nervous and we met a couple of experienced cruisers who made it a point to check on us during the week. Their funniest exchange was on Princess Cay, they asked if "It" was smaller than I thought it would be? Embarassed, I replied "Excuse me?" They said "the shower, was it smaller than you thought it would be?" We loved those guys!

Or on a second cruise, the nice Scottish couple who made it a point to ask about our son after overhearing a phone conversation with our insurance company. We were in St. Thomas and the insurance company called to ask us questions about our son's accident. What accident?:eek:

They were in the bus with us on the way back to the ship when we finally got in touch with our son to make sure he was ok. He was fine, car was totaled.

Let's hear tales of those wonderful times when strangers have touched your hearts. :D

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We have enjoyed so many wonderful dinners with interesting and kind people on our cruises. One lady from England was so sweet; she and her DH went on a tour to see butterflies while the rest of us did something else that day; at dinner each of the women had a beautiful butterfly pin by their plates. :)


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It isn't really much, but on our last cruise, I was about 4 months pg (not showing yet), but we had mentioned it to the couple standing in the embarkation line w/ us. I wasn't feeling very well, standing out in the Miami heat, and Ellie took it upon herself to do whatever she could to make me more comfortable, getting me somewhere to sit, helping us w/ our luggage, etc. She wanted to try to get us up further in the line, but I didn't feel right, skipping the line like that when there wasn't really anything wrong w/ me, I just didn't feel well.

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On my very first cruise, I went alone. I was fine being alone and had a good time, but felt just enough out of place that I decided to only eat in the dining room on formal nights. Imagine my surprise when I found out that no one else at my table of eight came to dinner on formal nights or any other nights. I felt very uncomfortable and conspicous and very, very alone. After I was braver, on the second formal night, I invited myself to another table with some people I had met on the cruise. But, that first night I just sat there feeling stupid. However, before I could even order my food a couple sitting behind me asked the waiter to invite me over to their table. They were a lovely couple from Canada and that act ranks high on my list of "the kindness of strangers".

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I am not repeating this story for a pat on the back, but I just remembered it and know y'all will like to hear it.


Our 3rd or 4th cruise? We had just finished the life boat drill and were getting up to leave and I noticed a wallet on the floor. I asked if anyone at our table had lost it, they had not. I found an officer and gave it to him, and asked him to PLEASE get it to the rightful owner (mind you this wallet was brimming with cash), and if he could let me know that the owner had gotten the wallet back. I felt so bad for the owner, that they might think they would have a ruined vacation. Luckily they did find the owner before he even realized his wallet was missing!

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A group of British travellers searched virtually the entire ship on our last sea day, looking for my cruisin' buddy and me, to tell us how much they enjoyed sharing a lunch table with us one day!


Awwww... that is so sweet! You must have made a great impression on them.


Luckyroot-a similar thing happened to me. I found a packet of cruise documents, passport, etc... in the ladies room and took it to the purser's desk. They wanted my name and room number so the owner could thank me. The purser found the owner but I never heard a word from her (but I did the right thing!):)

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Recently, someone posted how their TA messed up their booking and gave away the cabin they had specifically booked months prior. Another poster here on CC was going on the same cruise, and offered their (similar) cabin to the original poster! Amazing!

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In February of 2009 the Azamara Quest docked in Busan, South Korea. There is a very high observation tower located in a Busan park that is similar to the towers in Sydney Australia, Shanghai, Las Vegas, and Toronto. It was a beautiful winter's day and my wife wanted to go up to the top of the tower. This isn't my favorite type of activity when traveling but she really enjoys going up towers, riding cabe cars, and so on. Complicating matters was that we had no Korean money!


We saw a couple from the ship nearby. Saying hello and chatting a bit, we explained that my wife wanted to go up the tower and that I didn't want to go, and that we did not have the correct currency.


The couple who are from the Belfast area of Northern Ireland told my wife that she could go with them and that they would pay the admission fee. The man's name is Beverly (a retired banker) and unfortunately I cannot recall his wife's name. As it turned out you could pay the admission fee in US dollars.


When they came down they had a good laugh because the wind had kicked up, and they could feel the swaying of the tower in the wind.


I will always remember how kind Bev and his wife were, not only in taking my wife with them but their willingness to pay.


If by some chance they read this thread, a grand hello to both.



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Awwww... that is so sweet! You must have made a great impression on them.


Luckyroot-a similar thing happened to me. I found a packet of cruise documents, passport, etc... in the ladies room and took it to the purser's desk. They wanted my name and room number so the owner could thank me. The purser found the owner but I never heard a word from her (but I did the right thing!):)

Last October we did a Trans. Atl from Venice, Italy to Lauderdale. On our third day we relaized we didn't have our passports. Heck it was only our 45th cruise so we were just rookies. So I went to the reception desk and asked what, if any, problems that owuld present. The girl at the desk was very nice and helpful. Back to my room I went and 20 minutes later I got a call from the reception desk manager that he had our passports. I went to his office and sure enough he had them. My DW had dropped them in Venice as we were boarding the ship after checking in. Someone found them and saw the itinerary inside. They sent the passports by courier to Florence and they were returned to us there. I have no idea who found them but I sure would like to know.

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Recently, someone posted how their TA messed up their booking and gave away the cabin they had specifically booked months prior. Another poster here on CC was going on the same cruise, and offered their (similar) cabin to the original poster! Amazing!


Wow! That is amazing!

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This is a wonderful thread. In a time when all it seems is bad things happening over and over again. I really needed this sunshine.

Thanks to everyone who posted and all of those who are going to post!

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We have been touched by kindness many, many times on our cruises, and I just wanted to tell you of one of them.......


We were seated with four other couples at early dinner and each of these couples were in their 80's and 90's and all of them were absolutely delightful:p

We were in our 50's at the time and we couldn't have asked for better table mates!!


Two of these ladies were confined to wheel chairs, so it would take a few minutes longer for them to be wheeled in by their husbands to our table, however, we did notice that other cruisers around us were very nice about waiting and even smiling while this was being accomplished each evening.


Some of the stories that they told of their long lives and their long marriages were priceless and quite funny at times. Each of these gentlemen were impecably dressed each night as were their wives dressed in beautiful evening gowns.......what wonderful dinner conversations we had:D


One of the couples, the one's celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary, we became quite close to and would often see them around the ship during the day. We found out that we lived very close to them, so when we returned from the cruise we drove over to their house and took them to dinner twice, and it was so much fun:)


Sadly, the wife was diagnosed later that month with inoperable cancer and passed away quite suddenly 2 months later.....but we are very grateful for the lovely time we spent with them both on and off the cruise.


Rick and Janine

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I have to tell you that this thread is really making my week. :(I'm going through some very difficult things at my job and reading about the wonderful experiences is getting my mind off of it and making me smile.

Thank you for sharing!


Keep them coming folks! There are lots of good people in the world and especially on cruises!:D

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We met our downstairs neighbors during sailing away from NYC and we ran into them many times our first sea day. They came to our vow renewal, and when we returned to our stateroom after dinner that night, they had sent us chocolate covered strawberries and balloons. We had just met them the day before, so we were surprised they would do something like that for total strangers!

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Jenni--you are most welcome! I'm thrilled it's doing so well.


On our last cruise (June 4, 2008) we had a good group on our roll call. We all posted frequently and planned a great meet and greet once on board. We all came from different parts of the US and Canada. We have kept our roll call going since then and check in with one another frequently. We've shared good times as well as the sad ones.

And all because we met on a cruise!:D


I've always believed in the "Do unto others" concept and we instilled that in our children as well. (They're all in their 20's now.) One of my favorite stories of trips with our children was when they were teen-agers, they would love to play games of chance to win stuffed animals. Of course, they didn't need them so they would walk around until they found a small child who had not won anything, ask the parent's permission and give the child the prize. The smiles on the child and parents' faces made their day.:)

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Remembered another one. It's funny how when you go back through the photos how the moments come flooding back. Our first cruise in 2007 was a lot of firsts for me. I'd never flown or been on a ship so I was so nervous. DH and I had renewed our vows for our 30th wedding anniversary and made the cruise our second honeymoon. When we got on board, we met our room steward Natalia. She was so sweet. I explained to her that I was nervous and that we were celebrating our anniversary and my husband's birthday. She went out of her way (I think) that week to make it special for us. We would come back to our room and she'd left us special treats, decorations, and on the day of our anniversary our bed was decorated with towel swans and chocolates. She also kept telling us we were too young to have been married that long. ;)

And yes she got a great tip at the end!

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...One of my favorite stories of trips with our children was when they were teen-agers, they would love to play games of chance to win stuffed animals. Of course, they didn't need them so they would walk around until they found a small child who had not won anything, ask the parent's permission and give the child the prize. The smiles on the child and parents' faces made their day.:)


I LOVE that you do that!!

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On my very first cruise, I went alone. I was fine being alone and had a good time, but felt just enough out of place that I decided to only eat in the dining room on formal nights. Imagine my surprise when I found out that no one else at my table of eight came to dinner on formal nights or any other nights. I felt very uncomfortable and conspicous and very, very alone. After I was braver, on the second formal night, I invited myself to another table with some people I had met on the cruise. But, that first night I just sat there feeling stupid. However, before I could even order my food a couple sitting behind me asked the waiter to invite me over to their table. They were a lovely couple from Canada and that act ranks high on my list of "the kindness of strangers".


I almost always cruise solo and there have been so many times that total strangers have invited me to join them - all over the ship at bars and in the show lounge, during ship events like trivia games, on excursions, and at meals, both on the ship and off.


I always like to offer to take pictures of folks so they can all be in the same picture.

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