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If you could say something to the new CEO of Azamara


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1. Sit down dining for lunch each day, even when the ship is in port. I could not care

2. The ability to bring on our preferred wine onboard when visiting a port. Never had a problem with this on our week crusie

3. Non-perishable canapés delivered to the room each day without filling out a form. They had canapes?

4. More and varied entertainment, possibly local talent.

5. Excursions featuring local cooking lessons and pairing classes or demonstrations with possible trips to the market.

6. On board local food and beverage cooking and pairing classes with market trips with the chef.

7. Area specific lectures and lessons to include language and socio- economics.They had lectures

8. Reduced pricing for individual coctails, beer and wine.

9. Wine packages for purchase.

10. Complimentary “house” wine with dinner.

11. Free shuttles from the ship.Was no problem for us

12. Complimentary bottled water and soft drinks.Ship water was Ok to drink, better then some bottled water, pop is bad for you , drinlk water

13. Have butlers really be butlers.

14. Cocktail menus with prices.

15. Serve local beer, local wine and local cocktails and feature local menus.

16. Do longer cruises.

17. Feature new ports which the big cruise ships can’t go to.

18. Provide premium mattresses and bedding. Bedding was fine

19. Have better organized laundry service with possible package rates.There was a laundry

20. Have unique and more loyalty program benefits.Could care less about this

If you want the what other lines offer sail with them and pay more

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In reference to point 16,how much longer than 14 nites,we are all not oaps,you can also do back to backs,i also would not like to come back to a plate of fishy/sweaty snacks in me room.The price of drinks is on par with south of england posh pub prices,as people have said a lot of these things are already on lines that charge twice as much and are not heavily discounted you get what you pay for :):):D

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Can we also put in what is for me No 1 - achieving consistent delivery of service across the ship but particularly in the main dining room

The reponse to this will give us an insight into whether they are investing in staff training and looking at retention between contracts (by treating staff well during contracts) On my previous trip a major problem seemed to be untrained staff and when talking to managers there seemed to be issues with the shoreside recruitment so people were arriving on board without a clue what to do. Managers realy want former employees back as they slot straight into the routine the day they board ship



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We are looking forward to our first experience of Azamara in September. Many of the things that concern me about cruise ships involve money as have been mentioned by others - shuttles, drinks, ship excursions to name a few. Our last couple of cruises (Celebrity and Cunard) we have taken to having a pre-dinner cocktail (Celebrity $5.50 for one of three cocktails of the day and Cunard approx $6 plus 15%). If the prices on Azamara are as I have read this will be dropped. If the drinks prices generally are what we consider to be too much over the top we will drink less on board. Whilst we are not alcoholics we do enjoy a few drinks and we will enjoy some wine whilst ashore in most ports and drink less on the ship. Surely if Celebrity and Cunard (to name a few) can sell drinks at better prices, why can't Azamara do likewise. Some cruises do not have an endless pot of money. Complimentary wine would be nice but we are quite happy to pay a reasonable price for it.


We try not to use ship shuttles if there is a charge because they charge too much. Quite often taxis arae as cheap for 2+ people. Local transport (if available) is always cheaper and can be taken advantage of by those who can walk a little bit.


Cruise lines in general try to put people off doing things on their own - port is in the middle of nowhere, no local transport, might miss the ship, you'll get ripped off, you'll need to organise your own visa to go ashore independently (Russia) etc, etc. Thankfully, having found this and other sites, we have learnt how to do most things independently, at our pace and for a realistic price.

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I have read all of the prior comments and while I agree with many of them, if I had the new CEO's ear, I would say:


Keep your focus on the upscale market and stay in direct competition with Oceania.


Give a little on the "bringing wine on board" issue.


Emphasize the variety and quality of the MDR food and the selections in the buffet.


Design a loyalty program that stands out from the rest.


Do whatever has to be done to retain your best employees, especially those who must serve the passengers.

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Somebody mentioned longer cruises, but we would like to see more 7 day cruises. There were lots of people on our recent cruise who were younger and still working. Shorter cruises would enable us to take an additional break sometime during the year.

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I hope this gets to the CEO...My needs are very simple..I really, truly want GOOD COFFEE. I have read numerous posts about the quality (or lack thereof) of coffee on board this cruise lines. This Novemebr will be our first Azamara cruise. PLEASE, try and incorporate good coffee into your already great cruises (at leasst according to the posts I've read here:) )

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And brewed ice tea. This has been discussed several times. It would not add cost for Azamara but would make people happy - I especially remember the comment "even McDonald's brews it's iced tea now."

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Hi Everyone !


I'd like to add a few items for Mr. Pimentel to review, and echo some that have already been mentioned :


1. Keep the Main Dining Room open during port days. Even a few days per sailing, would be a welcome addition !


2. Improved Embarkation & Disembarkation - especially for those who need Wheelchair, or extra assistance.


3. Pre-Printed Luggage Tags (with your name/stateroom/color) for Disembarkation.


4. Improved Television programming - More General News, and Financial News channels. I am well aware that may passengers do not wish to stay in touch while on Vacation... but some of us must stay in touch, and it would be nice if you offered CNBC or Bloomberg News.


5. Improved Entertainment - Many of the Guest performers are the same folks I have seen countless times on Celebrity. I'd like to see Azamara have their own identity.


6. Dedicated Customer Service / Captains Club / Reservations - While I feel there has been much improvement in recent months, I still encounter some who are not fully versed on all of the wonderful things that Azamara has to offer.


7. More communication - I Recieve 3-4 emails from Azamara per YEAR. I recieve 3-4 emails from Princess per WEEK. Enough said.


8. Total Redesign of Azamara Website - It looks identical to Celebrity's website, along with all of Celebrity's website flaws.... but with the Azamara name, and different colors. Again, I'd like to see it have it's own identity.


9. Addition of Ship Webcams - Years ago, Celebrity had dedicated live Webcams on all of their ships. Unfortunately that ended a few years ago. I have been asking for this for ages. I'd like to see this added to Azamara, and hopefully added back to Celebrity's website.


10. Reinstate the combination of Shareholder Onboard Credit with Booking Onboard Credit. Previously, these credits were combinable. As of now, they are not, and I feel they should be. This would create additional incentive to book onboard.



Here is a list of Benefits I would like to see for Elite Members :


1. Complimentary Fountain Soft Drinks for Elite Members.


2. Elite Member Lounge for at least part of the Afternoon.


3. Removal of 3% Cash Withdrawal Surcharge (or a reasonable limit per day) at Casino for Elite Members. I'm especially annoyed at this fee, when you are constantly gambling in the Casino. I make enough donations to Celebrity and Azamara <smile>, and it annoys me to pay an extra 3% to lose :)


4. Complimentary Internet - Similar to the 90 Minutes now offered on Celebrity. I believe you may be doing this, but I'm not sure if it's being tested or if it is a permanent benefit.


5. Reduced Last Minute Rates for Elite Members and Singles - Why not fill up any remaining Cabins, instead of sailing them empty ? Empty cabins cannot buy excursions, alcohol, gift shop items, or gamble. I feel this is a win-win for everyone.


I hope our Cruise Critic friends enjoyed reading my suggestions. I hope that Mr. Pimentel reads this, and I wish him all the very best of success at Azamara !

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Andy, i agree with almost all of your sentiments, but wanted to make my own modification/clarifications on a couple points.

4. Similar to TV programming, for longer cruises it would be nice if a few copies of IHT/FT/WSJ could be either received by fax (for long sea day stretches) or picked up in port for review in the library. Cunard had this feature and we loved it.

7. There must be a happy medium between a few times a week and a few times a year. If a cruise line needs to send me mail more than 1x a month, each additional mailing better include a) discount/special offers or b) release of additional sailings. I still think weekly is sufficient.

8. I realize there is a separatist movement here, but I would prefer the Azamara site be integrated with Celebrity-- I found it frustrating I had to create seperate log-ins and re-enter all my info. Nevertheless, as it appears Azamara is drifting apart from X, I agree a redesign would be less confusing.


10. I agree credits should be combinable-- DH and I feel that all investments are bad right now, but would happily pick up some RCCL stock if we knew that it would ALWAYS be combinable with any other offers. I would be OK with some sort of cap, such as OBC cannot exceed say, 25% of total stateroom price... but I want to be able to combine AmEx CPP, RCCL stock AND gratuities that the cruise line offers for booking one of the cruises it most wants to sell. ;)


As far as the elite member benefits go, I have two comments:

First, I get regular announcements from HAL offering me preview sales a few days ahead of non-mariners, which I think would be a nice elite perk.


Second, I think when you take cash out of the casino, AZ actually pays the 3% or so transaction fee to your credit card, so they aren't really taking anything off the top so much as they are trying to recoup their costs. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure how the cruiseline could avoid this charge. Anyway, if you do actually lose all your money in the casino (or >3%) then I agree they should comp it-- BUT my understanding from various threads is that most people figured out they could use the casino as an ATM on the cheap, so unless the casino moves to some sort of fake gambling currency, they are actually lose money when not charging for those cash advances-- and the rest of us non-gamblers, non-cash withdrawers end up paying that extra 3% back through higher prices elsewhere to support RCCL's profit margins.

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See, everybody is different. We never had lunch in the dining room so that's not on my list.


What I think is vital is that the boss listens to his front line troops (particularly Cruise Directors and Hotel Directors) and does not go on an ignorant cost-cutting rampage (as some lines are reputed to have done) which destroys employee morale and, in the end, the business. Our observation is that the folks on Azamara work just as hard as on other cruise lines but they seem to be more cheerful and less stressed. When we said 'thank you' and they said 'my pleasure', they meant it. You've got a good thing going, Azamara, don't muck it up.

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Excellent suggestions Andy!


Andy, I agree with Mike! ;) Mike and Carol, we are planning the very same AMA Waterways cruise in 2011. Your photos are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.



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My suggestion regards Captain's Club,Celebrity, RCCL club membership levels. Since major airlines have partner agreements to allow airmile award sharing with competative carriers why would it be unreasonble for RCCL, Celebrity, Azamara to give cumulative credit to those who sail on any of the three lines all owned by RCCL? Why should clients be pressured to sail on one line to achieve a higher status(gold,platinum,diamond) when RCCL owns all three lines. We have sailed on all three lines. It would not be very costly to RCCL and would be a great perk and competitive edge for them. I think RCCL would see increase in bookings and give clients a wider choice of sailings and iteneraries. Hope someone is listening and will consider the above as we would definitely be booking more cruise vacations with RCCL. jamesb444

P.S. - We are booked on Quest sailing on 8/23/09 out of Rome.

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WHy do people think they should get more more since they sail with a line before? :confused:


What wrong with treating everyone the same :)


I agree with you, all this "elite, elite, elite" stuff is a turnoff.


Reasonable liquor prices, numero uno, is my practical suggestion. I don't mind paying for drinks, but don't want to be gouged.

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I agree with you, all this "elite, elite, elite" stuff is a turnoff.



Loyalty programs have become a popular marketing tool, and while I could give them up in favor of lower prices and/or improved services, they obviously have a lot of appeal.


My grocery store, drug store, hardware store and credit cards give me loyalty rewards. I get points when I buy airline tickets, rewards when I purchase tickets to a play, etc. etc...


I'm not 'elite' with Celebrity ... but have enjoyed some rewards for the level that I'm at.

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Just a note about combinable shareholder benefits. Until RCI is in a position to reinstate shareholder dividends (which were suspended in November, 2008), I can pretty much guarantee that they will not allow onboard shareholder benefits to be combined. It was a bit of a fight to maintain them at all.


While we like to think that, as cruisers, we're most important, for shareholder issues financially speaking the institutional invenstors are the ones who count, and they really squealed when the dividends were suspended. It was a necessary action, but the stock is still working to rebound from that decision. We 100 share shareholders aren't very significant, but they had to do it to placate the institutional investors. I also doubt their onboard bookings decreased much from shareholders as a result, since shareholders generally are very frequent cruisers, and are going to continue cruising regardless... just grumble more because the benefits are reduced.


Do know there are those within the RCI organization fighting for the return of combinability. The time is just not yet for that to happen.

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Wendy the Wanderer

I completely agree with the points you made and these "perks" all have to be paid for somehow. We're up to about our seventh cruise and haven't cruised with the same line twice yet. That's not to say we wouldn't as we have enjoyed them all.

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Perks are fine, I have some on my current cruise line, but they can usually find a way to make these perks revenue-neutral, or nearly-so. The only practical perk that we get, really, is free internet, and I think that's a good perk, although I rarely use it. But private lounges and free soft drinks? Nah. Other perks that I don't use: free telephone hours; several free garment pressings. Now laundry perks, they would be good! A free bag of laundry, I'd take that!

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I don't believe I have ever seen "free phone" perks offered. However, depending on how expensive it would be for the cruise line, I think offering free or *reasonable* cost phone/internet service (say $50 day on sea days) would make it much easier for cruisers who are still mid-career to consider 2 week + trips, knowing that they could actually catch up with work back home every few days. Again, I understand a lot of people cruise specifically to avoid being obligated to check back in-- but some of us would be more relaxed feeling more connected to the office.

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