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Diet Coke Cake


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Anyone ever heard of this? If not, this really works! I've made it myself several times now and have not mentioned a word to anyone until after they've had a piece. No one can tell the difference!!!


What it is is rather than using eggs and oil for your cake mix, use one warm 12 ounce can of Diet Coke and your cake mix, THAT'S IT! Mix it to get the chunks out and put in you preferred pan as usual and back at normal temp. It's a lot more moist this way too, IMO.


Just wanted to pass this along!


PS: Some say that Diet Coke works only with chocolate cake, but I've used it with Yellow cake mixes and it doesn't look any different color-wise.

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Yes, I've heard of it. I've heard of people using white or yellow cake with orange, cherry... different sodas. Diet dr pepper with chocolate.

For me I don't like the chemical flavor of cake mixes. I would rather eat the few extra calories and have a cake that does not have the chemicals/preservatives that those made with a cake mix have.

A low fat cake is angel food. They are easy to make from scratch and you can make them chocolate or a mix of chocolate and white or use different flavors instead of vanilla or almond. They also freeze really well. Cut into single serve pieces, wrap & freeze. When you want a quick dessert thaw and top with some wonderful fresh berries.


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Kelly nice to "find" you now that Brenda's thread died. I'm like you..I can't stand anything out of a box and I'd rather have a piece of "real" cake that I can savor..even if it's a small piece..instead of a large piece of "chemical cake"..I think the boxed mixes have way too much sugar in them, too.


Angel food cake is a good one to make at home..that, though, is too sweet for me too. I never made a chocolate one, though. I would guess that a sponge cake or a merengue cake would be good too. Merengue cookies would be a good low fat treat to make..made out of egg whites, I beleive.


Yes, I've heard of it. I've heard of people using white or yellow cake with orange, cherry... different sodas. Diet dr pepper with chocolate.

For me I don't like the chemical flavor of cake mixes. I would rather eat the few extra calories and have a cake that does not have the chemicals/preservatives that those made with a cake mix have.

A low fat cake is angel food. They are easy to make from scratch and you can make them chocolate or a mix of chocolate and white or use different flavors instead of vanilla or almond. They also freeze really well. Cut into single serve pieces, wrap & freeze. When you want a quick dessert thaw and top with some wonderful fresh berries.


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Anyone ever heard of this? If not, this really works! I've made it myself several times now and have not mentioned a word to anyone until after they've had a piece. No one can tell the difference!!!


What it is is rather than using eggs and oil for your cake mix, use one warm 12 ounce can of Diet Coke and your cake mix, THAT'S IT! Mix it to get the chunks out and put in you preferred pan as usual and back at normal temp. It's a lot more moist this way too, IMO.


Just wanted to pass this along!


PS: Some say that Diet Coke works only with chocolate cake, but I've used it with Yellow cake mixes and it doesn't look any different color-wise.



Thanks for posting this Kim. I know professional bakers who bake cakes right out of the box and guess what? Nobody else knew it. :D


I'm sure using other "ingredients" have chemicals/preservatives as well so I wouldn't worry about using a "box" of cake mix. :rolleyes:

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You obviously don't know what real cake taste like. Most people don't, because they are used to eating chemical crap. I can guarantee you there is a huge difference. Did you ever notice how the same meal that is served in a restaurant versus at home cooked always tastes different? How come pankcake made from scratch taste different than ones at IHOP?


Really..how many fruits , vegetables, and homemade breads, pastas, and fresh fish caught from the sea actually have chemicals/presevatives?? How is it that your 500 calories subs at Subway, if made at home with identical ingredients taste better at home? Or why is it homemade fried chicken taste better than Kentucky fried crap?


Thanks for posting this Kim. I know professional bakers who bake cakes right out of the box and guess what? Nobody else knew it. :D


I'm sure using other "ingredients" have chemicals/preservatives as well so I wouldn't worry about using a "box" of cake mix. :rolleyes:

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You obviously don't know what real cake taste like. Most people don't, because they are used to eating chemical crap. I can guarantee you there is a huge difference. Did you ever notice how the same meal that is served in a restaurant versus at home cooked always tastes different? How come pankcake made from scratch taste different than ones at IHOP?


Really..how many fruits , vegetables, and homemade breads, pastas, and fresh fish caught from the sea actually have chemicals/presevatives?? How is it that your 500 calories subs at Subway, if made at home with identical ingredients taste better at home? Or why is it homemade fried chicken taste better than Kentucky fried crap?



Is your name Kim? didn't think so! :rolleyes:


YOU obviously THINK your right about everything and the fact is your NOT!


I do not see you posting every little thing you eat everyday. Oh yeah I bet you have a LOT of "chemical crap" in your foods too. I'd love to see you post everything you put in your mouth so we can nit pick at it like you do with everyone else!!


We are talking about CAKES not other foods...read the thread title!


Seriously you have no good advice for anyone but to tell them everything you think they are doing wrong. If you can't be nice or be encouraging...seriously get off the health threads.

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Breakfast: 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 cup blueberries, black coffee


snack: 2 tbp almond butter


Dinner last night: 1 cup yellow squash, 1 cup asparagus, 3 cups salad, 8 ounces grilled salmon, 1/3 cup brown rice.


Lunch yesterday: 6 ounces dark meat chicken, 2 cups salad, one apple


snack: 1 banana, 2tbp almond butter


Second snack: 2 apples.


Breakfast yesterday: 1/4 cup oatmeal, black coffee, 1 banana


Seriously, you need to stop putting down people who try to live healthy. I don't feel sorry for someone who puts down people by saying they can't go to the gym because of all the thin people. I read your post on another thread. Your remarks are caustic and not helpful to someone trying to lose weight.


All of us got fat the same way..by putting the fork to our mouth..nobody made us do it. I could make caustic remarks about your trips to dunkin donuts and subway and then complaining that you don't lose weight. But I don't. See, I plan what I am going to eat and I plan it carefully. I am not 24 and obese, as you referred to yourself in another post.. but I am 40 and about 20 lbs overweight. And my struggles are the same as yours. I work in a medical field and thank God we have doctors in my unit who arent afraid to tell patients to lose weight so they can stop getting knee operations, etc.


So if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Even us who have very little to lose can still get support from here. 20 lbs, 200 lbs, whatever..we are all in the same boat together aren't we?


Is your name Kim? didn't think so! :rolleyes:


YOU obviously THINK your right about everything and the fact is your NOT!


I do not see you posting every little thing you eat everyday. Oh yeah I bet you have a LOT of "chemical crap" in your foods too. I'd love to see you post everything you put in your mouth so we can nit pick at it like you do with everyone else!!


We are talking about CAKES not other foods...read the thread title!


Seriously you have no good advice for anyone but to tell them everything you think they are doing wrong. If you can't be nice or be encouraging...seriously get off the health threads.

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You are making caustic remarks about my eating habits, weight age..etc


I'm not putting down anyone..that's all you lady.


You obviously are not trying to get support here...you always post what someone should or shouldn't do and that's not right at all..and your very rude about it!


You have taken this topic of diet coke cake...into everything everyone eats except you and your friends is wrong, unhealthy and let's bash Jesscap5 on her eating habits.


I really dont appreciate people who stalk my posts by reading them and then later repete everything I have typed and bash it....


Breakfast: 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 cup blueberries, black coffee


snack: 2 tbp almond butter


Dinner last night: 1 cup yellow squash, 1 cup asparagus, 3 cups salad, 8 ounces grilled salmon, 1/3 cup brown rice.


Lunch yesterday: 6 ounces dark meat chicken, 2 cups salad, one apple


snack: 1 banana, 2tbp almond butter


Second snack: 2 apples.


Breakfast yesterday: 1/4 cup oatmeal, black coffee, 1 banana


Seriously, you need to stop putting down people who try to live healthy. I don't feel sorry for someone who puts down people by saying they can't go to the gym because of all the thin people. I read your post on another thread. Your remarks are caustic and not helpful to someone trying to lose weight.


All of us got fat the same way..by putting the fork to our mouth..nobody made us do it. I could make caustic remarks about your trips to dunkin donuts and subway and then complaining that you don't lose weight. But I don't. See, I plan what I am going to eat and I plan it carefully. I am not 24 and obese, as you referred to yourself in another post.. but I am 40 and about 20 lbs overweight. And my struggles are the same as yours. I work in a medical field and thank God we have doctors in my unit who arent afraid to tell patients to lose weight so they can stop getting knee operations, etc.


So if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Even us who have very little to lose can still get support from here. 20 lbs, 200 lbs, whatever..we are all in the same boat together aren't we?

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it is not my intent to harm anyone or be caustic. I have posted many things and have gotten support from them..maybe you need to read a little closer. Do a thread search. I certainly do not need to defend myself,especially to a stranger in cyberspace. You said I don't ever list what I eat, ok..I did..so what's wrong with that. Were you hoping to see that I posted I went to Dunkin Donuts or Subway or something?? So you could rip me apart some more??


I CAN say that I have struggled with weight issues as many have..maybe I didn't eat my weigh up to 300 lbs, but my battle is my battle. All I have ever said what works for ME. I never told you what to eat, what not to eat. I choose to not eat fast food. I choose to eat food I cook myself. I choose to weigh my food. I choose to NOT eat out 99% of the time. These are choices I make, the same way you choose to eat at Dunkin Donuts, Subway, eat lean cuisine, or something else. We all suffer consequences from what we choose, most people would even agree with that.


If you don't like what I post, then don't comment.


You are making caustic remarks about my eating habits, weight age..etc


I'm not putting down anyone..that's all you lady.


You obviously are not trying to get support here...you always post what someone should or shouldn't do and that's not right at all..and your very rude about it!


You have taken this topic of diet coke cake...into everything everyone eats except you and your friends is wrong, unhealthy and let's bash Jesscap5 on her eating habits.


I really dont appreciate people who stalk my posts by reading them and then later repete everything I have typed and bash it....

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Holy cow ya'll, CHILL OUT! I was simply sharing my knowledge of a lesser fat cake that I came across since we all know cake is not on the healthy menu!


Gathina, that is why I buy the REDUCED sugar cake mixes, so it's not as loaded as the regular. I don't care what the product is made out of; as long as it taste good to me and is not loaded with calories or fat, I'll eat it.

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Mrs.C05..that's exactly my point. Whatever tastes good to someone, tastes good to THEM. If I eat something out, most of the time it makes me vomit so I don't like how that feels so I don't eat it. The same way you pointed out, so aptly, that it tastes good to you. If someone likes what they eat out of a box, so be it. Nothing wrong with that if it works for them.


I guess in the end, the question we all have to ask is if what we are doing works for us. If it doesn't work, then it needs to be fixed. That, I think we can all agree on.


Thank you for being so undertanding!:)


Holy cow ya'll, CHILL OUT! I was simply sharing my knowledge of a lesser fat cake that I came across since we all know cake is not on the healthy menu!


Gathina, that is why I buy the REDUCED sugar cake mixes, so it's not as loaded as the regular. I don't care what the product is made out of; as long as it taste good to me and is not loaded with calories or fat, I'll eat it.

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If you don't like what I post, then don't comment.



My first AND second comment was not directed towards you. So maybe you need to read a bit closer.


This thread was exactly what Mrs. C05 said...a Diet Coke Cake :rolleyes:


You battle is your battle but please don't make a battle with me!


I'd be more understanding too you also..but I'M the one you bashed in this thread and everytime you post you add insult to injury.


This conversation on my part is over.

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I didn't bash anyone. I didn't call anyone names, and I offended no one. I think you are misinterpreting directness as being mean. That, I cannot be responsible for, how you feel. Keep in mind English isn't my first language so maybe that has something to do with it.


I have bigger fish to fry than have a battle with you missy :) And I say that kindly not to be mean.


Makes me want to go out and have a chocolate sundae..LOL


My first AND second comment was not directed towards you. So maybe you need to read a bit closer.


This thread was exactly what Mrs. C05 said...a Diet Coke Cake :rolleyes:


You battle is your battle but please don't make a battle with me!


I'd be more understanding too you also..but I'M the one you bashed in this thread and everytime you post you add insult to injury.


This conversation on my part is over.

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what the heck happened? Started reading this thread and thinking about my two cents to add and suddenly - time to duck!


anyway, my husband, bless his heart, has amended a lot of his fattening recipes toward lower calories and health (except his classic chocolate cake which cannot be messed with) and just thought i'd mention that he uses unsweetened applesauce wherever a recipe calls for marg or butter. can make a big difference to the calories and tastes good too!


have to get him to try that diet coke cake - after our coke plant workers are off strike that is!

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Just because something has less fat or less calories does not make it healthier. I'm with Gathina on this. Foods that are prepared from ingredients that don't list alot of things you don't know what they are are healthier for you.

Like Gathina I would rather have a fresh made cake than one from a box with diet pop.


But we are all allowed our own opinions. I have a friend that always feels alittle put out that I don't love her deserts. Sorry but as soon as I taste box cake I quit eating. They are not worth my calories. And yes I can tell the difference.


If you can't tell the difference then enjoy the box. I'm ok with it as long as I don't have to eat it.

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I read an article recently about the "fat free" cookies, etc. that made such a hit..but when they took out the fat they added more sugar..because the "fat" is really what gives the flavor. So then people ended up still getting and staying fat by assuming fat free meant you could eat more...consumers duped again! I wonder how the diet coke cake would taste..I've heard of that cake made with regular coke..this one might be worth a try. I've heard about the use of applesauce in the cake..there used to be this stuff you could buy made out of prunes to use as a subsitute for some of the ingredients...but that would be way to scary..LOL


A friend treated me to Cafe Chardonnay for lunch..I wanted pastas, etc..but behaved and had a greek salad with chicken and dressing on the side. I did cheat and eat a small wheat roll..I try to avoid breads as they go right to my tummy. We splurged and split a piece of carrot cake..like a giant piece..that was definately homeade..but it was way too rich and my tummy bothered me so I don't think I'll try that stunt again.


Kelly, how do you make a chocolate or strawberry angel food cake from scratch?? I've never had a flavored kind like that..could you make it with coconut extract?? Your friend feeling put out? Geez..that's too bad..I would just smile and say "maybe another time."



Just because something has less fat or less calories does not make it healthier. I'm with Gathina on this. Foods that are prepared from ingredients that don't list alot of things you don't know what they are are healthier for you.

Like Gathina I would rather have a fresh made cake than one from a box with diet pop.


But we are all allowed our own opinions. I have a friend that always feels alittle put out that I don't love her deserts. Sorry but as soon as I taste box cake I quit eating. They are not worth my calories. And yes I can tell the difference.


If you can't tell the difference then enjoy the box. I'm ok with it as long as I don't have to eat it.

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It's simple...


You make the cake or you don't!

She was telling you about it..that's

all.. not making you make it or eat it.


It's nice you want to talk about healthy

foods and eating. Just make it a NEW THREAD.

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Exactly. We were talking about a cake, and we were all offering our opinions on that and healthy eating so I'm not sure how the other poster got all offended as nobody directed anything at her.


Anyways, move on people..LOL:)


It's simple...


You make the cake or you don't!

She was telling you about it..that's

all.. not making you make it or eat it.


It's nice you want to talk about healthy

foods and eating. Just make it a NEW THREAD.

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I actually was not offended so I am not sure where you're getting that from. I just told y'all to chill out because I offered my thoughts on a Diet Coke Cake I came across and then it became an argument (or so I thought).

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Oh, I knew you weren't offened. I think someone else was. But it's not a big deal. How's the cake taste with the diet coke..is it very sweet compared to made with regular coke?


I actually was not offended so I am not sure where you're getting that from. I just told y'all to chill out because I offered my thoughts on a Diet Coke Cake I came across and then it became an argument (or so I thought).
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Mrs. C05, she's talking about me. ;)


And yes Gathina, I was a bit offended when you replied to my post that I quoted from Kim..because you made remarks about what I eat. I could go in depth about that but like you said...move on. :)

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hi Jesscap, glad to see you back and I hear where you're coming from....


wanted to ask you about a recipe you mentioned for brownies made with beans; combining the thing I love: chocolate, with the thing I need: protein (beans). Would love to HAVE to eat up the brownie for the sake of my health - lol.


I'm a neophyte at this business and hope this doesn't qualify as a "thread hijack" Mrs CO5. The etiquette involved in something like this can quite touchy I suppose....

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