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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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Celebrat-I have told you when I read your Mediterrean review, you are the best writer I've ever seen! Not only do you write with such enthusiasm and honesty, but you are not biased towards any one cruise line!!! I love that!!!!!!!!!!:):):)


I am thrilled that you loved Sapphire Beach in St Thomas (our favorite!!) and you wrote about Tortola! AN ABSOLUTE DREAM for us!!!


Thank you thank you thank you!


Apply for a family job at Travel Channel! You'll get it!!!!!:D


So, here's the thing. It's not just me that's unbiased towards any one cruise line. It's the whole family. And you know what that has done to us? It has made us rack up a whole bunch of cruises, but not enough on any one cruise line to be VIP or Platinum. UGH!


Off to go google job opportunities at the Travel Channel (yeah right!)



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I along with everyone else have enjoyed your review very much. I am doing this itinerary on the Freedom next July. I had no idea what the Baths were until we searched for pics on here. They are onour to do list.


I was able to find your Legend review.











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So, here's the thing. It's not just me that's unbiased towards any one cruise line. It's the whole family. And you know what that has done to us? It has made us rack up a whole bunch of cruises, but not enough on any one cruise line to be VIP or Platinum. UGH!


Off to go google job opportunities at the Travel Channel (yeah right!)




We're in the same situation. Over 20 cruises and only have benefits on Princess as it only takes 5 cruises to get to Platinium. With Carnival, we have lost credit for our very first cruise on the Mardi Gras. Those were the days before computers so no records kept. We have 6 with one line, 6 with another, 4 with one and then 1 with each of the others.


I wouldn't give up the variety for the program benefits though. I think we benefit from the different experiences of each line ( although they are more alike than different ....it's just a different experience ) Since most shows and menus are basically the same on the ships of each line, we benefit from seeing and eating something different on each line.:D

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Oh wow...thanks for the legend reviews...

but I wish we could see those pictures...I am hoping for a Celebrat Blog


I agree, the writing is interesting and it is fun, we feel like we know the family


I think it is kind of endearing the way your DH has almost NO clue where/what ship/what port/what to do ...he seems to have a good time while you do the planning :) The jeans and marshalls was really funny...and the "moldy shirts' LOL


I have to admit I read the MSC review....a line I have never had any interest in, but it was fun and you made it appealing even


maybe the cruiselines should be the ones to hire you rather than the travel channel

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I along with everyone else have enjoyed your review very much. I am doing this itinerary on the Freedom next July. I had no idea what the Baths were until we searched for pics on here. They are onour to do list.


I was able to find your Legend review.












Ok Sherrybaby412, find the other parts LOL. Apparently, there are more than 5 parts. You got me sucked into reading it and now need to finish reading all of it. LOL


Celebrat, still a nice read but miss seeing the pictures.

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LOL>> Sherry thanks for the tip..

Hey Celebrat...I hope you don't mind but I found your Glory review ...from 2005

much shorter than your new reviews..but still something to keep us going here




I find myself looking forward to the upcoming Celebrat review of the NCL Sky Mom and DS trip :) I feel like those people who await the new Harry Potter or Twilight book LOL

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Oh my gosh! You are quite the computer genius...and my hero! I'll have to take a look at the pics in my files, and see if I can figure out what went where.



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Hey Celebrat...I hope you don't mind but I found your Glory review ...from 2005

much shorter than your new reviews..but still something to keep us going here




I find myself looking forward to the upcoming Celebrat review of the NCL Sky Mom and DS trip :) I feel like those people who await the new Harry Potter or Twilight book LOL


Oh my gosh! You guys are too funny. Do I need to start worrying about someone digging through my trash to find discarded paper versions of my work? :rolleyes:


Really, I just write stuff down. Nothing earth-shattering or anything. My family makes it so easy, since they are quite silly and get into shenanigans frequently.



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So, here's the thing. It's not just me that's unbiased towards any one cruise line. It's the whole family. And you know what that has done to us? It has made us rack up a whole bunch of cruises, but not enough on any one cruise line to be VIP or Platinum. UGH!


Off to go google job opportunities at the Travel Channel (yeah right!)




We are in the same boat (pardon the pun). We skip around cruise lines for various reasons, and I have lost credits from when I first started cruising. While some of the benefits would be nice, I don't lose sleep over it.

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Off to go google job opportunities at the Travel Channel (yeah right!)



I think you should write a book but not a travel guide or review... I think you should write fictional childrens' storybooks about vacation adventures :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading your review!!

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OK.... (heavy sigh and eye roll from me). Here's the blog. Be warned, tough, that the last post is from early in the summer. And, there are several "dry spells" in the blog where I don't post for months. Pictures die out somewhere around 2007, due to a photo hosting site change. So, just use your imagination :p






I've actually got the rest of the Freedom review written, and may try to post some of it before work (LATE, LATE shift today). Otherwise, it will be tomorrow evening for more updates.



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It just hit me today....They're back and there has to be a review somewhere. Of course you didn't disappoint. I'm just through page one so far and looking forward to the rest. Hope you had a great cruise (I haven't peeked ahead yet, so I don't know).

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Thanks, again. I had posted earlier before the Tortola/Virgin Gorda part. I love the pics of The Baths, looks like such fun. I'll have to wait a couple of years to make that trip as my son is only 18 months and I think we would all enjoy it when he is a little older.


I have really enjoyed your review and will definitely be looking for the ones from your upcoming cruises! Thank you for taking the time to share with us. :)

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I wanted to just take a minute and tell you how you have eased my aching cruising heart. I have been on the cruise you are writing about 3 years ago on the Liberty. It was my favorite of all we have been on since. It will be 6 next year on the Carnival Dream. I am so sorry that you missed Antigua. That along with Tortola, (we were rookies and took the expensive ship tour) were two of my favorite islands. Thank you so much for taking so much time. And your children are beautiful! I wish I had known many years ago about the reasonable price of cruising when my children were young. :rolleyes:

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While I am looking forward to the last of your review; it's a lot like the last day at sea - I'll be sorry when it's over:(


We took the same cruise on the Triumph in 2008 and it was so amazing that we're booking it again! You've just reinforced that decision - thank you! I've really enjoyed your review and I hope you continue to share your reviews with us on your future cruises.

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Hi Celebrat -


Your reveiw last year ofthe Gem was so helpful to me that I wanted to write my own -we just got back last week. I finished it, using MS word, and there are pictures imbedded in the file, but I can't get them to download in the review. How did you do it? I tried to cut and paste them fro the pictures file on my computer, but that doesn't work either,


Thanks for your help.

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Hi Celebrat -


Your reveiw last year ofthe Gem was so helpful to me that I wanted to write my own -we just got back last week. I finished it, using MS word, and there are pictures imbedded in the file, but I can't get them to download in the review. How did you do it? I tried to cut and paste them fro the pictures file on my computer, but that doesn't work either,


Thanks for your help.


You will have to find an image hosting site.....photobucket, webshots, even walmart or such. Download your photos and link that way. There is no way for a public board to attach a photo from a private computer. Does that make sense?

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Wow, as others have said, GREAT review!!! We are going to be on the Freedom in 5 days for a Western Caribbean cruise and can't wait! Thanks so much for such a detailed review with awesome pictures. You have a beautiful family!!

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I fear the rest of this review will be a bit of a let down, with no more exciting tales of local adventures to share. The last two days of the cruise were Days At Sea, nothing but eating, sleeping, swimming, and relaxing.


None-the-less, here we go…


FRIDAY, the first DAY AT SEA


We sleep in. For real. No place to rush off to, no time constraints to have to live by. We get up at 9:30am.


DD takes a moment to enjoy the ocean view on our windowseat, with her menagerie of animals.





Breakfast at our aft table. Again, all alone. We have the entire 2nd floor to ourselves!


The kids go to Camp Carnival on a staggered time plan, with DD attending earlier than DS.


While DD is away, DS chooses to sit on the Deck 10 aft side deck with us to play video games while we read. Much like our secret buffet table, this deck also seems to be unknown to most people on the ship. Note the chairs at 10:30am in the morning. Chair hogs could go crazy here!





I am glad that DD is away at Camp, since she has been requesting that we play Hearts at every free moment. Finally, with her away, I can read! Ahhhh…


Both kids return from Camp with the artistically-colored Camp Carnival shirts, which is a traditional end-of-cruise activity for Camp. We have quite a collection of these shirts at home, and the differences in artistry in those shirts reads like a collection of yearbooks, ranging from scribbly 2-year-old art, to methodical coloring-within-the-lines of a 9-year old. I can’t bear to throw away the shirts they’ve since outgrown, and instead choose to keep them in a box in the closet, vowing to make some sort of whimsical blanket/throw out of them in the future.






The morning flies by, and too soon the time comes to pick up the kids from Camp.


Since we’ve spent so much time in our buffet, and the theme for the day was American, we decide to pass, and eat lunch in the Dining Room again. When we arrive at the Posh Dining Room, we are disappointed to be sat at the Captain’s Table, sans the captain. It is a huge table just inside the front doors. No nice water view. The table seats 12, so we find it very difficult to talk to anyone without shouting. Not an environment conducive for a pleasant lunch. I wonder, does the Captain dislike his table as much as we did?


We do, however, take a commemorative pic of our moment at the Captain’s table.





During the lunchtime chatter, DH ends up in a conversation with the woman next to him, and she shares that they visited the BATHS yesterday on the ship’s tour. DH politely asks if she enjoyed herself, and if she made it to the Cane Bay Beach, on the far side of the BATHS.


I nearly fall out of my chair at what happens next.


DH, who unbelievably remembers that the ship tour cost over $80, shares that we made our way to the BATHS via the local ferry and saved a ton of $$$. The woman asks how he knew the logistics of the ferry, and he says, “From Cruise Critic. It’s a forum my wife is active in. She plans out all of our cruises, and always spend a lot of time researching really neat things for us to do that cost waaaay less than a normal shore excursion.”


Excuse me while I pick myself off of the floor. But, DH just complimented me. WOW!


He then goes on to explain that Cruise Critic has a port-of-call board for each location, and that is where the insider info comes from. He closes out the conversation by telling the woman to check out the site when she gets home.


I secretly wonder if he doesn’t actually have his own secret username, and has been spying on me all along.


For dessert, I order the Terrine of Tropical Fruit. I wish I could have seen my face when it arrived, because it was not all what I expected. In my mind, it should have been a delicate glass full of exquisitely carved pieces of tropical fruit. In reality, it looked like an oversized piece of one of those Brach’s Pic-A-Mix candies. Don’t you think?





I didn’t enjoy it after having 2 bites, so opted to visit the buffet to see what’s offered there. Some sort of creamy mocha mousse. I have 2. EEK!

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After lunch, we spend the entire afternoon at the pool. Swimming, and sliding. Drinking a DOD. Eating ice cream. The usual. Can you spot DD in the pic below?




I even test out the slide, and can attest that it’s a very fast slide. Watch out for the splash landing into salt water at the bottom of the slide. Without properly preparing yourself, you get a nose-full of that awful water!





To make things a little more interesting, DD decides to forgo her pool toys in lieu of using 2 ice cream dishes. Kind of like that “Murphy’s Law” theory where the child enjoys playing with the box more than the actual toys itself.





Since we’ve had such a great day at the pool, and tonight is the 2nd formal night, we decide to skip it. Actually, I want to go. But, DH has been so good about doing everything I’ve “demanded” this week so far. So, I cut him some slack. This allows us to spend a few extra moments at the pool, since we don’t have to rush to get ready for dinner by 6pm. Sheepishly, I admit it’s nice as well.


Unfortunately, we quickly learn that we miscalculated the night that we should skip dinner, because the offerings on the buffet during dinner that night do not tempt us. At all. There is not a single thing that we want.


So, we hit the Deli. DH orders 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids, and 2 ham-n-cheese sandwiches for us. It was quite the non-dinner. And impressive to see all those sandwiches on one plate!





It goes against my Cruise Rulebook, eating from the Deli for dinner. Cruise food should always be fancy, and decadent. Not normal. Well, at least there are fancy stripes on the sandwiches.





I do have a complaint about the night-time buffet offerings: there are no fries available. Come on, isn’t it also a rule that if you eat a grilled sandwich, then you must also accompany it with fries, or chips? Sigh…we make do without the fries, knowing that we will soon be on land again, where fries ALWAYS come with a sandwich.

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We have an alarming moment at the buffet, when we discover, with food in hand, that our section of the upstairs buffet was CLOSED! Oh no!!!!!!!!!! Camp Carnival was up there, hosting a Kid Dinner, and had the stairs roped off.


We can’t sit downstairs. We just can’t. So, we bypass the roped off stairs and sneak into the OTHER side of the upstairs buffet, and fight off the hordes to snag a table. Actually, there was no one up there but us. Surprised?


We sit next to a window and get a unique double view. We could see the ocean while at the same time watch the jumpsuited workers hose off the deck immediately outside the windows. Fascinating stuff for the kids.





After dinner, which was later than normal, DH and DS ran off to the pool to watch the movie, while DD and I headed to the theater to catch “Ticket to Ride.” We walked in at exactly the right time and managed to snag front row center section seats. They are the best ever. Especially since the Finale of the show involves the Cast coming down into the audience and dancing with those sitting nearby (DD, of course).


“Ticket to Ride”, which is a show featuring the music of the Beatles, is a really fun show. Fun costumes, fun music, and fun glowsticks. The theater staff hands out small glowsticks during the last moments of the show, and the entire audience is asked to stand and wave them in sync to “Hey Jude.” It made for a neat atmosphere. DD is a glow stick fanatic, and can’t believe it when one of the theater hosts hands her 4 others to hold onto. BONUS!!





My favorite part of the show as also the Finale. Not for the glowsticks though. Rather, I just couldn’t help but laughing out loud at the poolside band, who made a guest appearance impersonating the Beatles and singing a live version of “Hey Jude.” They are Phillipino and Asian, and the sight of them wearing the Beatles wigs and glittery costume is hilarious.


The show closes out our day, and a towel animal welcomes us back "home to our cabin."






Perhaps it's a pig...or a Flying Nun turtle? Either way, the kids love it unconditionally.

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