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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. @Sea Dog Greg, loved your cruise review. Your reviews are always a pleasure to read and accompanied by such excellent videos and it was lovely to see you have such a great time with your cc friends. Soggy Dollar looked beautiful and the history of the painkiller was interesting. Glad they tasted so gooood. All the best for your 2nd knee op tommorrow.
  2. I see you posted an hour ago. Are you ok Lenny? Is there someone with you now? Hope your daughter is being taken care of at the hospital right now.
  3. I am stealing this idea for next year. Max is less likely to bark if we are away from the front door. Being almost summer though, I am going to swap your delicious apple cider idea with something refreshingly cool,
  4. Thank goodness cruises can still visit Mystery Island. Quantum was at Mystery Island yesterday and the weather was glorious.
  5. Due to the warm temps and daylight savings, the thing I have noticed when walking Max, is how many people have exercise bikes in their carports and use them when they get home from work.
  6. @jagsfan What a huge relief hearing those words from your oncologist. You need another cruise to celebrate the very good news
  7. @TravelGirlinDallas Congratulations to Andrew on being selected for the basketball team. I remember my son seemingly changing overnight with the big growth spurt & deep voice. Looks like Andrew will be just as tall as you both very soon.
  8. I noticed a big old spiderweb on the passenger side mirror of the Subaru outback on Friday afternoon. Meant to brush and spray it on Saturday morning but forgot. DH unintentionally solved the problem, when reversing into a very tight underground car spot next to a concrete pylon on Sunday lunchtime…. Mirror is actually intact and currently in the boot. Off to the mechanic at lunchtime today….
  9. @akcruz Congratulations on your wedding anniversary & thanks for sharing the photos of your time away to celebrate. Lovely photos.
  10. @A&L_Ont Congratulations to Owen & his team on a win! That Thai menu is awesome. Sausage sangers were the main canteen option during my son’s years of weekend sports. Does the photo you posted mean your jaw is improving?
  11. We have a large shed in our backyard where everything is stored in storage boxes. Our singular tree is stored in its original cardboard box. I take it out the day before we bring it indoors, set the tree up (without decorations) and spray it all over with bug spray, leave it overnight before bringing indoors. Don’t want any surprise spider decorations…
  12. Glad our Sydney weather has vastly improved from yesterday for all those excited Disney fans who will board at the OPT.
  13. Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but when I read Iron Dome I visualised an invisible dome shape above the city. Just did my research and realise it is a defence system that intercepts missiles and rockets built in 2011 and has had significant funding from the US Govt.
  14. We quite liked catching the cable car across to Roosevelt Island. Back when we visited the cost was included in the 7 day pass. Nice views from the island.
  15. This was the view from Top of the Rock back in 2015. I think the number of buildings in front has increased quite a lot since then.
  16. Stephen Graham is very good in anything he appears. The Israeli actress is good too. Now want to watch her previous show that she was in Unorthodox. Thanks for the recommendation for Bodies. Only up to episode 3 but wholly agree @bobmacliberty
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