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Posts posted by Lerin

  1. Yes I have done this and some of the information above is quite misguided


    I brought a handheld pump, soft-sided small cooler, ice packs and tons of breast storage bags.

    Arrived with the ice packs still frozen in the cooler, and asked the room steward for a tub for ice-explained what it was for. Not only did he bring the tub, but he supplied me with 2 more tubs of larger size and refilled the ice throughout the entire cruise. Right before we left we transferred the bags of milk to the soft sided cooler and then topped with ice packs and loose ice.

    We had an 8 hour drive and flight home, and arrived back with only about 3 bags(out of 40?) starting to melt-the rest of the milk was still solid ice; and good to use.


    Honestly, the most difficult part was dealing with TSA and having to dump water and get more ice at all the cafes in the airport. The cruise was the easy part.


    Oh I pumped in the cabin. Simplest this way, not only for privacy but then you can wash the pump easily. Took the pump to each of the ports, but ended up not needing to use it at those times. Probably would've tried to get ice to save the milk if I had pumped on excursions.


    Have a great cruise, worse case scenario is you pump and dump. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the supply you'll bring home ;)

  2. Probably same day.

    But for the Seuss brunch you register for a 1 hour time slot. While sea day brunch lasts until about 1. So you could have breakfast with the Cat in the Hat and then sea day lunch if you're still hungry.


    Some of you are really over-thinking this or are just "worriers".


    lol, I was thinking that too.

    For most people, unless you are bringing a few kilos of "medicine", nobody is going to give a flying flip about it.


    OP enjoy your cruise. It is smart to bring OTC medications with you as they charge an arm and a leg to buy it onboard.

  4. What a vague article. Where did this happen and was it really in the swimming pool? Quite odd for a crock to wander into a large pool(which I assume was being used by others?)


    Also the last line is quite confusing-maybe a poor translation?

    "“If it had been two meters it does not count,” said a source, who recalled that in that same beach club on December 22, 2016, firefighters came to capture a saurian that was in the same pool. "

  5. Hi.

    I really can't help too much with your situation, but for an extra ticket as I remember it was about $45/$50 for our preteen which included cabana usage and flying chair. Unsure about a baby. Best bet it to talk to the excursion desk when you get on the boat as unfortunately when you call the carnival line, they tell you the maximum per cabana is 4.


    Thank you, I will ask when we get onboard.

  6. We are thinking of getting a cabana at Mahogany Bay however have a group of 6. 2 adults, 2 children, 1 senior and 1 baby.


    The cabanas are priced for 4, but I've read in many places that you can pay an extra fee for more people. However, no one has mentioned what this extra fee is. Does anyone know? Also does the fee apply to the baby? When we got a Cabana at HMC they said the baby did not count as part of the 4.


    Thanks in advance.

  7. Depends on what you are looking for.

    For us, we are "beach" people and the GT cabanas are too far from the beach for our liking. We always get Cabanas at HMC and Roatan since they are just steps from the water.


    If you're pool people, or have someone in your group that must be in AC, a GT cabana may be worth it.

  8. Thank you again for the replies. we found some videos online of the place and it looks to be just fine. As of now, we are still going to do the excursion.

  9. We began taking our kids on cruises as soon as they were old enough (6 months) and have never regretted it.

    Cruising is among our best family memories. We prefer cruising to any other type of holiday(including staying at grandma's house). It's much simpler.


    Some tips:

    -Potty train! Then you don't need to worry about the pool issue

    -Use the empty bars during the day as spaces for him to run off steam

    -Consider a different cruise/ cruiseline. RC and Disney offer services for the under 2 set as well as pools if they are still in diapers.

    -Consider cruising later: Carnival has free daycare for 2-year olds

    -Continue reading here for hints and tips(and tell the child's parents too as well)


    What a wonderful experience, have fun!

  10. We always brought an umbrella stroller until about age 3-4. They sometimes sell them in ports, usually dirt cheap, but why waste time looking when you can just bring it from home?

    You may find the stroller gets more use on the ship than on land.

  11. We have always booked our crises through the Cruise line,but thought we would try a TA this time. The price she quoted was the same as the line. Is this the usual way? Al


    Yes, this has been our experience with using a TA once and shopping around TAs a few times. We always get the best deals by booking ourselves.


    FYI: There are a lot of TAs that post here on CC ;)

  12. It depends on the sailing, how many kids are on board, and who is in charge of camp.

    Once in awhile they will combine groups, but that is usually during off season cruises.

    You're going in prime sailing season. You can ask, but be prepared for the answer to be no.

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