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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning and thank you for the Fleet and Daily Report. It's supposed to warm up to 3°C (37°F) this afternoon, the snow will start to melt. An interesting collection of days. I like the quote. The meal sounds good, but I'm going to make a turkey pot pie with the leftover turkey. I'm sure the drink and wine will be tasty too. We've never been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  2. Send it my way, I'll drink it. 🙂 I wouldn't want it to go to waste.
  3. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Another snowy day here. We've got a snow squall warning. If you like snow, move here. If you like cuddling with your sweetie because you can't go anywhere, move here. My sweetie loves fruitcake, I don't, but I make him one every year. Love the quote. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for today's meal. I hope the drink and wine are tasty. Prayers for everyone who needs them. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful day, stay safe.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We celebrate Boxing Day in Canada with big sales in the stores. Unsold Christmas cards, wrapping paper, etc have their prices reduced. But I'm staying home because I don't need anything else. Boxing Day is considered a holiday in Ontario with many businesses closed. Businesses that are open pay employees time and a half to work today. We've got lots of snow. Jim measured the snow in the driveway when he got the snowblower out yesterday and we had about 80cm (31in) of snow at the garage door. More snow in the forecast for today. Love the quote. I'll pass on the meal but would love the drink and the wine. I haven't been to today's port, but would love to. Prayers for everyone. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Stay safe.
  5. You must have been very good to get a cruise for Christmas. 😉 I've never taken this cruise, but I'd like to. I just want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
  6. @bennybearSo glad to hear the dog is safe. @Seasick SailorLove that picture, he's a gem.
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate. Happy No L Day. I love pumpkin pie but I didn't make one for today. Love the quote. The meal sounds good, but we're having turkey. I'm sure the drink and wine will be good too. I've never been to today's port, but I'd love to go. The blizzard has ended but we have a snow squall warning for today. The power has stayed on 🙂. It's still very windy, but not as bad as yesterday. We're warm and happy to be inside today, and thankful for all we have. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  8. Thanks for taking us along, I look forward to reading all about it. Have a wonderful time.
  9. Good morning and thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report. The blizzard continues. The wind is howling and the snow continues to fall, although it doesn't come straight down, it's horizontal. They pulled the snowplows off the road around 5pm yesterday, they'll be back out when the sun comes up. Provincial highways and county roads in our area are closed. We've been lucky with the power, it's gone out a few times but only for a few seconds each time. Fingers crossed it doesn't get any worse today. Stay home and stay safe.
  10. @kochleffel Happy Birthday! 🎂 @StLouisCruisers Glad your test was negative. Safe travels.
  11. The temperatures are falling. Rain has changed to snow and the wind has picked up.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Still raining and 1°C in Bruce County. We've got a Blizzard Warning. High winds and lots of snow expected starting later today. Temperatures will start to fall soon, down to -9°C (16°F). We could get up to 50cm (20inch) of snow by Sunday. We're staying in and hoping the power stays on. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We've got a Winter Storm Watch. A big bad storm is forecast starting tomorrow and continuing into the weekend. A flash freeze, high winds and snow. I feel sorry for anyone travelling, good thing my hubby and I are staying home. I salute mathematics and I give cookies to friends and family. Great quote. I'll pass on the meal. I haven't been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  14. Bah Humbug! I hope you get this figured out and it isn't serious.
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