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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Another cold day here. Currently it's -14°C (6°F) and we've got more snow falling. Bertie and I will go for a short walk and then I'm staying in! I've got some short ribs to put in the slow cooker for dinner tonight. Great collection of days. We love tortilla chips. I didn't have a paczki this year, wish I did. A big thank you to bartenders, especially those on BHBs. I heard it's also "I hate cilantro day!". That's my day too. Great quote. I'll pass on the meal for today, but I'll probably save the recipe for another day. I'd love a Paloma, hope the wine is good too. We were in today's port many years ago, I'd like to go back. Prayers for our world, so many need them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful Friday. Stay safe.
  2. Lucky (?) you. My DH just came in from clearing the driveway, he had to use the snowblower, it's heavy and deep. But at least we didn't get freezing rain up here, just lots of snow.
  3. @JazzyVSo sorry to hear about your BFF's uncle. Prayers for the family.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. The storm is (mostly) over although we will get a bit more snow and maybe some freezing drizzle. Jim and I will get the snowblower and shovels out later. We were lucky, the power stayed on.🙂 Bertie Woofster knows that everyday is dog biscuit appreciation day. I am not a tennis player. Digital learning is very important, and I think there was a lot of it during the pandemic when schools were closed. Love the quote. Erma had quite a wit. I'll pass on the meal, not sure I can handle the cocktail but I'm willing to try the wine. I've never been to today's port. @StLouisCruisers thanks for the wonderful pictures. Beautiful flowers. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  5. @marshhawk Sending you hugs at this difficult time. So sorry that Neko is suffering.
  6. Where are you from? Different rules for citizens of different countries.
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We've got a winter storm warning. A big bad storm is heading our way, ice pellets, freezing rain and lots of snow starting later today. I hope the power stays on. Interesting collection of days. Happy Birthday Mr Washington. I'm usually humble. I love the quote. I'll pass on the meal. Hope the drink and wine are tasty. I think we were in Djupivor several years ago on the Ryndam. I'll look for pictures. Prayers for many. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful Hump Day. Stay safe.
  8. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Another cold day for us, no big deal, it's winter. An interesting collection of days, I guess I should make pancakes. 🙂 I save special cards from special people. Good quote. The meal sounds good. I'll take the drink, but pass on the wine. We've never been to today's port. Thanks for the pictures. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Welcome back Sandi. It may be President's Day in the US, but it's Family Day here in Ontario. I'm not sure what the holiday is called in other provinces, but it's a good excuse for a day off in the winter. I'm not a big fan of cherry pie and I wish that shouting "Hoodie Hoo" would chase away the winter blues. Love the quote, so true. Not sure about the meal, I'll wait until I see the recipe. I'm sure I'll like the drink, hope the wine is good too. We've been to Amsterdam a couple of times. but not to IJmuiden. Thanks for the pictures. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful Monday. Stay safe.
  10. Not sure if it was me or not, but that's what I do. Glad your orchid is flowering.
  11. @grapau27 So sorry to hear that a friend of Sarah's passed. Give her a hug from me.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. I love the days - you had me at chocolate. 🙂 A big salute to "girl vets". Thought provoking quote. The meal sounds good, but I think I'll make stroganoff. I'll pass on the drink, but I'll have the wine. I haven't been to today's port. It should get to 5°C this afternoon, with a bit of sun. Quite a nice day for February here. Bertie and I will head out for a short walk soon. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  13. @Seasick Sailor Love the photos. The little fellow is really cute.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Saturday Fleet and Daily Report. An interesting collection of days. I appreciate batteries, somedays mine needs to be re-charged. Every day is Drink Wine Day! 🙂 Save the whales! Interesting quote, it sounds unfinished. I think Woody Allen said "I'm not afraid of death, I just doesn't want to be there when it happens. Someone else said "I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of time". I also remember "I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of dying" Thought provoking quote no matter how you finish it. The meal sounds good for a cold winter's day. Looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure my hubby would like the drink. I hope I'll like the wine. I've never been to today's port, thanks in advance for pictures. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. We had snow overnight, the plows have already been out. I think we'll have to get the snowblower and shovels out later. We ran errands yesterday, so don't have to go out today. 🙂 Random acts of kindness should be everyday. I did my good deed yesterday by helping a lady put a big bag of flour in her grocery cart - I hope someone helps her when she gets home. A big salute to caregivers. It's important to keep up with science advancements and research. Love the quote. I'll pass on the meal, not sure about the drink but hope the wine is tasty. I haven't been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. Stay safe.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Just got back from running errands, got groceries, picked up the mail and filled the car with gas. We got snow and ice pellets in this afternoon's forecast, so we're ready to stay home. We haven't cut the cord yet, but the with the price rising, we may. I try to do a favour to the grouch (aka DH) every day.😉 I'm not an innovator, but thank those that are. Interesting quote. The meal sounds great, wish I'd seen it before I went to the grocery store because I don't have any heavy cream, but I will make that recipe soon. Thanks. I'll pass on the drink. Wish I could afford the wine. We were in Barcelona several years ago, hope to go back someday. Great picture of the Northern Lights Graham. We saw them a few years ago not far from home, but we were so busy staring at the sky we didn't think to snap any pictures. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  17. @Lady HudsonPlease brag about your DH anytime. He sounds like a wonderful person.
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