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Posts posted by trudle

  1. Well, let's see:

    • The weather here in L.A. is getting cooler; we're still breaking out in random fires, hopefully that will stop as we slowly, very slowly eek our way into winter.
    • The Dodgers are making us all smile as we watch them play their hearts out!
    • I have 5 more Saturdays until I cruise to Hawaii with my beautiful daughter.

    I wish you all a safe and happy weekend :*

    Hi Roz, how nice to be going to Hawaii, I loved it there. Sounds like you are well. I have three more Saturday's and I go sailing. Have a wonderful weekend. Trudy

  2. Quite honestly, the cruise lines don't want bad press. They know that Cruise Critic carries weight amongst the buying public. Would I share with all of you something negative that happened aboard a cruise, you bet!


    The general public may not have a Service Dog but they sure wouldn't want to hear about a cruise line that treated a dog badly! Most folks like their dogs way more than the humans in their lives!


    I must tell you, how you and your dog are treated from the moment you enter the ship until you leave depends a lot on YOU!


    You learn to treat all of the folks who you will depend on for help with great respect. I always bring extra dollars along to share with the housekeeping staff who go out of their way to make me and my dog comfortable. I tip the dining staff who show concern and care for me and Horton as we look for the perfect table, and the staff who help me to find that seat in the lounge or theatre. The bar staff who greet Horton and I with a big smile and come over to talk to him and assist me. Some folks will not accept the offer of a tip but they sure appreciate the thought. The photographer who goes out of his way to take a picture of Horton, whether it be on embarkation, formal night or just him wearing a special scarf, I spend hundreds on these pictures and show them off at home and at work.


    I appreciate all of them and can easily overlook the very few who could care less!


    It's one of the reasons I love cruising so much, it's not a tedious job to travel with my SD onboard a cruise ship.

    HI Roz and Horty, it has been a long time. Hope both of you are well. I'm good and think of you both often.

  3. That's great Horton.


    I have to tell you a story I just was told. One of the girls I paint with has some kind of a problem, her legs give out and she falls down. Stress usually helps it happen. Well anyway, she was doing something at her church and she felt herself falling. She yelled out for someone to catch her, so she didn't hit the floor to hard. They caught her and sat her down on the floor. What she didn't notice was a service dog in the church,of course with whoever he was helping. Well, Dorothy said that service dog came over to her and sat by her side till she could get uppe and could move around again. A service dog helping a stranger.:D

  4. Hi and Happy's Day.


    Yes I am here, don't know where the time goes to. I have been busy, doing what?????? The time sure does fly.🏄 I have peeked here a couple of times. Hope everyone is doing great and the fur babies too. I didn't get to read all the news. The summer has gone so fast, we are getting ready to head to Homosassa soon. I don't remember if I told you I had a great Art Show. In February's won three ribbons. That sure made me happy.


    Just wanted to say hi and I think of,all of you often. I just don't find the time to get on here lately. Pepper,my dog,is coming along nicely but she is a lot of work, much more then I remembered about having a young dog. She does give us a laugh or two every day.


    Take care everyone.

  5. Thought I better check in and wish you all a HAPPY TURKEY DAY.


    I have been lurking here really quickly, don't find the time to sit and enjoy. Pepper sure keeps me busy. Does anyone have an idea how to keep her from eating so FAST. I put her food in a cupcake pan, so she slows down a little. I need some puppy training. :eek: She surely has us trained. lol


    We are back in Barefoot Bay now, for a few months. And in a couple of weeks we go on a cruise.


    Today I am not feeling so good, coming down with a cold, I think. As long as it is gone in two weeks.


    Love reading all your news and I love the ladle idea. It sure is hard trying to get it in sandwich bags. :D


    Keep well every and enjoy your holiday and stay happy and safe.



  6. Hello everyone!



    Seems like forever since I've been here. Hope everyone is doing well and the fur babies too. Not that I don't think of you,life has been so busy. Having this one year old puppy has sure kept me busy. I forgot how much time they take. When we go back to Barefoot Bay, I want to put pepper in training class, she is so active, I need help with a few things. She is a sweet dog but doesn't come when you call. She also eats way to fast that I put her dry food in a cupcake pan, so she doesn't ear so fast. And she likes the last word. She loves to run, so we do that every day and I have to make sure I stay out of her way, sometimes she gets too close and will run into me and that's not good for this old lady.😱


    I do have a couple of cruises to look forward too. One in December and one in January. I wanted Feb. but that didn't work Wexey.💕💕💕

    Enjoy your weekend everyone

  7. Good Morning All !


    Happy Birthday Morey====Roz, just hve a great remembering day with your children.


    As I sit here reading your stories of the fur baby's eating their toys, Pepper, my new baby, is running around the house with her rabbit. She too wants to chew up her toys but so far we have her not doing that and just playing with them. She also has taken over the cats toys. The cats are still hiding under the bed. We had Pepper only a few days and she came down with a cough, turns out she has Kennel cough. so she is on Meds and doing fine. We didn't plan on having a baby but it seems she is less then one yr old, so we are in training and I have been reading these threads to get some ideas. It has been so long since I had a pup. :eek: Right now she has settled down and is sleeping in the cat bed.


    Everyone have a great day and keep the stories coming, I love them. Big hugs to all the fur babies.

  8. Hello and hope all is well with all of you and your fur babies. Loved the pictures. I have been lurking but seem to have no time to sit and chat. One day I sat and had a long note but just before I could send it the electric went out and the note went, who knows where.

    We have been busy here visiting new doctors___we will eventually be moving to Homosassa, so those things need to be done. Then I had some eye problems that are fixed now. So every day we were running somewhere.

    NOW for some good news we have adopted another dog.I tried to post a picture but couldn't do it. Sorry to say,we couldn't wait for CCI . we adopted a Catahulla. Not sure what her age is but we think under a year old. She has so much energy, I was pooped for the first few days. She is almost house broken____eekkkkkkkkk_______I didn't plan to have such a young dog but I loved her from the first time I saw her. We named her Pepper because she has so much black on her Brindle body. When in can figure out how to post a picture fROM this Nexis 7,I will.

    Take care everyone.

  9. Nancy, why the avatar of Brenny? WHY?


    Its not Nancy that has the avatar of Brenny it is mrluckycharms. And yes, why does he have it.


    Hope all is well with everyone and their furry girls and boys.


    I wrote a long note the other day and just about when I finished the electric went out===for just a second=====and of course, when the lights came on, the note was gone and I didn't feel like writing this long note again.


    Nancy, you are so funny. I love reading your notes. Wish I were clever with words. :rolleyes:


    fairbourne, So sorry to hear about your kitty, hope she is doing better. Prayers going your way. so happy to hear that Aruba is doing good.


    Rose====we had to bring her back to where she was living. She was just so unhappy here, no matter what we did for her. She was so happy to get back to where she lived, she needed the company of the other dogs that they had.

    She stayed there for another couple of weeks and now she has a new home that has another dog to keep her company, so I hope she stays happy. We felt so bad to bring her back but I think we did the right thing, for her. She seems to be happy now. So I am happy for her. Soon we will look for another dog. CCI had a couple of release dogs but they were, in ways, like Rose, so we didn't look into them.


    Well I have to run. take care everyone. And have a great week.

  10. Cindy======I found you e mail---sent an answer.


    Roz----thank you so much. Glad Brenny was a good likeness, I tried hard to make it that way. And yes, Rose will have a good home----hopefully she will come around and be a more happy dog. I do see a change in her already, some good and some bad (she is afraid of lightening and I am sure the fireworks will bother her also.) She was so funny getting into the cats bed last night. This morning she took the toy away from the stray cat, that visits and took it our on the grass. So, I took it from her to see if she would chase it and SHE DID. All of three times and she does sit before I give her her dinner and she gave me her paw once. :) So, all of that is good.

    Have a good evening everyone and a Happy 4th. Don't eat too many hot dogs.


    bye for now.

  11. Good Morning ,

    We had our first trip out with Rose-----had to go get her a shot. She did good in the car but then didn't want to get out. She was a real good girl. But last night was different-we had a bad storm and she didn't like that at all. She ran and got in the cat's bed--she sure looked funny----47lbs in a little cat bed.


    Hope all of you have a great day---back to my painting---I have been slacking off.

  12. I guess having a dog that wanted to "p" every hour, for 13 years---this twice a day didn't seem right to me. But thanks---I will not be so worried now. Rose is a black mouth cur and possibly something else, they really don't know for sure. She is a sweet girl and I wish I knew how to get the puppy back in her, if only for a short while. she sure is a challenge, so far. But she does sit, when I tell her, so that is good. She is gentle with other animals and I like that. Today, the stray cat, that has a home, but visits here every day-----came running to us this morning when we went outside and Rose and the cat said hello to each other.


    You all make me laugh---you are so good with your words-----have a good day everyone.


    Cindy-----did you make your plans yet? Let me know, I sure wouldn't want to miss your visit.


    Happy 4th Every One and have fun and be safe.

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