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Posts posted by trudle

  1. I also bought a ring at DI a few years back. Never used the ring but three times and I noticed one stone missing. To cut a long story short---it cost me about $100 to get a new tiny stone and lots of letters back and forth. Don't think I would buy another one there. At another port, I went to another jewelry store and bought a ring, have had no trouble in 6 yrs with any of the stones.

  2. Well, I just had to write a note to all of you and say, Thank You. I too thought the Atkin diet was not good but find that you get your share of Veggies and fruits also. I started two weeks ago and have lost about 5 or 6 lbs already. I am trying to make this a way of life, from now on. And I did eat a sweet or two along the way. I am finding that I have more energy this last week. I don't do a lot of exercise but hope to start riding my bike more often. I walk the golf course once a week but it is getting hot now and I will have to ride---I live in Florida and can't do the heat anymore.


    I have been reading this Thread and that has helped me to get started on this weight loss. I want to get down another 15 lbs. or more.


    I will drop in from time to time but will still read the Thread.



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