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Posts posted by trudle

  1. Trudy,Trudy,Trudy, I was getting worried about you. I'm so sorry you have alot of stress in the past month or so. It seems like a good time for a cruise. I don't like seeing everyone on here so sad. It makes me sad too. When is your cruise? The 12th?



    Hi Cindy,


    The cruise is the 11th, out of Tampa. We are going to Tampa the night before, so we start our vacation early.


    Good luck with getting the ok for another dog. I think we will probably take the dog, if CCi should ever call. The 6 month time that was given to us is June, so we will see. My sons dog has the same expressions as Wex and he is so calm too. We offered to take him, but my son wouldn't go for it.


    Stress is almost gone. Things are coming around and we are able to do some fun things. Saturday, we are going over to my sisters for a visit. And Sunday maybe, out to dinner with a couple of friends.


    Roz----sending good vibes for you. You should be ready to cruise by Sept., it would do you a world of good to get away. I am sure Murey would want you to go. I know it is hard to think about it now but by Sept., hopefully you will be ready to go.


    fairbourne----things are getting better and thanks for your thoughts and wishes.


    Have a good weekend everyone.

  2. I have Horton who supplies me with lots of love and more than enough comic relief!!!!


    Roz----I think Horton was just trying to get your mind on something else, when he chewed up the bed. Sorry but I had to laugh too.


    Roz---hope that your days are getting better and your nights not so bad. The love that you have from those fur balls sure should help. I am sending a big hug to you too.


    Cindy----thats great if you can get the second dog. I am sure Wex will love it and you and John also.


    Hello to all the rest of you. I have been distracted these past couple of weeks and things are coming together. I am so looking forward to this up coming cruise and all I want to do is rest. It has been stressfull here too. I have to go back and read some of the threads, I haven't had the time to do that.


    Take care everyone and I am thinking of you even tho I haven't been on here.


    Keep well everyone.



  3. This has been one stressful week!!! We went to CT for a family lunch yesterday. Our town, which borders two of the towns in lockdown, was like a ghost town. No cars, no people. I was hoping they caught the bomber before we got back but they didn't. It was a long night until they got him! I have never been through something like this before and never want to again. We are mentally wiped out! Lets all pray for peace.


    Through all this horror, I'm still thinking about you Roz. *hugs*


    So glad they caught the bomber and you are safe. Thought about you for the last two days and hoped you were not in the race or watching it.


    Roz---sending hugs today and thinking of you. Have a good day.

  4. Just dropping in to say Hi and spread Hugs around to all that need them. Things are getting settled here but hard to believe that Mae isn't here. Ed and I are staying at her house for now and trying to get things settled. We are enjoying the time away from home and we went home to bring our cats up here with us----now we all have a vacation home to come to once in awhile.


    Roz---I know it is hard but you will get through it with the help of the fur babies and your friends and family. Wish I were closer so I could baby sit for you. Do go on your cruise, I know Morey would want you to do that. He might even be on this one with you. Just take it a day, at a time. Time helps to heal. Hugs and thinking of you.


    Cindy===terrible that John had to go through the operation, just to find out it was an infection that was causing this pain. Mickey D's, next time I will know where to go. :D


    To everyone else---hugs to you too and have a great weekend.

  5. Sending hugs Roz and may your day get brighter with each passing hour.


    Thanks to all of you for sending good wishes and I am sure Mae is with the Angels. Hospic did such a wonderful job of keeping her without pain or stress and did the same for the families. They made it so much easier for me and all the other families. They even provided our meals and that sure was a help.


    For those planning a cruise or going, have a great time.


    Good wishes and hugs for those I might have forgotten.

  6. Roz---so sorry to hear of your loss----the tears are running and I know just how you feel, lots of hugs going your way and Know Morey is not suffering any longer-----my friend passed away on April 12 at 3:24am.

    Prayers and hugs coming your way and I will thinking of you on Sunday when you have your service. Mae isn't having any. Her ashes will be going to where her mom and dad are. she has no family, so I am so glad that I could be with her till the end. Stay strong Roz and take care of yourself too. Hugs to your family too.



    Barbara---Bella looks like she will keep you busy.


    Cindy----hugs to you and John, that his recovery from his surgery is speedy. Hopefully he will be up and about within a day or two. Hugs to Wex.


    Thanks everyone for you wishes.

  7. Just a note to say Hi to all of you and hope that all is well.

    Roz----Hope Morey is doing better.


    I am up in Homosassa. I came up last week to see a friend and when I got here, they had just taken her to the hospital, she had a stroke. So, I have been running back and forth from my sons to Hospice. they don't think that she is going to make it. We had so many things to do, when I visited, now I sit and keep her company for most of the day.

    Prayers are still headed to all of you that need it and I am thinking about you. Now we need some prayers for Mae.


    Cindy---My sons dog makes me think of Wex---same kind of dog but brown and also so sweet. Not a service tho. Any word of Johns surgery yet?


    Just wanted to say, don't have much time for the computer tho.

    Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of all of you.



  8. Here's an article John did for a journalism student. One link has the story and one has pictures. Hopefully you will be able to read it, sometimes the site wants you to sign up so let me know.



    Glad I am not the only one in tears. :D Great story and the pictures were great. I just love that Wex. He must get so much joy being with the children, he is such a loveably boy. Hope that John is feeling ok Cindy----sending you hugs and good thoughts too.


    Roz----glad to hear things are getting better and Morey is on his was to recovery. I know it will be a long road but we all send hugs, and wishes and prayers to help both of you to get through this quickly.

  9. It's the February 7th one. As we know John likes to extend the school vacation so when we get back he has the week off. ;)


    Boy Carnival is sure having it's problems.


    Yes, Carnival sure is having the problems these past few months. It can happen to any of the ships. I know it is bad for some and probably worse for those that have service dogs. But sometimes you have to take the lemons along with the good things. We were on that ship twice and just keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't happen on the Freedom in October. This will be our third time on Freedom. After October, I hope to do another HA cruise but not sure when that will be.


    Having our end of the yr. picnic for the Art Club today and tomorrow, I am in a Craft Show. So have a good weekend everyone and talk to you on Monday.


    It was 48 degrees here this morning and that is not Florida weater.:eek:


    Hi Wex---Pat=Pat

  10. See that you booked your cruise for 2014-----I love your count down clock.


    We booked a cruise for October----going with my son and daughter in law. It is their 10 Anniversary----so we wanted to celebrate with them.


    I like the puppy raiser thing, but I don't think I could give the puppy back. :eek:


    Hope you have a great time on your cruise Roz.


    Hope all of you have a great week. Rainy here today and we need it.

  11. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday,

    Up early this morning----just couldn't go back to sleep----too many things running through my head. :eek: Hope all of you have a great day.


    Saw a wonderful program last night on TV----it was about the training of the CCI dogs, in California. Also a similiar training program and they seemed to be training together. It is so wonderful that these dogs allow men and woman to be able to go out on their own and move away from home and have a life. They even showed, a little yorkie, that was able to tell her master when her sugar was getting low.

  12. Good Morning All,


    Just stopping in to say Hi and all have a good week.


    I just love this thread-------and your furr babies. It is wonderful that you can take your service animals with you and I think you are the hero's also-----you have to do so much to be able to take them with you. But I love that they can go with you on trips and make your travels wonderful. And I had the wonderful experience of meeting Wex and of course Cindy, John and Lee on my last cruise. :D


    Enjoy your week

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