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Everything posted by notamermaid

  1. The river level at Koblenz peaked around midnight and all gauges up to Cologne now show declining figures, with Cologne at its peak now. The situation will ease further. As of now it looks like the coming rain will keep levels up relatively high and possibly cause another wave. This may or may not be as high as this one, we cannot say yet what exactly will happen in the Upper Rhine valley. It is Whitsuntide and a typical time for Kirmes (church fete) celebrations. These usually have fairground rides and unfortunately along the Rhine the meadows and embankments are often used for those. So in Mondorf near Bonn a small Kirmes needed to be moved due to the flooding. In other news, camping areas along the Rhine are often flooded and again at Koblenz on the Moselle side, many tents and mobile homes had to be moved. While they are used to doing that for the winter, it is not a standard occurrence in May. notamermaid
  2. The river level is going down well, Trier gauge now shows 721cm. Cochem peaked around lunchtime yesterday. Koblenz looks to have peaked, too. The situation will ease further, but rain is forecast for tomorrow. notamermaid
  3. Aahh! How lovely. I so much enjoyed my holiday there quite a few years ago. My favourite place is probably Siena. notamermaid
  4. No problem. It appears that our esteemed host has already been fiddling with the delete button. notamermaid
  5. I do not think I could watch a video. A few reports also remind readers of the tragic accident in Budapest a few years ago. Of course, I did not need to be reminded and quite frankly did not want to be reminded. I so hope there will be at least a bit of good news coming from Budapest in the next hours. notamermaid
  6. Okay, now that is highly unusual - there are four Viking river cruise ships in Koblenz: Only three names are visible, the Viking Lif is obscured but as the blue shape visible next to the Einar. I do not think I have ever seen the Rhine dock so busy (not that I look every day), there are also ships on the Moselle side but as we know the Moselle is flooding so some ships may just have to wait in Koblenz until the situation eases and they can proceed through the first lock notamermaid
  7. Could not resist having a look at the river while out and about today. It certainly has risen fast and is an unappealing colour. Unfortunately more rain is forecast, it could be heavy so will keep the Saar high and the Rhine busy. Maxau gauge is unlikely to fall below 600cm for a few days. Kaub will now likely peak during the night Monday into Tuesday and after a drop will remain over 300cm for some time. notamermaid
  8. It appears as such, judging from the ship signal. Hungarian online reports show damage to the hull. The ship name has not been officially disclosed, though, and the circumstances remain a little unclear. The MS Heidelberg has just left Komarom. It is a river cruise port used by German ships on some standard itineraries. The ship by the way is just over 109m long, so some reports say 110m. notamermaid
  9. Everything I could possibly post tonight pales in the light of the tragic accident. But I will just quickly say that the German Danube is indeed doing better than the Rhine and the river has only risen a little. The weather tomorrow should be nice and sunny but Tuesday is forecast to bring rain. notamermaid
  10. While it is a little unclear as to what happened exactly, the incident is treated as a crash between a 110m river cruise ship and the pleasure boat. The river cruise ship is sailing under Swiss flag, with damage to its hull and according to German newspapers via Hungarian publications is the MS Heidelberg, although the police report does not disclose the name. The MS Heidelberg has just left Komarom. notamermaid
  11. The Moselle does look a bit fierce and brown with debris and sand at Koblenz. Screenshot from the webcam: Viking - three ships of the company. What a busy place Koblenz is. The webcam: https://www.feratel.com/webcams/deutschland/koblenz.html Rhine river level still rising at Koblenz. notamermaid
  12. Trier gauge is now at 833cm, the situation should further ease during today so that likely we will see figures under 800cm by midnight. The peak of this wave is just passing through Cochem. Do have a look at the webcam at Koblenz, you can see the force of the rivers at Deutsches Eck, with the Moselle "ferociously" draining into the Rhine, the Moselle rather brown compared to the larger river. https://www.feratel.com/webcams/deutschland/koblenz.html Oh, and busy with river cruise ships at the dock. notamermaid
  13. There has been a tragic accident on the Danube. A pleasure boat collided with a river cruise ship last night. It happened near Veröce at the Danube bend upstream from Budapest. Two are dead and five are missing. A river cruise ship allegedly involved has been stopped at Komarno. Please be aware that police may be in the area looking for survivors. notamermaid
  14. Just read the German headlines. Two dead and five missing in a collision of boats 30km North of Budapest. Awful. It appears that a "Hotelschiff", that is a river cruise ship, was involved. A damaged ship of that kind was stopped at Komarom. The investigations are ongoing: https://www.20min.ch/story/ungarn-5-noch-vermisst-bootskollision-auf-der-donau-fordert-zwei-tote-103109048 notamermaid
  15. Here she is, the Porto Mirante of Scylla, mainly sailing for Riviera Travel. Unusual here is the fact that the ship was christened in Düsseldorf and will now be transferred to her future home, the Douro: https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/river-cruising/rivieras-porto-mirante-named-dusseldorf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZCBJBAczf0 Save travels to her always. notamermaid
  16. I have just noticed that the Viking Alsvin is docked in Engers, a highly unusual stop for the company. Could it be to due with the high level of the Rhine and especially the Moselle or is it a normal itinerary? If anyone knows I would be interested to read about it. There is a "Viking invasion" at Koblenz as all the docking areas are busy with ships of varying companies and Viking is present there with three (!) ships tonight. Avalon Waterways stops at Engers and offers a concert I believe. The palace is a venue for classical chamber music. notamermaid
  17. There is a severe weather warning for the area North of Munich and nearby areas of Bavaria are seeing thunderstorms. The Danube has risen but not as much as expected for today. It may rise further into tomorrow but as of now it looks all rather uneventful compared to the Rhine. notamermaid
  18. Update. Much of the huge amount of rain has hit the Saar and its tributaries so that water will drain into the Rhine via the Moselle. The Nahe drains into the Rhine at Bingen, the forests have given that tributary quite a bit of water. But the Neckar is also now draining into the Rhine a lot so are the smaller tributaries coming from the left around Speyer. One example: It just all adds up. Maxau gauge peaked at 708cm during the afternoon. It will go down fast, but then probably stall and stay at a relatively high level, very likely above 600cm. For those new to the topic - Maxau is here nearly Karlsruhe, currently a yellow dot: Kaub will rise all through tomorrow and peak not before Monday afternoon. It is likely to stay under flood mark I. Koblenz has just reached flood mark I, Andernach will during the night, Cologne early in the morning. River traffic bans are issued at flood mark II. The river is far away from that. notamermaid
  19. The Moselle at Trier peaked at 960cm (!) late this afternoon and is now on the way down. This means the level is still rising at Cochem and the wave is also reaching Koblenz. The peak at Cochem should be early on Sunday (around 6am). Trier will not return to normal before Monday lunchtime (that is where the forecast ends). notamermaid
  20. The "proper" rain is indeed strangely absent from the East and the Czech Republic but it is cloudy with some rain now. I doubt it will be enough for long term relief. The authorities' graph of the gauge at Decin shows the line close to official drought. Dresden gauge is at 94cm, the Czechs may have let a little water through. A rise to 100cm is expected during the night. notamermaid
  21. Thank you for mentioning this topic, it had come up before but it is good to be reminded why cruises do not run in that time frame. Which strikes me then as you say and as gnome12 said, this should not (have to) happen. notamermaid
  22. Situation on the Danube calmer than on the Rhine. Most of the rain is coming down over the Rhine catchment area although there is a wedge of a band of rain over the Danube towards Regensburg. The river will rise substantially but no flooding is indicated. notamermaid
  23. Wow, that is worse than I expected up there. It has been raining hard here with me but not as bad as I had expected. It may rain more in the next 24 hours. These are the gauges Basel-Rheinhalle and Maxau, as timelines: https://www.pegelonline.wsv.de/webservices/zeitreihe/visualisierung?parameter=WASSERSTAND ROHDATEN&pegeluuid=94f6eff1-4f3f-4850-82e0-a086198e9ffd&pegeluuid=b6c6d5c8-e2d5-4469-8dd8-fa972ef7eaea&ansicht=einzeln According to the forecast, Maxau gauge is on a fast trajectory to over 700cm midday tomorrow. Official flooding level will most likely be reached by midnight tonight. The weather is still calmer in Bavaria and at the Main upstream from Würzburg (which is also Bavaria) so from there the Rhine will not be fed excessively and the Danube should cope better than the Rhine as well as much of the Danube basin lies beyond this weather front. Not fun in my state at the moment and people are anxious with the Ahr valley disaster still so vividly in everyone's mind. The valley is at the top of this map left of the Rhine, so far everything is okay there. The dark purple means "100 year flood" and is hitting the forests away from the large rivers. The purple bit near Luxembourg is the Saar valley. Kaub gauge is at 246cm and due to rise to about 350cm by tomorrow evening. That is not a problem. The Moselle is very high already, update is in that thread. Next update from me not before 1600 hours Saturday. notamermaid
  24. Viva Cruises is one of them. @loriva Nice to know that I have whet your appetite for smaller boats and rivers/canals. Must admit that I second the idea of the Moselle. Riviera Travel flies into Düsseldorf from Heathrow and other British airports I believe and they transfer you to Cologne. That is the one I would really like to try. Moselle, Rhine and Main with the Main Danube Canal that would be. The places I know from land trips. I always enjoy seeing the Amawaterways ships on the river. As we know, many people are very happy with them. Looking forward to cruisers' thoughts and what you choose in the end. notamermaid
  25. Both the Saar and Moselle have been put on flood vigilance, meaning an update to the situation is issued every 15 minutes. This is what it looks like, you can follow along: https://www.pegelonline.wsv.de/webservices/zeitreihe/visualisierung?ansicht=einzeln&pegelnummer=26100100&pegelnummer=26500100&pegelnummer=26900400&start=2023-11-10T00:00 Trier gauge is now at 755cm. That is flooding and above HSW M III (river traffic ban). notamermaid
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