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Everything posted by Beamafar

  1. It’s a repo, G. We get what’s onboard and be happy with it!! 🙄🤣 In Butchers Cut, they didn’t have any of the listed wines, so the waiters have to rattle off the list that they do have. No idea what the price per glass is of any. Heard Pinotage and settled for that, making sure that our bill was zero at the end. For all I know, it may even be included in Easy. 🙄 I can’t understand why they can’t print off a supplementary to the menu with what is actually available!!
  2. The included champagne in the Premium package has been Jacquard across most of the bars, (apart from getting Monopoli one time somewhere), SC. That is the replacement in this region for Nicholas Feuillatte (or so I was told). However, I expected to be get something different in the Champagne bar. Otherwise no need to even bother going to a lifeless, entertainment-free venue.
  3. OK - there’s a story around the dining change which I’ll relate tomorrow. We’ve finally made it to the Champagne Lounge. No Landon here; just the champagne we’ve been having everywhere else, Jacquard. Expected to have something different. Isn’t that the whole point of the venue??!! The menu will probably be valid once we get to Genoa and the ship gets stocked (though the prices will probably have increased). I believe it’s been a popular venue up until the repo. Personally I prefer the Mera/Seaside class venue. However, there is an outdoor area which we may give a try. It’s a bit windy outside, tonight.
  4. Lava cake was really good, as was the tomato soup, as per Mr B’s report on same. I had a half portion of the house chop salad which was just as good as usual.
  5. Unfortunately I have to report that Butchers Cut was disappointing. I had the lamb chops; very poor. Cooked medium as requested, but not good quality. Mr B was less than impressed with the filet mignon. Now, I know we’re very spoiled in Ireland with our top quality meats - especially beef and lamb - but we’ve enjoyed both elsewhere before. Also, the cheesecake hasn’t improved since we dined in BC with our Norwegian friends on Seaview in 2019. NC, remember Pepe (maitreD of specialty restaurants) tried to convince us that the cheesecake was standard across the fleet, til I showed him a photo of the one Mr B and I had had just before on another sailing - the 2 didn’t compare. Well, last night’s was just like the Seaview one. Mr B sent it back and, this time, they replaced it with the lava cake (unlike on Seaview, where the 3 of us who returned ours weren’t offered a replacement).
  6. We haven’t been to dinner in the MDR for the last few nights, so I decided to ring this afternoon to book the window table we’d had for the earlier nights, only to discover that the planner indicates La Foglia on deck 5, as the Aurea venue, for tonight.
  7. Apparent wind??? Hope they’re a little more specific on the bridge! Someone also needs to tell them that 999% doesn’t exist lol Or - is that an emergency secret distress signal???!!! 😱 (The number for emergency services in Ireland is 999. 😁).
  8. Mr B said his pizza wasn’t anything to write home about.
  9. Sorry to say that my burger was every bit as bad as the one cooked on a bbq at home by men who suddenly get delusions that they’re chefs the minute the sun shines.
  10. Having “dinner” in bed tonight. Mr B went to Pizza & Burger on deck 6 and got the former for him and the latter for me. 🥴😁
  11. I spoke with 2 couples, who are in Aurea, last night. Neither have yet received the new benefit of a welcome bottle of Prosecco. Now, it’s been my experience before that you receive any new additions regardless of when you booked (we received the benefit of drinks included outside of YC when it was first introduced, despite booking before the introduction. Some of you will remember that it was almost impossible to know exactly what was covered as MSC, typically, wouldn’t specify a package at the time). After all, sometimes you come onboard only to find that reductions in what you thought you would get have been introduced.
  12. Haven’t tried yet. Thought I would last night but wasn’t up to it. I have been assured, however, that that is the case. I will definitely check this out and, hopefully, confirm that it is the case.
  13. Left the window open all night in the hope of having a Captain Jack Sparrow type come visit. Not a bloomin’ hope. 😔🥴🤪😂
  14. @hamrag I’ve just had a look at the drinks menu and see that the Signature cocktail list items are €14 - so, indeed, clearly (and cleverly) outside of Premium. PremiumPlus really spoilt us; we never had to pay any heed to inclusions before. Everything (by the glass) was included. 🙄 Last year was the first year since 2011 that we didn’t sail MSC, so this is our first sailing sans PremPlus. 😭
  15. Yesterday, I ordered a white wine, in the buffet, which is covered by Premium. The waiter brought me a different wine as they didn’t have the one I ordered. Only that I looked at the ticket he gets with an order, I wouldn’t have known what I’d been given. It was Canti - one of the Easy package whites!! I will be watching more closely to what they are substituting my orders with from here on. I overheard snippets of a conversation in an elevator the other evening regarding the shower in some people’s cabins. It appears that it’s almost impossible to bend over to retrieve something if you drop it, the shower is so small. Ours is terrific; widthways it’s the span of my arms, with a seat and a high shelf above. I’m getting a reputation with some of the guests for being very cheeky - I know what I’m entitled to and have no problem ensuring that I get it. Getting a lot of slagging as a result. 🤣
  16. It seems that you’ll need to bring all info re your entitlements onboard to have as back-up. On another thread, someone in an Aurea whirlpool suite (paying big money for the privilege!) was refused access to the thermal suite. We met a couple who are in Aurea and didn’t know about the Top 20. They have no idea of their benefits. MSC first timers.
  17. Hadn’t looked at the cocktails list yet. Not really a cocktail drinker so hadn’t noticed this (cognac with port and Baileys are my 2 regular tipples onboard - Oh, and champagne, of course, which is immediately provided when we arrive to dinner each evening. 😁). Planning to visit the Mixology lounge to see what’s on offer - and what’s covered. Mr B and myself have been very poorly for the last few days; the air con has made us quite ill, so we’ve spent most of the time in bed. Going to BC tonight and, hopefully, I’ll get to check out either Mixology or Fizz - the Champagne bar.
  18. Similar security arrangements have just been announced by the captain. We have armed security onboard.
  19. So, we’ve had chicken different ways since your post - mainly curry type, and, today, the delicious crispy battered “Island” chicken. No bones in any.
  20. Yep - sailed this route before and received the same notification in the cabin. This is on today’s planner
  21. I just found out last night that our MDR, Bubbles, has an area for Aurea guests, rather than being a dedicated Aurea restaurant. Non-Aurea diners have the set time dining in the rest of the restaurant. Les Dunes is for Aurea Suite guests. I was invited to dine in Les Dunes but haven’t felt the need to. We have a wonderful table in Bubbles and our waiters are terrific.
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