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Posts posted by TropicalIslandGirl1981

  1. You are WAAAAY overthinking this.....have you been drinking??? Lol! They can make anything you can think up.


    Lol nope not at all.

    Been home all day in bed with the stomach bug and was on YouTube watching all these neat frozen drink videos, so I became curious to what they have available. :-)


    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

  2. If you are on Freedom before about December 2014, find Slavisa. He is a GREAT bartender and can invent drinks based on your description of flavor. Tell him his cousins in Colorado sent you.


    Oh, and ask him for a "From Bosnia with Love".


    Ohhh darn it! I'll be there in January :-(

    I love really cool looking tropical drinks bright and colorful! There's one they make called the blue Hawaiian mountain or something along those line. Another that looks great is pina coolata and strawberry daquari

    I'll have to find the name of the one.


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  3. I don't think their intention was to be rude. I think it's how you read the context of the forum. Anyone can interpret how they read anything, with any type of emotion in a given time. It's kinda like reading a text message, someone can type something and I can read it in any context I want. Condescending, rude, sarcasm, happy, sad....whatever it may be is how you justify it to read.

    I read it as a sarcasm enlightenment, others may not see it that way.

    We all have different point of views and outlooks on different situations/ scenario's.

    I could see if it were going to be a major flat out she's heavily drinking and so am I and a few of my friends and we're all sharing one card, yeah that would be an issue. To me only one or two drinks won't be a major issue.


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  4. I guess you just want people to tell you stealing is okay (and it is stealing). Sigh. I'm constantly amazed at how people justify their own behavior because apparently rules don't apply to them. BTW, you don't get to tell people what they can and can't tell you when you ask for "suggestions".


    I think the OP is saying "if you're going to leave a rude comment, then don't bother" your rude comments are not welcomed. As justifiably so. Its not nice to be rude or make snide condescending comments.

    I'm not saying you did, just saying people do have a right to say, if you're not going to be nice, then just don't reply.

    as my mother always says, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.


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  5. I have been monitoring it daily :-)

    Delta is the only one at that low rate, other lines are at $350+

    So I say that is a pretty fair deal.

    I do however remember that with delta you are assigned seats. Since two of us are buying now and the others at a later date are we able to get our seats together if we call?

    We're flying in together because we will be staying with my aunt the day prior. I don't want to have her make two trips to the airport. She is about 50 outside of Orlando and to take a cab/shuttle would be a bit expensive.


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  6. A few months ago I found this AWESOME YouTube channel called "Tipsy Bartender" They make some really amazing drinks on their videos.

    Are these bartenders up to date with some of these awesome mixed drinks? Or am I better off being prepared writing down some of these recipes and taking them along with me?

    Just curious with what's available on board. I'll be on FOS if anyone was curious of what boat we'll be on.

    I'm also a beer fan as well, does anyone know if there's a beer/wine list of what they carry? I for one an a blue moon fan. Sam Adams summer ales etc.



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  7. General FYI, there's another issue buying as a group. You might be aware fares are in "buckets". The airline allocates a certain number of seats to each fare bucket. When the bucket sells out, the cheapest available bucket is more expensive. (The fares really don't increase or decrease, the availability changes as tickets are sold and the airline dynamically adjusts the supply in each bucket).


    Now, for the issue...let's say a group of 6 is traveling together (the group size really doesn't matter). There is 1 seat available at $275, 2@ $325, and 12@ $375. The total fare for 6 friends is $2050. Is this evenly split 6 ways ($342 each)? That means 3 subsidize the other 3. If it's not evenly divided, who pays which fare?


    Also the way airline websites work, if you enter a party of 6, it will show a $375 fare for everyone. You should check just one person to see if there are lower fares available (in this case $275 would show up). The easiest place to check is on ITA Matrix. Then book 1 or 2 at a time to access the lower fares.


    Let us know when you book...from my experience planning for a very congenial group, it still works best to let everyone make their own purchases.


    Going to talk with my friends tonight and see what we're going to do.

    Reading from everyones advice, I just can't say no to the $281 non stop flight from Boston. That's the cheapest I've ever seen from Delta. I usually see them around $350^ + for non stop flights.


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  8. No, this is bad thinking. Why in the world should you pay more because this person does not have the money? There's no requirement people have to be on the same flight. I am guessing she's an adult and certainly could handle this simple domestic trip on her own, if she can't get on the same flight.


    Let her buy her ticket when she has the money.


    This is what I'm thinking too. Knowing @$281 from Delta is a steal, I'm just going to jump on it. And when she has it, she has it. She can always try and get a ticket on the same flight as us when she has the $$ available.

    That's exactly what I was trying to do, just be nice and wait. It is just too risky to wait.


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  9. If that was the magic mark, then virtually all leisure travelers would wait until that point to buy tickets. The airlines, realizing that demand would thus be HUGE 60-ish days out, would drastically raise prices at that point, and that would be the end of the magic "always buy tix 60 days out formula." Are there anecdotal accounts of folks buying tickets at that point because the price suddenly dropped? Sure. There are also anecdotal accounts of prices going UP at that point, or never changing much, or dropping 30 days out instead of 60, or dropping 84.5 days out instead of 60 etc. Too many factors at play to assume that 60 is always going to be the magic number.




    Is there some reason all 3 of you have to buy your airline tickets on the same day? As long as you all get to the ship does it matter if you buy tickets on the same day, or for that matter, does it even matter if you end up on the same flights?


    Yes because we're all traveling together


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  10. No one can predict with any certainty when prices will be lowest. If they could, wouldn't everyone purchase tickets then? You are providing merely anecdotal evidence, which proves absolutely nothing.


    I can purchase a ticket today for travel SEA-GOT next September for $568 RT. That's five months from now. I don't think the price is going down two months out.



    Well, you said in your first post that you were planning on paying $300.


    Well this is what I had in planning. Pay the cruise off by first week of June. Then purchase flights in August. So that's why I'm a little torn in what to do. The other situation is two of us out of the 3 in our room have the $ now, where our 3rd traveler won't have it until October.


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  11. I find that prices drop right at two months out from a flight. I read this on Clark Howard's website a few years ago and decided to watch a flight I needed to book. Just like clockwork the flight dropped exactly two months out.


    Thanks for the info. I saw on the need about when the actual best times to book flights were somewhere around the 57-60 days out. However a $281 flight from Delta seems like a pretty great deal. Ugh I'm so torn.

    Do I or don't I pull the trigger?


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