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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 16 minutes ago, M&A said:

    Yes but I think you missed my point.   Countries are buying up vaccines and poorer countries are way behind in deliveries.  I'm not sure if the cruise industry can go out and buy the vaccine and have it delivered before some countries.    Crew members must be vaccinated if they are requiring passengers to be vaccinated.  It's going to be difficult to recruit crew that are vaccinated if they are coming from countries such as Indonesia, Phillipines, India etc

    If RCI and Carnival etc have gone out and bought vaccines that's great but I'm skeptical that they can jump in ahead of countries to get vaccines delivered.  Is cruising an essential industry?


    Essential? Interesting question. Even more interesting is who thinks they're special enough to determine who and what is to be considered essential.  As far as poor countries, again arms are arms. The crew's arms are just as important as my arm and that of the arms of what/who you consider to be poor.  

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  2. 4 hours ago, WorldTraveler151208 said:

    Do you think it's fair that the RCCL and Celebrity Cruises already require the Covid-19 vaccine for the Odyssey, Adventure, and Millennium cruises, given that currently in most countries younger people don't have the chance to get vaccinated even if they want?  For example in many European Union countries  and Canada, the vaccination process is very slow.  Most people will probably not be able to get vaccinated in the coming months, and Odyssey of the seas sailing in Israel and Greece since May will accept only fully vaccinated guests. Isn't that a kind of discrimination?


    Yes. I think it's fair.  Discrimination? No. 

    Our President of these United States has told us that every American that wants a vaccine will have one available for them by June. So plan now to get one. Further, every business has the inherit right to require certain procedures and policies to be instilled in their place of business. For example, Texas no longer has a government mandated mask requirement but Home Depot does. As does Chase bank. Is this fair? Yes. One must chose to either abide by their rules or don't shop there. The same with Chase bank. Or you can be arrested for trespassing if you're asked to leave. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, M&A said:

    Really?  so corporations are getting deliveries before countries.  Many countries are still waiting for deliveries.   The US just sent 1.5 million doses to Canada because Canada just can't get delivery,  the US also sent 4 million doses to Mexico



    With much due respect to your post.... countries are customers! J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna all are making HUGE bank in the sell of the vaccines. Governments are lining up paying gauranteed money that is most likely overpriced. To these companies and really to the entire world, an arm is an arm. The sooner arms get vaxed up the better the chances of beating back the pandemic... or so we've been told. 

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  4. 21 minutes ago, Wildcatfish said:

    Does anyone else see these cruises (Bahamas/St Martin departures) simply as "Revenue producing Test Cruises"?


    Not in it's totality as you've mentioned. I think ANY cruise and all cruises will be considered 'tests'. In fact, it was mentioned that the response of the RCL cruises in Singapore has allowed them to learn what to do and not to do.  So in essence I'd have to disagree with the wording of 'simply'. 


    The cruiselines have a product. And much like a restaurant that is learning to navigate around and with issues of covid, so to is the RCG. But both industries also have a demand for their product and in the case of RCG, they also have a responsibility to their share holders, lenders, partners, and paying passengers. 


    I'm looking forward to my test cruise one day!

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  5. On 3/19/2021 at 7:54 AM, Crazy planning mom said:

    No, they clamped down on cruises because there was no vaccine and the virus was spreading.  Studies from Israel show that the vaccine reduces transmission of the virus.


    Some just want to strictly follow negative side of the news. It appears that science has moved off the two way boulevard and now on a one way interstate.  

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

    Not so worried about the ship itself.............getting off in the ports is where the problem lies. By then again if someone catches it in one the ports their tests probably won't catch unti l they get home and then spread it around in their hometown whic I assume the cruiseline doesn't care about.


    If this is a concern for you then you shouldn't get off the ship or even go on the cruise. And I do think your assumption would be incorrect. 

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  7. 41 minutes ago, ECCruise said:

    The CDC are modifying their suggestions almost daily.  Last week re: gatherings inside of vaccinated persons.  And unvaccinated persons in the same household.  Today changing the recommendations for spacing in schools.  With progress being made on vaccinations, I expect other reassessments going forward.


    And if you think everyone on an aircraft is "breathing the same air" you know very little about aircraft filtration systems.  


    And another thing.... I've heard the schpeel regarding aircraft vent systms before.. And I'll tell you the same thing I've told others... if you are in the middle seat and I'm in the window seat... we're breathing the same damn air friend. Yes, they have a different vent system, I get it... but do not pass along bogus crap to feed into your agenda... we'd be breathing the same air. And you're smart enough to know this too. 


    I can fly to LA for a very, very, important meeting to close a deal because I think it is essentual, but I shouldn't fly to Ft.L for an enjoyable vacation because vacations are not essential. That's what the politcal bureaucracy called the CDC tells us. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, ECCruise said:

    The CDC are modifying their suggestions almost daily.  Last week re: gatherings inside of vaccinated persons.  And unvaccinated persons in the same household.  Today changing the recommendations for spacing in schools.  With progress being made on vaccinations, I expect other reassessments going forward.


    And if you think everyone on an aircraft is "breathing the same air" you know very little about aircraft filtration systems.  


    I know enough about aircraft ventilation systems to recognize BS. Still to this day, the CDC's guidelines tells us that airline travel is not good and should only be used for essential travel. Well that is a crock. Either it's bad or it isn't. We can kill ourselves and other if we think flying somewhere is essential. It's BS. The airline industry put pressure on the CDC. It's either bad or it isn't. 

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  9. 30 minutes ago, broberts said:


    Actually I do know that. There is no vaccine that is 100% effective. Simple logic.


    Well hell man... if we're using simplelogic... there is no 100% gaurantee your flight to the ship won't crash... and for that matter, there is no 100% gaurantee that the ship won't sink either. You have to 'live' a bit and instead of being scared to 'die'. 


    I'm amazed at the psyche of people these days. People are literally scared to live any more.

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  10. 43 minutes ago, Jeremiah1212 said:

    No. The CDC‘s mission is to protect public health. As much as we don’t like to hear it or are burnt out because of it, travel spreads disease. Cruising is high risk. Their current guidance does not stay (or any way require) you to simply not travel. It says don’t be an idiot and partake in high risk activities that we know contribute to spreading disease. The entity responsible for public health isn’t going to encourage high risk activities. Not happening. 


    The CDC is a political bureaucracy. Period. It has established who & what is considered 'essential' and hides when it wishes to behind the name of .... 'science'. Domestic flights are flying full these days and at an 80% clip of pre-covid days. We stand in line 6 feet apart to get on a plane and then sit right next to someone... a full flight from anywhere to 1 to 4 hrs... all breathing the same air.  It's a damn joke.  

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  11. 1 hour ago, sandebeach said:

    I was interested but read that the price is $1,999 per person. That is for a verandah, but I think I will wait. 


    From what I'm understanding, that price includes airfar, balcony, drink package, wifi, and tips.  If this is the case, then that price is not out of line for a 7 day cruise to the A.B.C islands...plus St.Marteen. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, molly361 said:

    You’re the first to hear the news. This June, we’re welcoming guests on board Adventure of the Seas for 7-night sailings from Nassau, Bahamas, featuring a two day stop at Perfect Day at CocoCay, and visits to Cozumel and Grand Bahama Island. Get all the details


    I wish they'd have put Lady A down in St.Marteen. Much much better port stops. 

  13. 24 minutes ago, torpeedo said:


    I get the CDC thing but Fain had a video a while ago indicating it was just days away from news on US sailings and it's been crickets since then.  I would love to know what steps Royal is taking to resume sailings in the US.  


    Perhaps you should write to your elected officials. If you're hearing crickets, it isn't because of Fain. He can't do anything until the CDC releases him. I think at one point he actually thought a positive announcement was coming from the CDC... but it didn't happen. The entire cruise industry is at the mercy of their respective home port's governments.  The fact they've moved to a new caribbean homeport w/ sets of new iteneraries is very telling. imo. 


    I recognize that these 'new' cruise port is difficult for Florida residents. They are accustom to the ease of driving to a port within a few hours or less and jumping on a ship. They are now subjected to flying much like the balance of the country that cruises in that they fly each time that get on a cruise ship. 

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  14. Wow... I once again re-read the announcement and it looks like drinks, wi-fi, and tips are included w/ the airfare and balcony for the $1995. That is a greeat deal actually for this itenerary. 


    I clicked on the the safety protocal link and it was invalid. So no idea if masks are required but the announcement did say that the tours were by Celebrity and small group or private tours were available as well. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

    more final payments


    Cruiselines can only receive payments when their passengers send them. My point is, the power of the purse is still with us as the consumer. Personally, I don't think we'll be cruising until late fall or early winter at the earliest. Maybe not even then.  While tempted to book Allure for early next year.... I'll wait to see how our July 2022 shakes out first. 

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