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Everything posted by TxTeach79

  1. thanks!! I’ve been doing this long enough to manage expectations - it’s a 4 day on a small 26 year old ship, it’s going to be a certain experience - but I’m still really enjoying myself!
  2. thanks!! I really appreciate that. It’s actually a lot of fun to do and look back on… and I love interacting with everyone along the way!
  3. The only real “activity” going on right now is. Spider man movie in Bliss with two people in attendance, so I’m gonna go relax in the room for a little while
  4. This… wasn’t great. I nibbled. The chunks of Brie were the best part. But it’s the only food option on the ship for a few hours, so 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. so weird. At least here it’s okay if it’s off to the side of the pool, but you can’t have a drink in your hands if you’re so much as soaking your feet in the pool. On Carnival and Princess in the last few months, I’ve had bar waiters literally come up to the edge of the pool to get me more drinks. Just weird.
  6. Lifeguard just yelled at people for having drinks in their hands while sitting on the edge of the pool. Again, I’ve never seen this on any other line. They’re plastic cups. I don’t get it.
  7. The whole Great Outdoors Is closed for maintenance. Big lines on both sides of Garden Cafe for lunch. Buffet here is small and limited and kind of an afterthought tbh
  8. Vape lady just walked through the Sports Bar. no vape, but two Miami vices
  9. Rim punch from Andrew 🇵🇭, GO. I brought it in to the Sports Bar for seating
  10. As people get up, they’re pulling chairs up and pushing tables together in Great Outdoors. Not sure what’s up
  11. Mimosas from Yvette 🇵🇭… I only asked for one, but hey, last day, we go early
  12. Just have a couple directions to Moderno. It was way harder than you’d think. Eventually I just walked them up there. The ship definitely has a weird chunky layout with lots of dead ends, but it’s also very small, so if you just keep walking you run into everything
  13. I think a lot of people are either getting off later or had the same idea I did. Couldn’t get a drink at Topsiders and I seats at the Great Outdoors. Could be a late breakfast crowd, but….
  14. This passed out frog is literally right outside my porthole. He’s staring into my room.
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