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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. We sailed on Iona in January and will in all probability sail on her again. We have a cruises booked on Arvia in May, Britannia in September and on Azura in January 2024.
  2. I could also have left school at 15 and got caught out with both of the above! It hasn't helped that I was also made redundant at 62 in 2019 and then got hit by the pandemic!! I know employers aren't allowed to discriminate against age, but try getting a job😐
  3. I spent another evening at work yesterday with Christmas songs playing and I expect it will be the same tonight! It's my daughter's birthday today, but we had a surprise party for her last week.
  4. Really pleased for you. Have a lovely time.
  5. So sorry to hear this, but hope you manage to get something sorted.
  6. Our lights often flicker, especially if it's windy, so always have a torch handy. Our hob is gas, so we can always get a hot meal or drink when the power goes off. Have plenty of matches to light the gas too, along with quite a few scented candles and plain ones.
  7. We had to collect our luggage when we flew out to Malta at the end of April.
  8. Just returned home from work and had music playing in the background all evening, it was OK until Chistmas songs came on. It's too early!!!🙄
  9. As long as you're on a charter flight on your return, your luggage goes out the night before and is transfered to the plane and you collect it when you land back in the UK.
  10. I was also thinking it was just me having problems logging in yesterday, especially as I have been having problems the last couple of days. Nothing planned for today, except work later.
  11. Just been into Penzance and have had sun and blue skies, torrential rain, thunder and a rainbow, all within the space of an hour. Managed stay dry as the the first shower I was in B&M, the next in the car which made driving very difficult and again just after I walked in the front door. We now have blue sky and sun. I have just been in B&M and saw those and was wondering if they were any good!
  12. Morning all, No trick or treaters round here but it was blowing a hooley last night. Got up this morning and the dust bin is on it's side and recycling rubbish all over the garden!
  13. Not been around for a few days as I'm again having trouble on this site! I am having to log off and log on again to post anything🤷‍♀️ Having read through the above posts (I can't quote anyone either!). We don't normally get any trick or treaters in our road, possibly as we are a cul-de-sac, but this year we have a new family with children so maybe. I normally hide at the back of the house with all lights in the front out so it looks as though there is nobody in. It is also raining now too. My microwave is old and the size of a TV but it still works. I don't know how old it is now, but we bought it before we moved down here and we've been here 35 years! Glad to hear all went well for your daughtr's wedding Michelle. We had a surprise party for my daughter at the weekend. It was supposed to be a mid-day early afternoon party. My eldest daughter was looking after her daughter so we had access to the house, while she went with her partner to collect something for their van. Everyone had arrived, food prepared and she messaged to say that they would be back at 4pm, but as I started work then I missed the event!
  14. Hope all goes well and best wishes to the bride and groom.
  15. Glad to hear that everything has turned out well and you can now enjoy your cruise.
  16. Is anyone else having difficulty posting on here today? I tried to add a comment on here earlier! I too do not like having my photo taken. I never look right! There used to be a customer when I was working in Tescos that insisted that I looked like Rita Hayworth, but I couldn't see the resemblance.
  17. Adding a Happy Birthday wish from me too! Hope you're having a great time.
  18. Happy Birthday Graham, I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your meal tonight.
  19. Congratualtions to you and your family Kalos, I am sure she will bring lots of joy.
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