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Everything posted by Heidi13

  1. Haha!! too busy taking star sights at nautical twilight😁
  2. Our TA can give us the pro-forma policy the agency uses, but once we are over 60 and must complete forms we must deal with a licenced insurance professional to receive a quote. When all local and online brokers declined to accept the risk of our World Cruise, due to length of time and cost, she advise her agency does have a policy, but we would have to complete the forms and contact the underwriter for a quote. TA's must comply with the terms of their licence, as failure to do so can result in removal of the licence and the resultant loss of employment.
  3. Negative, clocks are not normally included in ship cabins because of the frequent time changes. It would be another task for the cabin stewards. Clocks on ships are normally connected to the master clock system, to simplify time changes and ensure they are reasonably correct.
  4. You may find that arrangement in the US, but in Canada, both travel agents and insurance agents are regulated, so they must be registered and licenced. Therefore, highly unlikely that CDNPolar and I would find a travel agent that is also licenced to sell insurance.
  5. Heidi13


    Most likely, although when I lived in UK the bachelorette was known as a "Hen Party"
  6. One of the benefits of a World Cruise is included gratuities. Yes, they are included in the base fare you pay, so pre-paying gratuities is not applicable.
  7. From dusk to dawn, although it only really affects the Bridge team's night vision when it is almost fully dark.
  8. Affirmative, I haven't found a Canadian bank/credit union that will accept notes from any of the Scottish banks that issue them, only Bank of England.
  9. Crossed the Atlantic way too many times and experienced everything from flat calm to storm force. Expect something in the middle of those extremes.
  10. Maybe they didn't get the "Thick ear" as a memory aid to future conduct.😁
  11. Heidi13


    Liquid lunch is provided on the top deck of the Storehouse, as each ticket is exchanged for a pint. It has been 4 yrs since our last visit, with tours being self-guided at your own speed. You also visited whatever attraction was of interest. We probably spent about 3 hrs, as DW doesn't drink beer, I scored 2 pints. As Jim noted, Temple Bar is a great place for lunch and more refreshments.
  12. I have brought Scottish notes back to Canada inadvertently a couple of times and our banks will not accept them. I'll suggest the US banks are similar, probably only accepting Bank of England notes. Therefore, if you request "Pounds and/or Sterling", your US bank will most likely provide you with Bank of England notes. As others noted, no need to worry, as Bank of England notes and any of the multiple bank issued notes in Scotland can be used anywhere that accepts cash.
  13. This may be another example where standards are different in the USA, as I was brought up in the same country as KBs Mum, where we were taught that gentlemen don't wear hats indoors and there were no exceptions. Woe betide you, should you forget.
  14. I tried to keep my photos between 200 - 350 K, not only to reduce the size of the blog post being uploaded, but also to reduce the required storage at Wordpress. If I uploaded 2 M, or greater photos, I would quickly run out of storage and have to pay more to Wordpress. Since most are reading blogs and looking at photos on a phone, ipad or laptop the difference in reduced file size isn't really noticeable.
  15. Unfortunately, in our experience which insurance company you use makes a huge difference, especially when you have a claim. Some are reasonable when determining coverage, while others deny claims after searching extensively through your medical history, for the smallest details. We have experienced claims approved in a few days, but 1 claim that should have been simple took 6 months, as they tried to find a loophole to deny it. Every insurance policy purchased is great value, provided you don't need to submit a claim. Real value is only determined when you submit a claim, which is why I utilise the services of an insurance broker, not a travel agent, to assist in finding the right coverage with a company that has a good reputation for claims approval.
  16. What is the size of each image taken by your phone?
  17. Affirmative, on both camera bodies, I can save both RAW & jpg versions of each image. However, I found it doesn't save much time, as I select and move the images I will include in the blog to a working folder, then complete a batch conversion in the background, while I work on other things.
  18. A question for those pax aboard the Neptune, as I am frequently reading of complaints with challenges using the wi-fi. I have also noted many, many photos being posted from the ship, both on the multiple blogs and the multiple FB groups DW reads. To those posting photos, are you posting photos straight from your phone/camera, or are you compressing. The photos from my cameras are 30-40 megs, but before posting to the blog, I convert them to jpg, shrink them to 1024 pixels on the longest side and compress them to about 300K for uploading. On the couple of times I forgot to compress a photo, it wouldn't upload. Are you posting photos straight from the camera, or shrinking and compressing them in post processing? If posting straight from the camera, what is the average size of the photos being uploaded.
  19. Just did a quick search and Australia has a Coasting Trade Act 2012, although the Government has been contemplating amendments, easing some of the restrictions. Based on a quick read, it is closer to the Canadian Coasting Trade Act than the US PVSA. Similar to Canada, foreign flag vessels can request a temporary permit to operate in the coastal trade. Provided no Australian flagged ships are available, I suspect applications are granted. This is similar to the R/T sailings out of Vancouver, which technically are in contravention of the Coasting Trade Act. Therefore, in Australia, based on what I just read, shipowners can apply to the Minister to operate in the Coastal Trade with a foreign flagged ship, or they can stop in Bali, or another foreign port. When I completed a full season Australian cruising, we never carried pax from 1 port to another. It was always R/T Sydney, with calls in SE Asia or South Pacific islands.
  20. The US is discussed frequently, but most coastal nations have some type of Cabotage Laws. In Canada we have the Coasting Trade Act, which in some cases is more restrictive than the US. I haven't studied Australian Laws, but I suspect you have a similar law, as foreign flagged ships when cruising around Australia all stop in Bali, or another foreign port.
  21. Hi Char, The US PVSA only considers your ports of embarkation and disembarkation, they do not take into consideration if you booked multiple cruises. Boarding in New York and disembarking in Milwaukee will require a stop at a distant foreign port, which unfortunately is not possible. Therefore, this is in contravention of the PVSA. If you continue from Milwaukee and disembark at a Canadian port, it would be legal.
  22. Ship - looking for ships with pax capacity of 750 to 1250 and a pax/space ratio of at least 45, preferably over 50. Also looking for a traditional ship with regular pools, no waterslides/wave riders, etc. Also not interested in ships with graffiti painted on the hulls. Inside - looking for clean and understated. Crew/Pax ratio - looking for 2:1 or better. Itinerary - I've been to most of the ports at least once already, so I look for multiple days in ports and longer hours, if only a single day. Preference is smaller ports, without multiple ships in port, especially mega ships. All-inclusive - preference is for a more inclusive cruise, not interested in the constant nickle & diming. Victuals - looking for good quality and service. All restaurants to be included, including 24/7 cabin service Entertainment - not interested in glitz shows, as we can get them ashore. Prefer good performances from the entertainment team, singers and band, supplemented by reasonable guest entertainers. Not interested in wacky pool games, marriage shows, etc. Lectures - want to attend lectures learning about the destinations Laundry - option for ship's laundry or self-service machines. Flights - will embark anywhere with a maximum of 1 flight connection.
  23. The sun is only overhead at meridian altitude (Noon) when the ship's latitude is the same as the sun's declination. Since the latitude of New York is about 40 degrees and at the end of April, the sun is still only about 11 degrees north, it will be at a higher altitude than November, but not close to being overhead. Depending on courses, the sun will be on the Stbd side in the afternoon. The altitude (height) of the sun also depends on the ship's clox and the time of meridian altitude, which is when the sun is at its highest point. If meridian altitude is before noon, by mid-afternoon the sun will already be at a lower altitude, whereas when meridian altitude is about 13:00, the sun is at a higher altitude mid-afternoon.
  24. Any light shining fwd negatively impacts the bridge team's night vision. If you wish to open the blackout curtains, you must ensure that all the cabin lights are turned off. We had no issue using the balcony at night, we just turned of the lights in the living room/dining room.
  25. Being an industrial/port area there is nothing close to the port. Going into London for just the morning to be back for an afternoon tour is also not worth the time. You will need a taxi to the train station, then it is 40 - 50 mins to Fenchurch Street Station by Tower Hill. Note - Fenchurch St Stn has no underground station, so the walk to Tower Hill underground is about another 10 mins. If you want to do London on your own, I suggest you cancel the tour and spend the day, returning prior to all aboard. Otherwise, you may want to consider catching the adjacent small ferry over to Gravesend for the morning, which is across the river.
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