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Saint Greg

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Everything posted by Saint Greg

  1. It’s a safe bet he’s positive at that point. I’d be careful with that fever.
  2. I've seen it at Pecan Lodge but they put paper on the plate and put your food on that. Then your sides go in little cardboard containers. Of course I'm sure the ship is trying to cut back on trash. And the plates are unbreakable no matter how times they fall on the floor.
  3. I saw they reposted some bloggers food videos on their Instagram account. Must be using bloggers for free advertising.
  4. That was a nice turnaround btw. I did the full lab PCR not a quickie. Collected on a Sunday afternoon and I got the result on Monday evening.
  5. I decided it was probably best to go ahead and get this while I can in case I need it. I’ll see if I can get a letter of recovery from my doctor.
  6. Should’ve gone to Alaska. I got a 5-day weekend after my vacation.
  7. At least you know about it ahead of time. I didn’t know there was a problem on the two cruises prior to mine. If you haven’t gotten your booster, I’d get it. I don’t know if it helped or not but I’ve had about as easy of a covid week as you could hope for. Try your best to avoid crowded situations. As long as it’s mostly impacting people getting off of the ship I don’t think carnival will do anything about it. If it hits the crew hard maybe they will.
  8. That could be a good song. Throw the funky ranch away boy. Throw that funky ranch awaaaaaay.
  9. Regarding the external charger that stopped working after one use. I told the seller what happened and she issued me a full refund. I bought another one from a different seller for about half the price. I guess we’ll see if less is more in New York.
  10. I don’t know where others are getting tested but all of mine have been drive-thru. And you’re supposed to wear a mask in your car. So there’s zero chance I caught mine testing and I think if that’s how it was happening there would be an outbreak on the ship. Alaska more than any another cruise I’ve done…a lotta lotta lotta people are doing the home test because of Canada’s 48 hour rule. I believe the Victoria theory more than any other I’ve heard. Wouldn’t it be ironic if we’re having to jump through extra hoops for Canada and they’re the ones giving us covid on the last night of the cruise?
  11. I can’t speak for everyone else but I don’t think I picked it up in the airport. I flew first class. I was in the front row. My airport time was spent in a huge lounge. Nobody was sitting next to me. And it’s only the return flights where people are catching it otherwise these covid symptoms would be on the ship. I’ll don’t think it’s the airport.
  12. Well of course no masks after we boarded. But we did that on Glory in March and there was no problem. Like I said in the above post I think more people on excursions. My whale boat and glacier explorer were packed out. Busses to and from Victoria were packed out. More indoors stuff but again that happened the last day on Glory when it was 40’s outside. From a dining perspective buffet dining was forced on you because sea day brunch closed at noon. The bbq place which is normally served, was self service.
  13. Cough got kind of bad last night. I had to talk on the phone a good bit yesterday evening. I’m wondering if that aggravated it because I really haven’t talked much since my quarantine started. Its better this morning.
  14. It could be the indoors. It could be more people doing excursions. I saw some speculation that it could be the buses in Victoria. Pretty much two busses taking everyone to and from town in a 2-3 hour period. They’re all packed. It’s the last night so that would explain symptoms showing after people get home.
  15. Having boarded in Orlando, Long Beach, Galveston, New Orleans, and Seattle in the past 9 months, Galveston is the only one that attempted to enforce arrival times. All of of the ports enforced boarding zones. I had one of the earlier boarding zones for all of them which I believe is due to my platinum status. These are my boarding times. Seattle: 11:08 Orlando: 11:19 Galveston: 11:24 New Orleans: 11:37 Long Beach: 11:48 Long Beach’s earliest arrival time was noon. But they opened the doors at 10:30, I got through security fast then sat for an hour.
  16. I could’ve saved you some time. Just smell your ranch dressing. If smells funky…and it isn’t expired…smell your ketchup and jalapeños. If your ketchup and jalapeños smell the same as your ranch, COVID positive. If they don’t, COVID negative…but throw throw that funky ranch away!
  17. Sorry. They move you so fast in the port you don’t have time to say “hold on I need to get a picture of that.” I did explain it better than that though “I am taking this from the platinum line. The red roped off line on the left which is much smaller, is thediamond line.” The red rope line only went along that wall. Straight to the check in agents. That was diamond and special assistance. The black roped line is everything else in that room which is platinum. The other side of that wall straight ahead. Is just like the room I’m in except that line is all one line. It’s all on time blue-gold cards. Then there was another room that was more of a waiting room. it wasn’t even a line yet. That’s where they sent all of the non-platinum/diamond early arrivals.
  18. Only if you’re an early arrival and don’t get to jump the line like you do at other ports. It worked fine for me. If they had a problem it was not enough of their security machines up and running that day.
  19. This is what the situation was in December for vista. I am taking this from the platinum line. The red roped off line on the left which is much smaller, is the diamond line. The other side of the wall straight ahead is another side just like this one but it’s all one line. That’s the regular on-time line. Then on the other side of that was another room where they sent early arrivals. I can’t say if it’s changed since then.
  20. In December On Vista there were two lines. Early arrival and on-time arrival. The on-time line split off into four different entrances with different lines sizes. regular, platinum, diamond, and special assistance.
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