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Saint Greg

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Everything posted by Saint Greg

  1. One thing I forgot to post that really surprised me was how serious Alaskans are about stopping at crosswalks. Several times I’d come up to a crosswalk, see a car coming, and step back to let the car go. Every time the car stops. I’m like “what are you doing? Oh…I see you’re stopping for me. That’s super nice of you.” I have a feeling I won’t get the same treatment in New York.
  2. May want to get the kids club schedules as well. That never works well for me. Can I get a copy the kids schedule? Do you have child here? No. I just want a copy of the kids schedule. Do you have a friend who has a kid here? No. I just want a copy of the kids schedule. Never goes well...
  3. If there’s anything you want to spend them on now, you can spend them online. Cheers, internet, excursions, specialty dining, etc.
  4. I didn’t see it on the app. I think they do have one because I know I’ve seen @Jamman54 order a banana split off of it before. It may be something you have to request from a waiter.
  5. It’s the kids section of the brunch menu I attached to the below post link. Here is a screen shot of the kids part. I don’t think it’s new but it’s the first time I’ve ordered off of it. I ordered the Mac n cheese and mozzarella sticks. The mozzarella sticks came with Curley fries.
  6. Hopefully you’re alright and his is as mild as mine has been. I can return to work Wednesday with a mask as long as my symptoms are better and I didn’t have a fever on Tuesday. If I get a fever I have to call my HR back because that changes the timeline. But so far I’m having about as good a covid experience as anyone could hope for. I am double vaxed and boosted so maybe that helps.
  7. No. But it is what got me to try the bohemian beer in Mexico when they’re tarring the roof and drinking “bohemian style beer.”
  8. Dive-in movies June 2022 Death on the Nile Father of the Bride Uncharted Dune Encanto No Time To Die Spider-Man: No Way Home The Lost City The Matrix Resurrections Cruella
  9. Amor Cubano, Getaway Island, Epic Rock, Motor City. You can get the song lists at Playlist Productions and if you scroll back to March you can see a couple Glory Fun Times schedules on Fun Times.
  10. I felt fine the entire cruise. I feel fine today. I’m only home because my food tasted funny yesterday. I haven’t coughed in like…2 hours.
  11. Maybe but doubt it. I was in the front row of the plane. Nobody seemed sick. I’m not the only one. A lot of people from my cruise have it. It’s hanging right around 30% of people who have responded.
  12. I feel pretty good today. Working from home but I feel like I could go to work honestly. I just have a little bit of of cough. Not continuously. Like one cough every half hour or something. The headache is gone but if I moved my eyes like to look up, it feels sore. Bacon and eggs tastes normal but any kind of sauce I smell still smells like the food tasted yesterday.
  13. I couldn’t tell you how to do that. I didn’t do anything different than my other three cruises where I didn’t catch covid…except for eating that Indian food buffet….. Closing brunch at noon and no burritos means more buffet. Their bbq is buffet as well which is weird. They have people behind the counter just standing there. On other ships they serve splendor they just stand there.
  14. I didn’t feel crummy Monday. I felt great Monday, Tuesday, and today until 5:30.
  15. Food smells the same way it tastes. Which is weird. Exactly the same. I smell something and it’s just like when I tried to eat it.
  16. Yeah I heard there are more reports of positive tests on social media.
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