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Posts posted by AHS123

  1. Matt can say risque things now and then. One evening in the main show Matt said something that was funny and people were laughing but one woman near the front stood up and waved her hand at him as if to say ' bye, enough of this. ' While the woman was still halfway up the aisle leaving Matt said ' if the salad bar is missing a cucumber we all know where to find it. ' It brought the house down and my husband was whistling and cheering. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, grandmarnnurse said:

    Are you aware that they are not fresh made scrambled eggs? I think they are some kind of mix, either liquid or powdered. If you want GOOD scrambled eggs, go to the omelette station and tell them you want scrambled eggs from fresh eggs, not the mix. I’ve gotten just fried eggs from them. 

    I am wholly aware.

    • Haha 1
  3. Here's the answer to Are There Carnival Commercials as sung to If They could See Me Now:


    Yeah, you should see them now

    The ads are on the internet

    There's all kinds of pop-ups

    I won't soon forget


    Now I'm on my mobile phone

    And every time I look

    There's another reminder

    That's It's Time to Book


    And I sure miss Kathy Lee

    When I was sitting in front of the

    Black and White TV


    Today we still have fun

    For the price is right

    We like dressing nicely 

    On the elegant nights


    No more drinking late for us now

    We still have fun any how


    So go ahead and book your fun

    On a Carnival cruise

    You have so much to pick and choose


    What a Fun Ship holy cow

    They'll never believe it

    If my friends could see me now!










  4. Hence the problem with the inconsistency from ship to ship. I am sure that these steaks are cut onboard, as that saves money. So if you have a chef who is not the greatest as a meat cutter, you will have steaks that are tougher. When I order these steaks at the butcher shop, they are consistently good with great flavor and tender. It's all in knowing how to cut and prepare them.


    I wouldn't be too sure about the steaks being butchered aboard the ships. Yes, Carnival would save money but there are many ways they could save money but choose not to do so. I had a Carnival executive chef tell me the reason I could not get plain horseradish on the ship was because he orders pre-mixed horseradish sauce in 5 gallon buckets. This is the sauce that is sour cream, horseradish, salt and a touch of Worcestershire sauce. When I stated the obvious cost savings he said the efficiency of his galley operation and labor savings out weighed the small cost savings from making the sauce on board. It is a fact that I was told this, whether what I was told is fact is open to debate.


    Since then I have asked wait staff in the MDR for plain horseradish and have received it promptly. So who knows? Maybe they butcher, maybe they do on some ships and not others, maybe never.

  5. Published source of this information WikipediA:


    "This cut of steak is from the shoulder of a beef animal.[2] It is located adjacent to the heart of the shoulder clod, under the seven or paddle bone (shoulder blade or scapula). The steak encompasses the infraspinatus muscles of beef, and one may see this displayed in some butcher shops and meat markets as a "top blade" roast. Anatomically, the muscle forms the dorsal part of the rotator cuff of the steer. This cut is anatomically distinct from the shoulder tender, which lies directly below it and is the teres major.

    Flat iron steaks usually have a significant amount of marbling. To make it more marketable, the steak, which has the fascia dividing the infraspinatus within it, has increasingly been cut as two flatter steaks, each corresponding to one muscle, with the tough fascia removed. Steaks that are cross cut from this muscle are called top blade steaks or patio steaks. As a whole cut of meat, it usually weighs around two to three pounds; the entire top blade usually yields four steaks between eight and 12 ounces each. "

    I've read from multiple sources that if the fascia is not carefully removed it results in the steak being tough. When properly butchered the flat iron is a tender and tasty piece of beef.

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