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Everything posted by BND

  1. I think you're way off base with what some of us are saying. We always make the effort to get to know them. I can tell you a ton about our waiters/waitress on our b2b on Jewel that we just got off of on Saturday, but that doesn't mean we have to be interrupted multiple times while eating or talking with our tablemates. Our experience after more than 35 cruises, is that it is the case on the majority, especially since they started sending the survey by email. Our waiter the first week was so concerned and all four of us had to reassure him everyday at dinner and anytime we ran into him. It was almost bizarre how worried he was. He was a great waiter, but overly worried.
  2. I waited tables in college. We also asked how meal was, but after that, we would only come by and peek to see if anyone needed anything and made sure they saw us so they could call us over if needed. We never interrupted a conversation.
  3. We just got off a b2b Jewel on Sat and not a single person on our FB or CC roll call reported having/catching Covid. Very different than our previous cruises in the last year where there were always several We also took the auto train to FL on Oct 31 and spent 5 days in FL, visiting family, friends and doing a boat tour and being around a lot of people and returned on the auto train Sat/Sun. Train station was packed both directions and we sat in the station with several hundred others for 3+ hours each way. We're perfectly fine. We heard almost no coughing during our entire 3 weeks away from home which is so different than the last year (7 cruises total since restart). As far as we know DH and I have never had Covid. I've had a sinus infection (April cruise and I tested neg) but that's it.
  4. I'm not John, but how about no bechamel sauce on an Italian dish. Just marinara please.
  5. We just got off Jewel on Sat after a b2b and we had lunch on all sea days. Lunch was 1130-1 (which is what it's always been). Personally, we don't really like the MDR lunch menu anymore. Our last sea day we ordered moz sticks which we always get. What they served us was not mozzarella and I couldn't eat it. You know how mozzarella stretches? This cheese broke immediately and didn't taste like mozzarella. Anyway, we haven't seen brunch on any of the cruises we've done since restart (3 b2b's and one single). Some of the food issues we had were because Jewel just returned from Europe. For example the "hot dogs" they served were really English sausage and burgers were thin. Anyway, I'm guessing brunch is also being trialed on some ships.
  6. We've been on 7 cruises since restart (3 b2b's) and on all but one (EN in July) we waited in our cabin until our number was called but we had to be out by 9am. We just got off Jewel. We were scheduled for 9, number was called about 845 and we were off the ship by 9. 915 is the latest I've seen for the last number. As for the b2b's, we've had to wait on people every single time. Last one on Jewel just the last couple of weeks (Nov 6 and Nov 13), there were 4 people still lollygagging around onboard around 945 on 13 Nov and they had to look for them. We finally got back onboard around 1015 and new cruisers boarded around 11. Just get off when your number is called and don't make it harder for everyone, b2bers, the crew and new people boarding.
  7. And, we've had the headwaiter come by our table on all of the 35+ cruises we've ever been on several nights just to "check in" and hope they get a tip at the end lol, the vast majority on Royal.
  8. Oh, and we were told by someone we met at the Cheers lunch who happens to be a chef in a resort in FL the reason food quality has decreased. He said the company that Royal used for food supply pretty much only supplied cruise ships and didn't survive Covid. They're now using another food supply company that apparently isn't the highest quality and it was obvious.
  9. We were on Jewel last week. We were interrupted in the middle of conversations so many times. The first week, our waitstaff was very concerned with how we liked our food, etc. Second leg, our waiter has been working on cruise ships since 1999. He was much more relaxed about it and didn't bother us other than to check at the end of the meal and be available for refills, etc. Service was great both weeks, but I do get tired of getting interrupted in the middle of a sentence to be asked how I like the food. I, personally think the current survey needs to go and they should do a random survey of a portion of passengers. Some waitstaff are so scared of not getting a "10", which I think is crazy because no one is perfect, that they get overzealous and forget we're there to eat, not provide them constant feedback. Oh, and this was our 6th and 7th cruise since restart and the food was the worst we've had.
  10. That really doesn't matter. But, you still can't go in and sit unless the terminal is open and they let you in. The main point of my post was they USED to have a room outside the terminal where people could sit and wait for rides, but that's been gone a while.
  11. When we arrived at T5 on Nov 6 at 11 am, the parking garage was completely full so they directed us around to a side lot that filled up quickly so they directed us around again to park along the fence line outside that small lot. It was right next to the exit for T5 so easy out. We prepaid for 13 nights (b2b)because for us outside the garage they were taking payment. When we had turnaround on Nov 13, the parking garage had spaces and our car was sitting where we left it (it wasn't actually a parking spot lol) as we could see it from the ship. When the ship left on 13 Nov, we could see our car and only one other in that area. When we returned this past Sunday, we walked right out of the terminal, turned right and walked 100 feet or so to our car where there were a few cars parked. Last year on HOTS, we had to park outside the garage because it was full so we've decided for any future cruises out of PC, we're going to park offsite and shuttle. Oh, the reason we were told the parking garage was full on Nov 6 was they were expecting 700 cars for Mariner, but 1100 showed up. We were on Jewel and it was the first cruise out of the US, so only a small portion of the cars in the garage on Nov 6 were for Jewel. The rest were for Mariner.
  12. There used to be a waiting room outside the terminal with seating, but last I heard it was closed. It was for people waiting for rides. But, you can't just go sit in the terminal as there is no place to sit until after you go through security and go upstairs to check in. You can't even get into the terminal until they officially open for check in. You can stand outside, but do you really want to?
  13. The way Royal contracts their excursions is they pay the provider a certain amount per passenger and then they upcharge for their "piece of the pie". When Royal discounts an excursion, they're just lowering how much they will make on it. Gratuities have never been included. Sales tax in Mexico is 16%. Also, your post only gives some of the info. Can you post what the original price was before the 15% off, what the 15% discount saved you and the same for the 35% off?
  14. I'd say the "newbies" make up 1/3 of those in the room, if that many. They've had time to revamp and improve it and prevent "oldies" from bringing bags of crap with them. It's become a lot like trivia where cruisers who go all the time and know the answers repeatedly win the keychains, etc. Newbies don't stand a chance. I just think they missed the chance to introduce some new things and freshen it. I think we've seen tattoos and piercings just about everywhere anyone can have them.
  15. Marc Walker announced on his FB page today that it's back on Mariner. We're on second leg of our b2b on Jewel. Not back on here yet.
  16. We're on Jewel right now. Second leg of a b2b. We randomly get receipts. No rhyme or reason. I added a tip on one but it never appeared on our account. We're still just handing it directly to the waiter. Also no count shows up on receipts.
  17. We're on Jewel. Boarded last Sunday the day she arrived back from a TA. Boarding wasn't supposed to start until 12. We had 12 arrival time. We were aboard around 1130.
  18. People are exposed all the time and don't know it so not testing all the time.. Treat it like that. In other words if someone gets sick then test. Otherwise don't sweat it. The top symptoms now are cold symptoms and serious symptoms like major shortness of breath are the least likely.
  19. Colds are running about 5x the COVID numbers right now. Currently on Jewel. Have only a couple of coughs and those were just once or twice.
  20. Quantum and above ships do not provide internet. Certain suite classes do. Yes you each get 2 24 hour periods of free internet on all ships. I'm using it now on Jewel.
  21. On Jewel now. Most are not wearing masks. Those that are are wearing different ones. Some dark blue RCI some KN95.
  22. Never felt unsafe. We're currently in St Maarten on Jewel. Been here many times. Protests aren't violent but can block roads and disrupt traffic.
  23. I'm just wondering why someone would think Diamond's couldn't use the "Diamond" lounge. Concierge Lounge access can vary to include D+, but DL is for D, D+ and Pinns.
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