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Posts posted by tigercat

  1. My husband decided that we should go to a cabin in the woods for our honeymoon where I cooked and cleaned for the week. I told him then that I would decide where we would spend our 25th. I knew that as teenagers and kids on the way it would take us that long to be able to save enough.

    The year before our 25th I told my husband that I wanted to take a cruise. I got several cruise books and poured through them. My husband didn't. He told me that he thought it would be romantic if we went back to that cabin in the woods. At that point I told him that he could do that but that I was going on a cruise. He picked the cruise that he wanted. It went from Vancouver (we are Canadians) to the Hawaiian Islands. Sounded good to me.

    He protested even as we embarked saying that he really thought the cabin would have been better. However, 3 days into the cruise he brought a couple of cruise books down to our cabin where I was having a nap saying that there were a lot of different places we could go to did I know that?

    We have had several cruises since then although I have had a couple more than him and will have another one without him next year. We just returned from a 12 night cruise to Norway, Germany, Holland, France and Belgium.


  2. We have done a couple of B2Bs and love them. Would do it more often if we could. Yes I know the menu's are the same and the shows but we love going to the Steakhouse one night and we also did the Chef's Table as well. We had different people to sit with the different weeks and what food I didn't taste the first week I had the second week. We loved having the ship to ourselves for a while and not having to worry about packing the first week.


  3. I know people say to contact the Special Needs Dept, but I have had NO luck doing that. When I contacted Special Needs, I was told to let them know on the ship. When I called my PVP, he said the same thing. So when you board the ship, be sure to see the maitre'd and let him know. You will be assigned a hostess who will meet with you each evening during dinner to let you pick out your meal for the next evening. I have peanut allergies and they have been absolutely wonderful!!


    Bon voyage!!


    I agree. Everytime I have sailed we (my TA and I) have contacted Special Needs several times before I cruise and still have to let them know when I get on board. They have no idea that I have contacted them for it before.


  4. Boy have I been missing things. Neither my husband or I drink alcohol at all. I keep hearing about all the drunks and parties going on and yet in our cruises the only drunk people we have seen was on the Disney ship we took. The only problem we had with the staff and the food was on the DISNEY ship we took. The big problem with the kids was on the....you guessed it the Disney ship.

    They have fans going in the hall ways all the time??? I guess we have always managed to miss them as well. We must not sail on the right Carnival ships because I have them take better care of me with my food allergies on the Carnival ships. The Disney was was a disaster with food.

    Maybe my trip is September will give me the experience some of you have had and then I can understand where you are coming from. I know that each line has problems and each line has people who like it the best. I guess that is what is great about it all. I just wouldn't slam an entire line because of a bad experience. Even Disney. Now I won't go on another Disney cruise (I really love Disney World though) not because of the experience but because of the price. I am not sure I would go on RCCL again because those big ships just don't interest me at all. They are just too big. I did enjoy RCCL when I went on it but that was on their small ships. I just don't want or need all the fancy things that cost extra. Other people want that so go to it. Princess I will probably sail with again but will know that I may not get my food taken care of as well and will deal with it. Maybe next time will be better than the last one's you never know. They just have a harder time changing things around than Carnival.


  5. One cruise our son in law was driving us to the airport and then returning to our house to sleep so he could go to work in a couple of hours. He dropped us off and set off home. This was before cell phones. I walked into the airport and realized that I didn't have my purse with the passports and boarding passes. We had to wait for him to get to our place and then have him drive all the way back.

    Another time I had rented a car and we turned it into the airport and then was going to get the transfer from the cruise ship. I told my sister to check everywhere to make sure that nothing was forgotten in the car as I took care of handing in the car. She told me that everything was out and off we went into the airport to find the cruise transfer place. The lady there asked us for our information so that she could confirm that we had a transfer and the little bag I had all our documents in, all my money and my passport was missing. I ran back to the rental place and thank goodness the guys processing the cars were honest and had turned it in to the office there. I just felt sick, however I don't think my sister really realized what she had missed.


  6. I use a walker and have had difficulties getting into elevators on the ships but the worse was our last cruise. I waited for so many elevators I lost count. Finally a group of women came to the elevator area and saw what was happening. They were not young women but they blocked the area and said that until I got on no one else did either. The next elevator I was on. They were great.

    As for looking into the handicapped room, I must admit I did look into one once. Not stick my head in but take a bit longer time walking by it. I wasn't trying to see if someone needed the room or not, I was just curious as to what it looked like and if I would need to use it sometime in the future.


  7. I have a mobility problem and require a walker. I may be at the front of the pack at the staging area but by the time we get to the bus I am at the back. My husband has to help me on the bus and get my walker settled so he hasn't run ahead to get good seats. Good seats for us are something at the front as trying to move back on the bus is difficult. On one tour when I was by myself by the time I got there the only seat available was in this small bus's very back. No one else would move even though the driver asked. I did finally get to the back but at each stop it required a lot more time for me to get on.

    I wish that I could go back a couple of years ago and not need the walker and then I wouldn't have to worry about what seat is "good" for me.


  8. Hello. I just found this thread and wanted to say that I have been to Israel (Haifa) and really enjoyed my time there. My husband has a company that he deals with there as well. I have been really worried about everyone over there. I am a Baha'i and have many friends in Haifa. My daughter also has a good friend that lives near Gaza. She is Canadian. We have been very worried about her as well. We were trying to find out how long it is from Gaza to her town. I think it starts with a B.

    I really want to go back to Israel, just not sure if I will be able to but hope that everyone is safe and things improve. You all will be in my prayers.


  9. My sister (63) and I (52) will be going to Roatan in April and were wondering about booking Victor. Would it be safe enough for the 2 of us? My sister has never traveled and I don't want any problems. I really would like to see some of the Island and feel this is the best way. I e-mailed Victor and he said that he could do a tour for the 2 of us for $40.00 per person. Is that a lot of right amount of money and do you think we would be okay? My husband is worried that we won't make the ship and we will be stranded. I am excited about it.


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