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Posts posted by tigercat

  1. I usually like sitting with others. However we have had 3 times I wanted to change tables.


    The first was on a Disney cruise. My husband and I as well as my daughter and granddaughter were seated with another couple and their son. The first night they sat down and the mother told the son to just concentrate on them and ignore us.


    The second time was 2 couples and the mum from the Bronx. We are Canadian but enjoy finding out about others. Where they live what life is like ect. We sat down and they told us that we would probably find it boring as they were all a family and wouldn't have any idea what they were talking about. They had a good time talking to each other and ignoring us.


    The 3rd time we were seated with 2 couples were were friends and sailed together a lot. The other 2 chairs never were filled. The 2 couples had great conversations and did talk to us a little bit but they weren't interested, funnily enough more so after they found out we were Canadians. It seemed that Canada was a horrible place even though they had never been there. I don't know if they thought we hated the U.S. or not but we never said anything bad about the U.S. but maybe they had had a bad experience before hand. Oh well.


    The rest of the times we have had good tablemates. Not life long friends (although I have one on FB) but a good time was had.


  2. I have really enjoyed the southern Islands although we are going to St. Kitts in Jan. for the first time. It is interesting that others really like Aruba while for my husband and I we looked for a cruise that didn't go back to that one Island. If it did we were planning on staying on the ship. We did not like Aruba at all. Each to their own right.


  3. Canadian money. We don't take pennies anymore and we have loonies and toonies for $1.00 and $2.00. Bills start at $5.00 and up.

    Remember that the States will not take Canadian money and not sure why we should take American money. Oh unless you are willing to let your American money go for par. Then I will help with that LOL


  4. My husband and I as well as another couple were going to England and then from there to Israel. I had told the other couple to make sure that they had at least 6 months before their passport expired. He knew better and didn't get a new passport. She had 2 months and his expired by the end of our trip. He got to England fine but when we checked in for our flight to Israel they wouldn't let him board. They said that he would be refused at the border and the airline would have to take him back. Israel required 6 months on your passport. They ended up staying in England and getting a new passport from the Canadian Embassy there. They joined us 3 days later.


  5. My husband didn't want to go on our first cruise. He was a good sport but he really wasn't looking forward to our 25th anniversary trip. It was a cruise to Hawaii from Vancouver so 4 days at sea first. It was a good thing that by the 3rd day he was hooked.


    I have a really good friend who really wanted to go on a cruise. Since she isn't allowed to go anywhere without her husband (she was in her 50's at the time) her husband finally allowed her to book a cruise. She wasn't allowed to ask me for any advice even though I had gone on several cruises at that point. He picked the cruise and the place. He wouldn't fly down the day before so they were stressed before they even got there.


    I saw him a week before they left when I was shopping. He told me that he was going to hate it and wasn't going to let her do anything except watch other people leave the ship. That it was going to be a horrible time so that she wouldn't ever want to go again. He did exactly that. They stayed in their room (at least they had a balcony) except to eat at the buffet. They never went to the dining room, shows or anything else except for one time when he fell asleep she went to bingo. She loves bingo and never gets to play it. She would love to go again but she won't. They have the money but he has threatened her if she did go with me. And he likes me.


  6. Thanks mitsugirly. I am glad to see the pictures of the fish. I don't want to see fish when I go in. I know that sounds weird and one (the main) reason we don't do beach days. For some reason I have panic attacks as soon as I see fish around me. If I can't see them or feel them than they don't exist however once you tell me that they are all around me I panic. And not in a good way. You would think I was being eaten alive by them. I have tried to not panic, and scream but at this point I know that that is what I will do. I am trying to get over it by visualizing it but as of our last trip it doesn't seem to be working. It is irrational I know. Oh well, I will probably just stay on the ship.


  7. I use a walker to get around and was wondering how HMC is for someone who has problems walking. How far from the dock is the beach area? Any information for someone who is disabled would be welcomed. For all the cruises I have taken on Carnival this will be the first time on their private Island.


    Also, for getting in the water is it a gradual walk into it or does it drop rather fast? Just not sure how I will be on the Island and may end up having to stay on board the ship.



  8. There have been so many good things, like cabin stewards who are so good and nice, to wait staff who go out of their way for you. But:


    On the Legend I went to the Chef's Table and because of food issues got to really talk with the head chef. At the end of the cruise they had a mexican night and I was looking at getting something. I use a walker and was using the seat for my plate when the head chef saw me as he was checking up on things and came over and took my plate and proceeded to help me get my food. It was so nice of him and made me feel special.


    On my last cruise in Oct. on the Conquest I had a couple of things happen. I was on a cruise with my 2 sons (both in their early 30's) so did a number of things by myself. I love the crafts so went to the craft time but was about 10 min. late. I got there and the staff member had left the stuff but wasn't there to let me know what to do with it. A couple of others were there and were just taking the projects to their room to do it. They told me that he was going to be back so I waited. He did come back and showed me what to do. We got to talking about the cruise. He was the one who did all the trivia games. I told him my 2 sons had each won a SOAS playing trivia and he knew who I was talking about. He asked me why I didn't play and win one. I am terrible at trivia so don't play. I told him that I would go home again without a SOAS but at least my 2 sons won. Later that evening a young lady knocked at our door with a SOAS for me complements from the young man. It was really a thoughful gesture on his part and made my 2 boys jealous.


    On that same cruise one of the young ladies on the Lido deck would come running over as soon as I went to the buffet to help me get my food. I told her that I could just put it on my walker but she would have nothing to do with it. She told me that it made her feel good to help me out.


    Those are just 2 examples of the really nice things that Carnival staff have done for me.


  9. I would do the 2nd one. We didn't like Aruba at all and couldn't see why people thought it was such a great Island. It is the one Island that we decided we would probably just stay on the ship. We are not beach people and it seemed that if you liked the beach you were okay but if not oh well. But to each his own.


  10. You forgot something, which would be my choice: The Cost.


    I'm a Trusted Traveler, so security isn't a big deal. Waiting in the airport is easy - I've got enough things to keep myself entertained for hours, if need be. Luggage? I don't worry about it - just a little more waiting (see previous answer about waiting). The flight itself? Flying is fine, but I choose my flights carefully. Again, I've got entertainment options to keep myself occupied if I'm not sleeping. But the cost? Ouch - getting to the vacation (i.e. the cruise) can cost more than the vacation itself.


    I agree. I can put up with all the rest but the cost is what stops me from travelling more than I do.


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