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Cpt Pugwash

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Everything posted by Cpt Pugwash

  1. My mother was the same never spent much but turned out she had £10,000's of pounds planked about the house we found when she died, i think she was still in War Mode of being thrifty but as i said like money other families have experienced all them grabbing as much as they can including a couple of mine who could by and sell the whole family put together but as i say the chance to make there Fat Bank Books they grab every penny with both hands. Just a shame i had refused to take money from my Mother when buying anything on Credit she would always off me the Cash to pay for it so the so called @family benefited from my morals of not milking for every penny i could like they did. Yeah somebody who knows how 'difficult' it can be sometimes to spend money on yourself, mine used to be i would see something i liked then think do i need it then not bother buying it. Now it's See It Buy It No 'family' to leave my money to so spend it on myself while alive and Charity get's every penny and everything of value so there is nothing left for them. Those three cruise will let me put to good use the expensive camera equipment i bought with 'there' money before being donated to Charity in my Will.. As they say you never know when your tie on this earth will come to a end i'm making sure every is arranged before i go so they have no say over anything. 🙂 Take Care
  2. i've always booked Select fare so i can choose where my Cabin is, go on Cruise Mapper note what cabins i would like ,check what is above and below them then phone and see what's available. Always got the one i wanted apart from a couple of Cruises where none were Available for the ones i wanted but just booked a different Cruise with them. Going on 3 Cruises next year and got the Cabins i want.
  3. Thank You yes i am now always thought of family first like there Mother/Grandma did but they treated her like dirt till the day she died then grabbed everything they could, just another one of those stories you hear about family grabbing as much as they can well they treated me like dirt but i making sure ll money and everything of value goes to Charity. Still getting use to spending lot's of money on myself but feels good now i'm getting the hang of it. Take Care
  4. Thank You hopefully meet some fantastic people like i met on my last cruise. Not the kind of people i would normally socialise with Business Owner , Accountant but we just seem to click and we were in stitches every night at dinner. The people i met made a big part of the cruise so enjoyable. Take Care
  5. I am not a well off person you could say but to cut a long story short i have not seen any family since 2015 even after i had a leg amputated since i have Refused to lie to cover for there actions so decided last week i was leaving the what they deserve Nothing. So have been spending the money i would have left them but today booked another cruise for next year to go with the other 2 i had already booked, Iona in April, Britannia in June and and Ventura in i think Sept. Not been on holiday since i had my leg amputated in 2019 but going to make up for it next year by going 3 cruises. Even made a couple of large donations to Charities i support . Living the Dream. 😎😎😎
  6. From Cash Machines in the ports you stop at or if you want at the start put a lot more Cash in your Account than you expect to spend onboard.
  7. This is why i always have a Cash Account on board not using my Credit card, settled up the night before you embark and you can always top the account up with more cash if you need to. Keep the Credit Card for purchases on shore.
  8. I hope they have got rid of those ones at the Terminal where your expected to stand in a queue for them to ask you if you want a photo taken with your head through a hole in picture of ship like you get at the seaside.? Being Disabled and having Camera equipment as good as there's i once cut between the lanes and one of them shouted i was not allowed to cut through Security but went quiet when i reminded them it had Nothing to do with Security and offered to take there photo FOC.😅
  9. Yes 7 Nights Fjords but not until next year though they did try to make the excuse it was because the shore trips were not available yet for the ruise i booked but that was a load of rubbish as the 2 other ports were shown. Simply Didn't have a Clue Why
  10. Have cruise booked for next year noticed on My P&O Page the intinery is different from what is advertised so phoned Customer Services to ask why, Nobody Knows just tried to make up excuses up the spur of the moment to find a excuse. Luckily for me it's a long way off so will wait and see what happens as booked this cruise especially to go back to Flam and on My P&O Page it doesn't mention Flam, or Olden which i not bothered about. 🙄
  11. Oh i read because the Iona held 5500 Flam was only accepting ships with 5000 or less because it is so small a place.
  12. Some of the ports are now limiting the sizes of cruise ship docking like Iona is too big for Flam as limit is 5,000 capacity.
  13. Does anyone know how much P&O charge for the shore trip to visit Stegastein Viewpoint from Flam as i found that site where you can hire little 2 seater electric cars for a couple of hours and want to compare prices and see if it's worth hiring one of them. ? Thanks
  14. Thank Goodness the Cruse i've booked for next year finishes the day before my Birthday. Could be a bit embarassing for me travelling Solo and usually got to ask someone to tie it for me.😱
  15. What a differnce the people are on here talking about this subject, i went my first cruise in 2012 and nearly cancelled as i do not like arrogant people and the old P&O Forum was full of them. A Lady asked if her Husband would be allowed to wear his uniform if Nov 12th fell on a Formal evening and after 2 people posting they didn't see any problem but she should contact P&O i said she shouldn't need to All Hell broke out people arguing what outfit he was allowed to wear why wasn't Firemen and Poice Officers allowed to wear there uniforms in memory of those who died in service as well. It finally came to a end 186 posts later when i posted Grow Up you lot and think of the service mens families that were killed by the road side bomb yesteday in Afganistan. Disgusting post by people you think would know better. 7O
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