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Everything posted by Georgia_Peaches

  1. Hello all, I have never sailed MSC but decided to book an October, 2022 seven nighter on Seashore in the Yacht Club. We usually sail on NCL or Celebrity but MSC's Yacht Club rooms were going for less than the others so we decided to give them a try. Shortly after placing a $398 deposit on the October cruise we learned that the dates will conflict with the estimated due date of our grandchild. So, I booked the same ship and itinerary but for August, 2022 instead and asked my TA to cancel the October cruise. She has been on the phone with them on and off for most of the day. They will cancel the October cruise but will not refund the deposit. The rep said that there is an "understanding" that Yacht Club rooms are non-refundable. Sadly, I did not have that understanding since there was no disclosure on the booking that indicated the deposit was non-refundable....that I saw, anyway. Edit to clarify: I booked via my TA website, not directly with MSC. Should the non-refundable part have been visible on the TA's site? My questions: 1. Is anyone aware of fine print that says these categories are non-refundable? Apparently, I missed it. 2. Do I have any recourse as a consumer? Mind you, I've already paid for the August booking in full so they have my business...this time...
  2. I agree! I'm always a little surprised at the discord than can pop up on CC...a cruising forum, of all places!
  3. As a newcomer to MSC and their website your comment is helpful but I think the point that @defbref was trying to make was that you didn't answer the OP's question either. Based on other responses, the gold level gift appears to be a fold up back pack. Perhaps the gift changes often and so a definitive answer would be difficult anyway.
  4. I tend to agree with you MsTabby! We all have to take personal responsibility for any travels we take during covid...which is here to stay. Back in May both DH and I tested positive for covid while vacationing in Belize. Though it was a land vacay, we still had to test negative to re-enter the US as the requirement hadn't been lifted at the time. We were required to quarantine for 10 days before being able to come home. fortunately, we had covid insurance to help with the cost. And despite being fully vaccinated, we still contracted the virus,go figure...was it on the plane, in the airport, at a bar, the beach, or the resort...who knows? But we assumed responsibility for the risk when we agreed to travel. I think the OP is most frustrated by the treatment they received and I can understand that. everything feels heightened when you don't feel well. Still, our first cruise since the 2020 shutdown is on the horizon. I'm over the moon with excitement and even more prepared because of posts like these.
  5. Would you mind expanding on this a bit? We are scheduled to be in the YC on Seaview in October. As we have never sailed MSC, I'm gathering as much info as possible before I make final payment in 2 weeks. TIA
  6. Agree there should be a buffer between quarantine cabins and the rest of the passengers. I’m sorry you and your family got sick. Hopefully your symptoms will subside quickly. we plan to be on Seashore in October. Will definitely take some extra precautions to avoid Covid as much as possible. As you say, one can pick it up anywhere. Seems like it’s here to stay. Even before Covid, I came home from cruising with some sort of bug nearly 50% of the time. Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery.
  7. Are MSC testing passengers throughout the cruise? I don't know the answer to your question but wanted to piggyback because I just booked a 7 night cruise and it was my understanding that there was no required testing unless on a back2back. Hopefully someone knows the answer to both our questions.
  8. Great information for a first timer! Thank you. We will be on Seashore in October in the Yacht Club as well. A few questions, if I may... 1. When you say first round of the mini-fridge was free and anything subsequent to that has a charge...was wondering about other contents such as beers or sodas. Are these items in there as well? And how does this work? Does the room attendant refill consumed items immediately or do they just let the mini fridge empty out before refilling? I guess what I'm really asking is how did you keep track of your first round items to avoid getting charged? Can I just request that the fridge not be refilled? Maybe I'm just over thinking it... 2. On Celebrity there is Cafe Al Bacio where you can get pastry and specialty coffee. Pastry is complimentary but the coffees are an upcharge unless you have a drinks package. Is there a place like this on Seashore? Glad to know that you pay full price for the drink if it goes over $15. I'm used to just paying the difference...wow. Again, thank you!
  9. Yes, I believe so as it is still listed as a perk on their website. But I'm not sure how this would work. So if I get a status match but I've already made final payment, with they give me 5% in an OBC? or refund? Either way it would amount to approximately $250, which is nice...if that's how it works.
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