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Goosebear Mum

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Everything posted by Goosebear Mum

  1. Yes, we went up as soon as it started to clear, late one morning (earlier I wasn’t sure if it was going to). By the time we came down (after glimpsing views as the clouds rolled in/out) the queue at the bottom was so very long, we’d not have bothered to queue! It really is easy to make your own way there. Bergen is known for its rain. I love Bergen, but I’d never commit to an outdoor excursion, or one that relied on views.
  2. Sadly the pocruises.com website is a *very* poor substitute for what it used to be, esp for potential excursions, FAQ, etc. Until you have booked there is no definitive list of tours, and even then they may not appear until months/weeks before your cruise. You may find ideas, by searching this/other P&O social media sites for the port name
  3. No, we do not throw our money around, as an insulting ‘look, I have loads more money than you’ People in the UK are on a *minimum* wage. Tips here are TIPS, not bribes. Tips are generally not expected, but are given for service above and beyond that expected in their ‘day job’. People see US tourists as ‘cash cows’. Throwing money around in the UK is seen as very ‘poor manners’ and insulting ‘charity’. People will willingly accept it but say to their colleagues the customer has ‘more money than sense’. A 10% tip in a restaurant here is what one would generally give, if the service deserved it. Never would we bribe a bartender before providing drinks. In fact in a pub, we wouldn’t even tip bar men/women, unless they happen to go way above their ‘job’ The adult *minimum* wage here in the UK is currently £10.42/hr, which is probably near $13/hr. This is the minimum allowed by law. Tips are tips, not bribes, nor are they to pay the staff wages. if I visited the US, then obviously I need to conform to that culture, but I think it’s got totally out of hand over there. It’s not longer just tipping, but bribery and wage paying.
  4. Some popular early excursions have multiple coaches, and require you to turn up to a location onboard. If this is the case, ensure you turn up together to collect the same coach number/same number round sticker!!!
  5. We were last on her pre covid, and we won’t book on her again. Arcadia had too many issues. e.g. Too few tables for two in the buffet, mainly tables for 6, which were being hogged by 2 people who would not share. I think our cruise was exacerbated by being in the fjords and an unusual large number of non Brits were on board, who did not understand they shouldn’t sit in a buffet all day with a drink, enjoying the view, pretending all their table for 6 was ‘taken’. It was way too stressful, with many people trying to find somewhere to sit down and eat. Lunch time was dreaded. Never had this on Aurora or Azura. Also, we suffered from the Arcadia outdoor sewage smell. Beautiful millpond North Sea, and for a few hours, our balcony was unusable. We just did not fall in love with her. Unlike Aurora, who we have returned to
  6. You don’t need to apologise, I didn’t even know I was offending you (and maybe others) by using this standard UK word. I have learnt something about US terms too. The ‘fun’ of international forums, where what is normal for one country is unintentionally offensive for another.
  7. Not sure if it ever made it across to the US, but this brings back amusing memories of the James Herriot books/films and ‘Tricky Woo’, a Pekingese! 🤣. Now that would have been a character expecting her Tricky Woo to be a service animal on a cruise ship!!!
  8. Thanks Heidi13. Yes Camden Lady, I am in the UK, UK NHS site https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/epilepsy/. uncontrollable jerking and shaking, called a "fit" Do you ever say ‘handicap/handicapped or fanny pack/bag? Those are just a couple of US terms, those in the UK think are crude/derogatory/rude, etc. But I never criticise someone on a forum for using them, as it’s everyday speak for some US.
  9. I have not wanted to comment, up until now, but please remember service dogs are not ‘just’ guide dogs, nor are they all Labrador/spaniel breeds. There are hearing dogs for the deaf, dogs for the disabled. Dogs trained to detect a fit is about to occur, etc, etc. In the UK more of these dogs are now ‘hypoallergenic’ cross breeds, usually with poodle in the breeding. So small dogs can be service dogs Dogs for the deaf are highly trained to alert their owners to sounds such as door bells, phones, fire alarms, etc. Dogs for the disabled are trained for all sorts of activities, including loading and unloading the washing machine/dryer!!! Dogs can even be trained to recognise upcoming diabetic attacks, epileptic fits, blood pressure and heart issues, etc, etc. Absolutely essential to their ‘owner’. How would you know if someone on board with a small poodle cross actually has the dog so as to detect one of these issues, so the person can go with their travel companion to the safety of their cabin/take medication, etc? I agree, dogs should not be allowed if they are ‘just emotional dogs’ but don’t tar even all of these as unnecessary, some of these have been trained to support severe PTSD and autism, allowing people to lead relatively ‘normal’ lives, Some of these people have seen true military and other horrors. Sadly there seemed to be an American craze of having pets as supposed emotional support animals, which were totally unnecessary and makes everyone now assume all these dogs are just pets Normally, I agree, all the above dogs have official recognisable collars, harnesses, etc, but not always. Sometimes people would rather others not know ‘what is wrong with them’ all the time. Viking have rightly listened and sound as though they will make changes. Maybe there were a high number on this cruise, as a support network of people decided to travel together? I agree having a couple of cabins set aside as suitable for dogs would be helpful, just as disabled cabins are available. Dogs on board should not interact with any other passenger, nor should they ever be on furniture/fed food at tables/etc. But please don’t assume service dogs, just because the breed doesn’t conform to your opinion, is actually ‘just a pet’
  10. Yes, we love Aurora, but we’ll see what May delivers us… I think it’s time we moved to a different cruise line. Even on our last cruise pre covid (Dec 2018) I was noticing a deterioration in the restaurant and standards, and we were ending up in the buffet for dinner as it was higher quality. It sounds from reviews as though it’s become worse, but I’ll see for myself and make a decision after that. P&O are certainly moving towards the massive ships, stack people high on cheap cruises and charge for everything onboard. That doesn’t appeal to me, and encourages a cheap ‘booze/sunbed cruise’ mentality. Viking ships look wonderful and I have followed many ‘live’ reviews over the last few months. But flying at the moment deters us from Viking, and hence to the more limited range of cruises with Saga. Our May cruise in a deluxe balcony on Aurora has cost a lot of money, compared to more inclusive Saga/Viking, once the extras are factored in.
  11. Yes, but it’s a minor issue for me, and I think after this episode, Viking may be far more careful about vetting evidence for so called service dogs
  12. Please let us know what you think post Aurora. Like you we are on Aurora in May, as we deferred a cruise during covid. But reading about all the considerable post covid P&O cut backs and service deterioration, I have been researching future companies over the last few months, as I sadly believe this coming May, may be our final cruise with P&O. My preference from research is Viking, but like some others in this thread, the hassle of flying puts us off. We may book a Saga cruise for our next holiday (I am still working, so only tend to get about one cruise a year, till our new mortgage is again paid off) In 5 years, I’ll be booking a longer holiday for my 60th and I want to have found the ‘right alternative company/ies’ by then! Many thanks to everyone for their opinions on this thread, really appreciated reading them.
  13. exactly, that’s why I didn’t accept the ‘offer’ of an upgrade from select fair deluxe balcony on Aurora to mini suite for a minimum of £2060 extra (16 nights) as I could have paid that as saver fare originally
  14. Agree, I went to India (Kerala) for a few weeks, for work, many years ago, and loved everything about the place, the people, the overloaded senses, the crazy crazy roads, the sights, aromas, the beauty. It’s different, but amazing. You have to go accepting it’s different, and don’t expect western luxuries or standards at all times. Being in IT, I still work with many colleagues from India, such wonderful people.
  15. P.s. most of my reply above was not to ‘Red Leicester’, only my first paragraph. I pressed send before I finished typing and couldn’t modify. The rest of my post is general, not to anyone specifically
  16. you summed up my response perfectly. And I didn’t quote anyone individually. I doubt P&O would have any issue with a toddler drinking their own carton on favourite drink in a buffet (nor would I if I saw it) but if I saw adults/teenagers opening their own cans of cheaper drinks around the ship, sorry, that takes the ‘P…’. It would not be ‘morally right’ to drink your own drinks in a hotel bar, and I wouldn’t demand to ask the hotel for their regulations to tell me common sense’. Remember almost every public seating area is covered by a bar However, p&o’s help site is awful from where it used to be… try finding many of the useful previous tips/rules/etc, most are missing.
  17. Remember, it was those who took advantage of the (previous) generous alcohol rules, who eventually ruined it for all…. as P&O responded by introducing an alcohol restriction for carry on, in light of those wheeling on boxes and cases of alcohol for booze cruises. please don’t ruin the carry on the soft drink generosity too…. It’s for drinking in the cabin/balcony
  18. I will be on Aurora May. Deluxe balcony, select fare. But they wanted an extra £2060+ for a mini suite. If I was prepared to pay that, I’d have done so originally.
  19. check on here https://www.portsofstockholm.com/vessel-calls/ I have searched and Britannia only appears once, and she is listed as calling at 167 map of berths us here https://www.portsofstockholm.com/siteassets/stockholm/kartor/map_of_cruise_berths_2022.pdf
  20. I am shocked and horrified a ship photographer actually thought it appropriate to say this. 😞
  21. I received this email last night, but financially I don’t think it’s worth it. It would be a minimum of £2060/cabin to go from deluxe balcony to mini suite, on Aurora. If it had been half that I may have considered it That amount is almost half what I’ve paid for a 16 day holiday on select (obc excluded) p.s. I’d have loved to have had a mini suite, but maybe better I don’t succumb… else I may never go back to a ‘balcony’!)
  22. Very sad, but I’m not convinced the 2nd paragraph ought to be posted here yet, in case non involved relatives start to worry. How do we know all relatives have been informed? Could you modify?
  23. I don’t care what colour, sexual orientation, religion, etc, etc, anyone is. But I don’t also wish to hear people go on and on about it either. E.g. They are welcome to meet up together (e.g.) those who meet in religious settings, etc, etc, but I don’t want them coming to my front door to try and ‘sell it to me’. Inclusion to me means acceptance (and equality) not having it rammed down my throat.
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