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Everything posted by LittleFish1976

  1. @cruiser3775 Thanks so much for your very evocative report on the volcano excursion. I similarly have a bit of an obsession with volcanoes so look forward to one day making it to New Guinea also. I had a trip there planned for early 2020 which went the way of so many in that first year of the pandemic but had flown over NG the year before and was very excited to see the geography and the vegetation that was visible from the air. I'll have to make sure I get to Rotarua one day if the landscape is as interesting as you imply.
  2. Did he request any changes in passenger behaviour as a result or give you any indication as to what % of passengers that might be?
  3. In that case, fantastic! It seems a bit anti-social to sit out on the deck drinking but if it helps avoid covid, I'm happy to cop it.
  4. I haven't sailed yet on Princess but have a couple of bookings. I'm not keen on drinking in bars if there's a fair bit of covid on board. Would it be feasible to go into a bar and get a drink on your package and take the drink out of the bar to drink it on deck or somewhere less crowded? Or are the distances to walk to a deck from a bar prohibitive to doing that easily?
  5. I'm very sorry your husband is so unwell. I do hope he starts to improve very soon and that you're feeling well again soon, also.
  6. I used two different brands of tests when I had covid a few months ago. I don't still have the tests I used but I did keep them for a couple of weeks afterwards as I was tracking my infectiousness. One of the brands, the test line didn't change at all over time. The other brand, the test line colour 'bled' into the surrounding screen making the test result not very clear over the course of a day or so. I think the minutes it would take for the steward to come and look at your result wouldn't really matter as far as reading an accurate result, with most tests. If they give you the tests you use on board then they would be aware what changes take place in them over the hour or so after they've been used. I think it's a great idea to test passengers during a cruise and have the steward check the result. Keep the spread of covid down.
  7. It was 69 USD last week when they emailed me about purchasing it for my trip in February.
  8. I find it's better if you add enough lemon juice to the mixture to balance the fat and sugar!
  9. I've been disappointed to read that because the cruise lines are not checking most people's results, that people are now not even taking the test-taking seriously. Either not doing it or not doing it properly.
  10. Do you mean the negative test that is requested to be carried out prior to boarding but not checked for most passengers?
  11. There are almost no covid restrictions apply to cruising any more though - are there? No proof of covid status required (people seem to be ignoring the requests for same); no masks required; no distancing enforced. And look how badly affected the cruise ships are by covid! I'd rather they had more restrictions or at least enforce some, such as having to prove you don't have covid before boarding - that would make a real difference. And why not test the pasengers on board every few days or so, so those who are positive aren't sharing their 'little gift' around with people who are trying to avoid it. Even if people were required to wear masks on their mouth and nose when boarding and disembarking when they're crowded together and breathing each others' air. It can be very serious for many people including the consequences afterwards such as the sudden heart attacks etc. And yes, I have had covid (not thrilled about it) and would have ended up in hospital without anti-virals. My two adult kids also had it and were both quite ill. The fact countries have dropped restrictions says more about the economic outcomes which preoccupy them and the fuss so many people have made about restrictions than that covid is so unimportant that it can be ignored.
  12. As per the description from the US poster but I would add that it's a typical European baked cheesecake (we'd just call it a baked cheesecake in Australia). It used to be easy to find delicious versions in Ackland St., St Kilda in Melbourne years ago - not sure what the mix of food shops is like there these days though. I make a delicious baked cheesecake with Marie biscuits crumbed as a crust. I also have a recipe for a NY chocolate cheesecake (not for the faint hearted!) incorporating melted dark cocolate and sour cream with the cream cheese and chocolate ripple biscuits crumbed as the crust.
  13. Tell 'em they're dreamin' is what springs to mind when I read your explanation of the additions to those packages! I read their description of the 'new deal' but missed the 'per cruise' part. That's one heck of a skinny deal.
  14. I'm sure you already know this but seeing as you're concerned about rough seas I'll just point out that the QM2 is an ocean liner and therefore very stable in rough seas. I don't know what HAL is like but on Cunard be prepared to dress for dinner.
  15. Confirmed that taxis are very easy to get so if you're going to 2 or even 3 places then getting a taxi would be the way to go. That's what I would do If I wanted to enjoy the scenery and a pleasant meal from a vineyard. You can book tickets for the ferry in advance.
  16. I think the midships Q3's are a slightly different and superior arrangement to the 5's and 6's. I've only sailed in the Q3 but having seen photgraphs of the 5's and 6's that's the impression I've formed. I booked a Q5 once as I loved the idea of the wrap-around balcony but they upgraded me to Q3 so I haven't yet managed to experience it. I have one booked for 2024 though so we'll see!
  17. Would the next port be Fremantle? Hopefully, the changeover of passengers will have a salutary effect on the covid load on board. Fingers crossed for a better time for you on board. You sound rather glum.
  18. We took a cab from the harbour to the winery and back again. There didn't seem to be any problem with ringing for one. My daughter is going to Waiheke on Saturday with some friends so I'll make some enquiries and see what she recommends.
  19. I agree that Waiheke is a pleasant day trip. The ferry ride I loved but I do love being on a boat of any size. We went there at dusk for a wonderful dinner at one of the wineries - drinks prior to dinner, outside enjoying the view. Consequently I haven't seen much of the island (although it's very pretty) but it does lead me to comment that it would be a shame to go there and not enjoy a lovely meal which you'd be unlikely to get on a ship's tour. I've been on a winery tour with a different cruise line in another area of NZ and it was a very lame experience - not a bit of food on a tour hours long and just tasting wines. Could you perhaps go there independently having booked a table at a winery restaurant for lunch? We took a cab from the harbour at Waiheke to the winery and back again. Couple it with a visit to another site there, if you wish, and have a memorable day.
  20. The fact you received no information regarding a change prior to embarkation could have been due to the developing issue with the Princess ship that had the large number of cases on board on return to Australia from NZ. I think the ships might have got a bit of a fright when that was revealed and changed their protocols accordingly.
  21. Personally speaking I've never met anyone from the country or from a regional centre who liked coming into Melbourne! The city is what it is. And quite a number of companies realise they can save money on huge offices and are doing things differently. People prefer to shop locally and covid reinforced that. I don't go out much at night but people tell me the city is super-busy at night. I don't think it's the disaster the media would like you to think it is.
  22. Depends on the doctor and the patient, clearly! I am local and was prescribed Paxlovid. I hope whatever you have been prescribed works for you and that you recover quickly.
  23. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Kiwi_cruiser. What a difficult time for your family. Our thoughts are with you.
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