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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. It is 38 this morning. Turned the heat on last night. Supposed to be 60s+ for the next couple of days so it will stay on until it gets back to the 70s on Friday.
  2. @helen haywood I understand why you want to move. You will find a wonderful new home and someone else will have a lovely old home to enjoy. Don't stress about the cats. Cats sleep the majority of the day. Mine are up for about an hour and then nap. You can put them in good size carriers, they may fuss at first but should settle down and nap for the trip. We moved seven cats and 2 dogs 12 hours to our current home. The dogs were loose in the back with potty stops along the way. I had 4 of the cats in carriers and they were fine all day until the last hour when it had gotten dark and they all woke up. Then they started to complain a bit. Our really old cat had a dog crate with a small litter box and water. The first thing we did was set up litter boxes and water dishes for them and showed each one where everything was. Then we put out food. They spent a good amount of time walking each room. My husband had 3 with him and he had the one on the 10 second delay all the way to Houston (2.5 hours). Even he settled down eventually and took a nap.
  3. Well that is not the way to start a vacation. Take care, take your meds and have a good time in your sexy sling.
  4. It is all things weaving, spinning (yarn), yarn and patterns. It is in 2 big buildings for the vendors. There are classes also. There will be llamas and probably an angora rabbit or two. We are going a day early to check out yarn and antique stores. There are 6 of us, we have a nice house rented and will take turns cooking dinner for the house. I am bringing pumpkin lasagna and snickerdoodles. After dinner we spend the evening knitting, showing off what we bought and talking about all manner of things.
  5. Do you have a favorite yet? Cody shot to the top of my list last night. Are you watching Amazing Race Favorite there? I like the twins. I thought the whiny one should have left.
  6. Winstar in fun and Buc'ees is not to be missed. We got our squirrel feeder and a few items of decor there. Coffee is not bad either.
  7. When we lived in Texas and my son was here in Florida I would drive the 12 hours in one day. Especially when driving home. On the way to Florida I might spend the night in Biloxi. The trick is to have a comfortable car with little road noise.
  8. All my cats are inside cats. We do have an enclosed pen for them to go outside. We have too many predators, plus roads to ever let them roam free.
  9. Five hours won't be too long so I would not give them food or water until you get where you are going especially with the sedatives. They may be vocal and stressed at first but give them some time to see if they settle down and fall asleep. When we moved (12 hour drive) my husband had Storm in his truck. Storm talked until Houston (2.5 hours) when he fell asleep. I had the quiet cats until the last hour when they and dogs had all had enough and started complaining and getting restless.
  10. Annabel exploring the pen. Watching the other cats I think her problem is her head is small. The other cats use their big heads to push it open.
  11. You will enjoy the garden beds when done. We did elevated boxes and my back appreciates it at weeding and harvest time. It is also easier for us to flood the beds when they get dry.
  12. Moving right along. Annabel has learned to use the cat door. It leads to a pen with a solid wooden cat tree. Unfortunately, she has only learned the out part and has not figured out the in part. I spent a lot of time today sticking my hand thru the door to try to show her how it works. We are both tired now. LOL
  13. We have been to Alaska. It was cold when we were cruising to the glacier! I have a hat and a cowl (which does not cover my nose) that I wear.
  14. I live in Florida. Never gets that cold. Even when I have lived in a cold climate I never put a scarf over my nose. As a child when I would hide under the covers I made sure my nose was not covered.
  15. Wearing a mask ruins any activity for me. All I can think about is when I can take it off. I absolutely hate having my nose covered by anything. I wore one when required back in 2020 but have not had to in almost 2 years now. I am not willing to pay to be tortured by being on a ship and unable to leave when suddenly having them be required. I am very happy to be retired and not have had to work during this time.
  16. I think I will wait to see if the "winter surge" changes protocols. Like I said it would completely ruin a cruise for us having to wear a mask at any point. Plus, the next cruise we want to take is a Panama Canal and I think they still have testing or vaccination requirements along with some ports require masks. Until then I will enjoy hearing about everyone else's cruises and enjoy our land trips.
  17. Thanks. Trying to gauge when we can think about booking again. I would like to cruise but don't want to have to wear a mask at any point in the trip. I guess we will wait till sometime next year or longer to be sure. I have seen a few posts on some of the other lines of masks being required part way through the cruise.
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