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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. I only clip the cat's nails that have grown long. Mainly on the older cats who don't go out and scratch on the big wooden playscape my husband built for them. Inside I have strategically placed scratching opportunities. None of the cats are a problem but the English Bulldog has to go to the vet's office for nail trims. She hates having her feet touched even though I played with them when she was little. The vet techs very good at it and she will let them get most of her toes done.
  2. We have 5 cats and 3 litter boxes. All the cats get along with only a little tiff now and then. It is a challenge to find a house sitter. We also have 2 dogs too. Travel is only a few weeks out of the year and the rest of the time I would not want to have pets.
  3. Roger rents a lift when he needs to trim trees. If he can pull a tree down with a tractor he will but otherwise he will have it done by the pros.
  4. We do a lot of the home improvement/repair jobs ourselves. My husband can fix or build almost anything but also knows when to call a pro. He also knows if they are doing the job correctly or not and will be on hand watching while they do it. We don't do tile but have done wooden floors. He can hang ceiling fans and do small electrical jobs but did have the electrician out to hook up the generator. I tackle the painting jobs although he will pick up the roller and do the big parts while I cut in. This spring we rented a lift and spent a weekend trimming up the trees close to the house. We only have two major projects left for this year. One is to paint the walls I didn't paint when we moved in. The previous owner loved a light beige and badly painted a lot of the walls. Three hallways, one bedroom, the living room and the kitchen. Sigh. I will change out that color and clean up the baseboards. Then when it cools off we need to clean out the garage and reorganize it.
  5. I know. It is interesting to hear about areas where things are just starting to open up or still have mask mandates. Things here started to open back up after the first 45 days. I think bars were the last and they were opened 6 months after it started. We still see the occasional person wearing a mask in stores. I don't remember the last time I saw any numbers about cases. Several of my friends have come down with it in the last few months but for all of them it has been like a cold if they even had symptoms.
  6. I have never changed oil but my husband does for all the vehicles. I have pumped gas since I was 16. I don't know how many tunnels and bridges I have driven through/over. On the news tonight they were showing a car on fire in the Mobile tunnel and the resulting back up - glad I missed that. I dislike the bridge across the Mississippi in Baton Rouge. It always is backed up.
  7. She is settling in and has made friends with Elmer and Storm. Samantha likes to sit back and watch her and has played with her a time or two. She is much more athletic and busier than Samantha was at this age.
  8. I hope you will be on your way soon and that the pain meds will keep Owen out of pain. Poor guy my heart goes out to him.
  9. So glad she is settling in and happy now. Her eyes are beautiful now and looking at her mom they will be beautiful when she gets older.
  10. Just another reason to stick with land vacations for the time being. Until masks, testing, quarantine in lesser cabins, and now contact tracing are done away with.
  11. Not too bad. Since there are two of us and two tanks we will not have to have it pumped often. We had it done last year because we were not sure when it was last done. Surprised to learn we have one tank for gray water and the tank for other!
  12. We have a well and also have rural water for the house. Our water bill is less then $20.00. We have septic so no sewer bill.
  13. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You paid for the water, it was not free. Whether it was through some tax, or part of the rent (just not broken out in the leases).
  14. In some parts of the state the water table is too near the surface of the ground to build a water-tight basement and no basement may be better than a leaky, flood-prone one. In other areas of the state, there's damp clay soil that can push into basement walls, causing them to crack if not built correctly with the help of an engineer. There's also bedrock that looms near the surface in much of Texas that require digging through it for a basement, which makes the whole process just too darn expensive. Similarly, the frost line — the point in the dirt where the soil does not freeze in the winter — is much shallower in Texas than up north. In other parts of the country, home builders must dig deep to make it below the frost line and since they are already down in the dirt, they may as well put in a basement. There's simply no need for that in most of Texas.
  15. Our house in Texas had the water heater in the attic. I always worried about that plus when we had to replace it was not fun.
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