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Everything posted by BlerkOne

  1. at least since I discovered cruising. 😁
  2. As I stated, travel is essential. It is why planes were still flying during the worst of covid. Business goes on. Normal airline cancellations are more like 1%. 2019 was the busiest year, and still it was only up to around 2%. But as we know, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Averages don't matter to all the families that were left hanging this past weekend.
  3. Capacities on cruises are the highest they have been since cruising restarted. Testing isn't going to impact that. What is hilarious is how some think staying away from cruising, or switching brands, is going to be noticed. Nobody is irreplaceable. Only the complaint has changed, the song remains the same.
  4. What has to end is the $25 cruise, not the testing. But if people are too cheap to pay for testing for a $25 cruise, Carnival doesn't need them. Carnival needs people with money to spend.
  5. People were spoiled by low capacities when cruising restarted. Welcome back to semi-reality. This is summer - the busiest season for cruise lines. On stock prices? The stock market is in the toilet today, but cruise lines stocks are UP. One reason is because oil is falling. Carnival is far from the only cruise line with staffing issues. They all are including Royal. Celebrity Infinity has had up to 2 hour waits just to be seating in the main dining room and some are complaining about food service in the middle of the night?
  6. Hertz went bankrupt. All car agencies cut their fleets, didn't replace their cars, and now they can't. Have you tried to shop cars lately? How many thousands of flights have airlines canceled this year? Relatively few cruises have been cancelled. Flying to Heathrow? It might be days before you see you luggage, if ever. Unlike vacations, transportation is essential and people have to use it.
  7. Carnival's provider charges $100 at the port Embarkation Port Reservation Link Baltimore, Galveston, Long Beach, Mobile, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco and Seattle Reserve here Miami, Port Canaveral, Tampa Reserve here
  8. Logic tells us without testing, there would be more. The only reason we know there is COVID, is because of testing. Doing away with testing does not mean COVID has gone away - just we have chosen to bury our heads in the sand
  9. Cheapest might be the tests from the government and pay for monitoring.
  10. I long ago paid for it. Now is payback. It is true insurance premiums for some have shot up, but more so because of covid hospitalizations and treatments. Testing and early treatment saves money. Proactive is better than reactive.
  11. What expertise does he have, other than being a beard? He isn't a cruise expert. Carnival has never had trouble raising money. The institutions that have bought their junk bonds will keep buying them to protect their investment. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Sounds sexist. Bester than what you said was best. Considering the restart of cruising was barely a year ago, and entire fleets are sailing, the bestest is yet to come.
  12. I expect that will happen, but a different covid-19 vaccine is being worked on and is in clinicals. It may well transition into a universal vaccine. https://www.wrair.army.mil/node/645
  13. At an Urgent Care facility associated with a state university and hospital that accepts insurance. Some Urgent Care places are definitely for profit. I have always said it was testing for a cruise. I won't know if I'm being charged since it has to be processed by insurance first and my insurance is slow. No, I won't lie. Won't pull tips. Won't cheat at trivia. Etc.
  14. I have yet to pay for a test. We cruise again next month.
  15. When there is a universal coronavirus vaccine, I could see that happening. We aren't there.
  16. Very misleading subject. Only on a few cruises in Europe. Considering covid is present on every US cruise, and given that the US is the poster child for poor covid response, testing will never end in the US. 5 years ago a pandemic was unfathomable. How did that work out? Now it is just a matter of time before the next one appears.
  17. First time - months ago, it was a learning experience. I think it is great and works well. Next time I may put a picture of a cat and see if they notice.
  18. Expert? Arnold Donald came from Boeing. When was the 737 Max program announced? 2011. I Bonds are paying 9.62%. 12.7% to refinance and push debt out would be cheap. No comment on your obsession with lipstick. 3rd quarter is looking even bester.
  19. The latest 10-Q doesn't include the summer season. Check back in the fall.
  20. I went with someone who received interline rates and it was cheap. The flights were, too. It was sort of casual, but they did strongly discourage me from entering the dining room in jeans. Back in the day, we made the current Cheers cruisers look like lightweights. Drunks know no class boundaries.
  21. I looked at two test results and no reason for the test was obvious
  22. I've always told the providers I need the test for travel. I've never look at the results beyond seeing that I was negative. I'll try to find one to check.
  23. It was probably refunded to your shipboard account.
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