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Posts posted by peteukmcr

  1. [quote name='cmpaula']We just disembarked from the Allure and I can assure you that they are NOT allowing wine bottles to be carried on yet. Some in our group had them confiscated.[/QUOTE]As you have just disembarked from Allure I assume you boarded on Oct 28th, is that correct?

    If so, that was before the new policy came into effect on Nov 1st.

    Therefore, as you are only allowed to bring wine and champagne onboard at the time of embarkation, this would explain why members of your group had it taken and stored until the end of the cruise.

    Any alcohol brought onboard from ports of call or purchased from the onboard shops will be kept until the end of your cruise.
  2. Now I am getting worried, We sail out of Malaga on the Adventure at the end of October heading for the Canaries and Maderia, does anybody know if we will pay this spanish VAT? we have no ports on the spanish mainland, I know the Canaries belong to spain but they are classed as duty free ports I believe, help I am so confused (not unusual, I think my dh would say!!).




    You should be OK with the Canaries as they're duty free. We sailed from Palma and called in all EU places but one of them was Gibraltar (which is also duty free) so we didn't have to pay the VAT. :)


    So this is why I get confused. When we sailed from Barcelona on a TA and visited EU ports (all Spanish BTW) we paid the tax until the sea day when we headed for the Canary Islands, then and only then did the tax disappear from subsequent charges.

  3. No... for this reason...




    This is the way it was with us last year. Pete, I understand what you are saying and why you say it, but, and no offense intended, your blanket stements do not cover all scenarios and itineraries. Just wanted to mention that.


    Apologies for misleading anyone. It's just that all our round trip sailings out of Barcelona did not call at a non-European Union port so the tax applied at all times regardless of whether the countries visited were out of Spanish territorial waters.
  4. If the average drink costs $8 and you consume 8 a day for a week, the extra cost would amount to $1.12 per day in addditional VAT.


    I can't imagine $7.84 (£5) a week additional cost is going to put too many people off.

    I think the figures will be an increase of $1.28 per day so $8.96 per week, and I agree, won't put me off, but as mentioned, for a family and if you use the speciality restaurants and spa, it can add up.
  5. I thought the VAT only applied while you stayed in Spanish waters. That's what happened on my sailing from Barcelona last year. As soon as we hit international waters, the price returned to normal.


    Is this something which is affected by the itinerary? I seem to remember something about including a non EU port to remove the VAT liability for the entire cruise. We went to Turkey, which would explain it.


    Exactly, us too Steve.


    Very true but for those of us who choose roundtrip sailings out of say Barcelona, this tax applies at all times. If you're on a TA then it stops being charged out of Spanish waters, I haven't experienced what happens when you sail to somewhere which is a non-European Union port such as somewhere in Turkey so I can't comment.


    I'm also interested to see what will happen on our upcoming sailing out of Civitavecchia where we visit ports in Italy, France and 3 in Spain (Barcelona, Palma and Valencia). Will we be charged the tax once we head to Barcelona after France and for the next 3 ports stops, and nothing back to Civitavecchia? Or will we be then charged the tax until we return to Italy?


    The information provided to us when sailing out of Barcelona is that the tax is applicable during the whole sailing unless we sail to a non-European Union port e.g. a port in Turkey. So as in our last 3 sailings out of Barcelona where we visited ports in France and Italy, the tax was still applied throughout the cruise.

  6. For all those sailings that charge the Spanish Value Added Tax (VAT) on shipboard purchases currently at 8% meaning that a beverage costs an additional 23% (15% Gratuity and 8% tax) this 8% will increase to 10% following new austerity measures announced today.


    This means beverages will cost an additional 25% very soon as this change is coming in very quickly.


    Will this change your mind about a Med cruise?

  7. O.K. let me get this straight...in December on Mariner we had breakfast EVERY morning in the designated D,D+ MDR area and were able to order off the MDR menu, i.e. Eggs Benedict. Do you mean that is no longer an offering????:(

    And now the Mariner will just have one breakfast in VC during the whole week? And did this include Eggs Bene?

    If that is so, I will be so disappointed. Guess I'll have to grab my cappuccino and run right down to the MDR for breakfast.

    Yes, as Mariner now has a Diamond Lounge in the Viking Crown, they will be serving a continental style breakfast and the separate area of the MDR will no longer offered. Only on ships that do not have a Diamond Lounge (as when we sailed on Adventure) do they offer the separate dining venue.


    Looking forward to seeing Mariner and her Diamond Lounge in 53 days.

  8. Fanny is the naughty word. They don't say fanny pack. They say bum bag. Although I don't know if it's spelled bumm or another way.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (now used more often because of the bad ad placement on the full CC website)

    It is spelt 'bum' and the word used in the US I won't even repeat because here that is very rude and considered disgusting to be used in conversation.
  9. But you brought it into the discussion first :confused:


    I don't understand your method of argument, either.


    Just sounds silly over $15 for a couple. Get over it.

    I didn't bring up the other deals issue first actually.


    And I don't appreciate being told to 'get over it' just because you don't agree. Let's agree to disagree. I object to the pricing, you don't.


    Do not get me started on issues that I find completely ridiculous that are debated on these boards ad infinitum, but nobody tells those people to 'get over it'. Rude.

  10. One of the points i'm trying to make is, most tables are small 2 seat tables,, apart from a few large round tables etc.. in the past when I've seen 6 people sitting together, they are actually sat at 3 tables pushed together, still with there individual table clothes, not 1 new very large table cloth.


    Sooo as long as every seat is taken, what is the problem, if they have 40 tables taken with 4 or 6 guests, why not split the remaining 20 tables back to suit couples.


    Also I would think that 50 tabels for couples, would bring in the same revenue as 25 tables for 4. all they have to do is give a $15 beverage voucher instead of the $30.

    I totally agree, during all our visits to either Portofino or Chops on any ship which we have sailed on, the majority of tables are set for 2.

  11. You get price adjustments after final, and we don't. That's a nice feature.

    I knew someone would have to bring this up. However, the loss of deposit or not in the US case and no charge for changing staterooms, or sailings is a bigger bonus for you guys in the US. Anyway, this isn't relevant to the this thread, it was used as another example of unfair pricing practice IMHO.

  12. Hi Pete


    It's under speciality dinning, on your overview, on cruise countdown, will put details below.


    Celebration Dining Deal - Portofino


    Prices starting from: 12.60 GBP

    Per Person



    Book the Celebration Dining Deal for a group of four or more and your party will enjoy a delicious meal at one of our most popular restaurants, PLUS a $30 beverage credit to spend on wine, champagne, or any other beverage while you dine.


    Your party won't pay anything more than the restaurant's regular cover charge to receive the beverage credit. In other words, it's like you're getting complimentary drinks on us. Cheers!


    The Celebration Dinner Party can only be reserved online before your cruise, so book now and let the festivities begin.


    This package is valid at Chops Grille, Portofino, and Giovanni's Table specialty restaurants.•Make your dinner reservation for Day 1 or Day 2 of your cruise, for a party of four or more.•During dinner, your party will enjoy a $30 beverage credit that you may spend on any beverages you like, from wine to cocktails to soda.•The non-refundable beverage credit must be spent while your party is at dinner that night.

    Many thanks, found it now even for our sailing. Although it does say that booking for speciality restaurants is not available, funny since I booked ours quite a while ago!
  13. And if it costs you $30.00 more, and you can't afford it.........what are you doing cruising?? That's not a jab........is an honest question.
    Did I say I couldn't afford it? I don't think I did. It's not about affordability, it's about discrimatory pricing. Why am I cruising? Because I like to, but that doesn't mean I don't look for deals and when I think there are ones that are unfair, I'll speak out. That's my right.


    Has the world gone crazy looking for deals, of course. No more so than my friends in the US IMHO. No charge for changing staterooms, no loss of deposit, price drops, state specials, I could go on. Do we get them over here in the UK? No.

  14. Hi Pete, I'm with you all thje way :)


    If you login to your RCI Website, look under pre-book dinning, you will see the link for "Celebration Dinning" if you click the title, it gives you all the small print etc..


    Regards, Chrissy (Originally from near MCR) ;)

    I can't see it for our sailing thank goodness because otherwise I would be causing a stink for the 2 reservations I have made for Chops Grille and Portofino.
  15. Hi


    Been online booking wine package, and anniversary decorations etc..


    As a treat I wanted to book a meal in Potofino's or Choips for our Anniversary too, but while viewing I saw these new Celebration Dinning Packages, reduced Cost & free $30 beverage voucher, sounds a good deal until you read small print.. 4 Passenger or more? Then there was another deal for 8 to 10 passengers?


    Are couples not wanted anymore by RCI? surely they could have adapted the offer to suit couples (ie, Half the $30 voucher to $15 etc..)


    I now feel I begrudge paying full price on day 1 or 2, as everyone else in the restaurant will be paying a reduced rate, plus free drinks.


    Does anyone else find this unfair or is it just me??



    I haven't seen these and as far as I'm concerned these are discriminatory and should not be allowed under UK consumer law. No way am I going to pay full price for 2 of us if I know that for groups of 4 or more there are what are effectively exclusive discounts.
  16. What about carrying cameras to be able to take pictures? Barcelona seems to be a very pretty city and I would hate to not have pictures of intersting places we see there. I have purchased a Pac Safe camera strap that has the wire in the strap. I don't want to have to keep taking my camera out of my Pac Safe purse as the camera is not a small point and shoot type, but a digital zoom point and shoot. Not a DSLR, but bigger than one that easily fits in and out of a purse. I don't wear pants with pockets and it would not fit in pockets anyway. What about a camcorder? My husband might want to take that around or he might wait for the other places in the Med to use it.




    Mary Anne

    Mary Anne, you are correct Barcelona is a very photogenic city with many photo opportunities, especially you have not been before.


    Therefore, the only advise I can give for your camera (it sounds similar to one I have) is just to be very careful in ensuring you have hold of it at all times and that when taking photos ensure that any other valuables, bags, purses are secure (perhaps ask your husband to look after them whilst you take shots) and you'll be fine.


    Alternatively, consider taking a small point and shoot which you could easily put in your pocket (we have a point and shoot in addition to the bigger one which we use). The quality of the point and shoot is comparable with the larger one, just not as good a zoom. Just a thought.

  17. Thanks for the link, given all the info others has posted here i.e. not needing any form of ID while sightseeing in Barcelona. I wonder if they would except a photocopy of a passport while leaving the original secured in the hotel safe??


    Cause given all the previous incidents I am now planning on not carrying anything more than I need too.

    Not sure if they will accept a photocopy of a passport, so may consider it.


    However, all I can say is that in all the times I have visited Spain (and it is many, the earliest in 1978) I have never been asked by an official for photo ID except for when trying to make a purchase at a theme park with a credit card!


    I know there's always a first time, and understand the requirement, but I'll take my chance. I think the likely hood of being stopped by an official whilst visiting the sites of Barcelona are slim.


    I am not advising against following the rules, but there is no way on this earth I am taking my passport out of the hotel safe until I board a ship. JMHO. My driving licence will be in my safe at home as I do not need it whilst in Barcelona.


    Reading up on the kinds of scams they run is helpful, I think. For example, I only recently heard of the bird poop scam that was described by Arubamoose. Who would have thought of that?? Now I know.

    This is an old trick that has been used for quite a while.


    Pete, you don't carry any form of ID? Has that ever been a problem?
    No, never carry ID, never been asked for it.
  19. What do most men do? Not carry a wallet at all? My husband usually puts it in his front pocket when in Rome, Paris etc. but I can see from this thread that is not safe either. I usually carry my bag in front and actually "hug " it to me. It usually contains our water, umbrella, jackets, camera etc. for the day and the little money in there is zippered inside. I saw a pouch that you wear on your lower leg--wonder about that.
    That's correct, I don't carry a wallet.


    Just carry enough cash for whatever we are doing and a T10 travel ticket for the metro and hotel room key, that's it.

  20. I'm trying hard not to be paranoid about our upcoming Med cruise, but I keep reading stories like this over and over. It boggles my mind, because we have never been victimized by pickpockets during our many travels in the US, and have never felt particularly threatened. We do of course take reasonable precautions to keep our things safe, but it is just not a big deal here. I wear my wedding ring everywhere I go, but maybe I'll leave it at home for this trip.


    After reading many stories like the one quoted above regarding travel in Europe, I've purchased a Pacsafe bag (which is supposedly "slash-proof") plus a couple of under-garment money pouches. I plan to make good use of our stateroom safe, and only carry what I think we need for the day. I'm hoping these precautions will be sufficient.


    Just yesterday, we were at a restaurant and my husband set his wallet on the table while he signed the bill. I told him, do NOT do that in Barcelona. Don't put anything down, anywhere, for any reason!

    Do try and not be paranoid, but the safeguards you are taking will ensure you stay safe. Under garment pouches are a good idea, and yes encourage your husband not to put his wallet down on the table and don't just put it in the back pocket of his pants!


    Apparently it has been known for these criminals to follow unsuspecting tourists into the hotel lobby as everyone naturally relaxes as you enter your hotel. So only relax when you get to the safety of your room!

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