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Posts posted by peteukmcr

  1. Pete wanted to say I met John Trodden and he mentioned having sailed with you before.
    Hi Emmy, yes I knew John was sailing on Allure at the same time as yourself. We sailed with them on Freedom in 2009 and actually they were our cabin neighbours and tablemates.


    This are 2 of my favourite photos of us all together. One just before dinner on formal night and the other later on the same evening!





  2. TGIF


    Have a great weekend everyone. For some it's the last weekend at home before the big adventure (Karen), for others just one more weekend after this (Sherry and others doing the 22nd Liberty sailing) and for most of the rest of us just another 2 weekends after this and then we'll be heading to Barcelona.


    Coming up fast now!

  3. Sherry, Im sure you can type on an Ipad, its no problem. I do probably go a bit slower but its not an issue. My problem is that our netbook is about the same size as our Ipad and it has more USB ports and a slot to save our pictures. It also works with Magic Jack. I did see a skype app for the Ipad today so that might replace Magic Jack.

    Question for the past RCL cruisers, are there enough plugs to recharge all our electronics or should we bring a power strip? Do they have wi fi in the rooms?

    Corinne, glad the first show went well. Congrats.



    Hi Donna, in our cabin we've found 2 US type 120v power outlets at the right hand side of the counter and 1 220v European round power outlet to the left.




    As we never have everything plugged in at the same time, we find these enough. However, obviously we can use the European 220v outlet in addition to the 120v outlets as our appliances can use 220v.


    We normally only have an iPod, Netbook and battery charger for the cameras to charge up. As we don't have our phones switched on so that we don't incur roaming charges we find we rarely have to recharge these.

  4. Very pleased, and relieved, to report that the first night was a great success. Just winding down now with a drink of low cal hot chocolate. See, I know how to 'party'.


    Fiduea is great, can be a bit antisocial though as it usually served with a dish of garlic mayonaise to spoon on top. One of my favourites though, I had it in June when I stayed on the Costa Brava.



    Glad to hear that your 1st night went well Corinne, now you can relax or at least rest easier!
  5. PETE hope your friend arrived safe, what plans do you have for him while his is with you. Is it just a short trip ?


    He arrrived fine this morning Sherry thanks for asking. Although Manchester airport is a zoo early morning as most long haul flights arrive very close to each other, those from Singapore, Thailand, Dubai, and then the several destinations in the US arriving all within possibly 1 hour! You have to pay to pick up passengers now, you cannot stop by the curb and it costs $3.50 for 30 minutes! The machine even kept some of my money because it didn't have sufficient change in the machine!


    I dropped him at his Aunt's place where he is staying and that's the reason he's over to celebrate her 80th birthday. Anyway, we'll try and catch up on Sunday as he's taking the opportunity to visit as many people as possible in the 4 days he's here.

  6. Peter I am not rubbing anything in but merely letting guys who have never been on the bigger ships know that there are some benefits not available on the smaller ships, would hate you to think me being a pompous ass
    Hi George, that's the problem with electronic communications, intonation cannot be easily expressed, and so sometime things come over differently than intended and people get the wrong impression. :D I appreciate what your intention was with the information.
  7. I am going to try the flowrider so perhaps a group can go up there and laugh hartily (not to mention take a picture for me). I don't plan on doing the standing, I figure you can only fall so far and hard if laying on the board versus standing, don't want to break the other shoulder.


    Held off on getting my euros today as the rate was 1.37 :confused:

    Thought with all the stuff with Greece it would be more palatable, going to keep a close watch.


    Have a great Thursday all!

    Hi Hillary, I'm sure we can get a group session at the flowrider, just have to pick the right time. I did look at the flowrider lessons that you can pre-book online but to be honest I think it's a little expensive and the times are not convenient and they change from day to day.


    Good evening/morning everyone,


    We are also doing the e-doc dance, also finally received luggage tags yesterday.:D:D

    Congrats on doing the e-doc dance and the luggage tags. Now you're all set!


    Off to the airport very soon to pick up a friend from Boston who is arriving in from Atlanta :confused: He is air crew so always ends up getting strange routings from the US to Manchester!

  8. Looking for advice on Wine packages.

    Should I purchase them now or once on board? I thought I remembered reading something that the prices are better before but not sure. Thoughts?



    We got our shows booked, now we won't miss out on shows this year like we did last time.

    Hi, I don't think it makes much difference to you guys in the US if you purchase them beforehand or once onboard.


    However, for us in the UK as we have to pay in GBP it was beneficial to purchase in advance as the US$ to GBP exchange rate RCI was using was far better than I could get at a bank here in the UK. For example the 12 bottle Platinum package I believe is $300 plus 15% gratuity = $345. RCI in the UK was charging us £183 plus 15% for this = £210.45.


    The best exchange rate I've had recently was $1.54 to 1GBP (even worse at the moment, down to around $1.5 to 1GBP) so even using this the package would have cost us £224. At the moment with the latest exchange rates it would cost us £230 if we waited until onboard.


    Hope that helps

  9. Been a bit busy this week, so have not had time to post. Geoffrey has torn the cartilage in his right knee and is having an op to fix it on Friday. Hopefully, he will be OK for the cruise.........


    I also have 15 people for dinner on Saturday night, so the timing is not good!!


    Joyce, hope you are feeling better and that the pain is lessening

    Marilyn, sorry to hear about Geoffrey's knee, hope everything goes well on Friday.
  10. Booked our shows

    In th air. Nov 1

    Ice show. Nov 7

    And SNF. Nov 10


    Who is joining us?

    Joyce, see you in the Platinum Theatre on the 1st and Studio B on the 7th!


    Does anyone understand how SNF works for late dining at 8:30????? Am I confused or do we have to rush dinner in less than an hour?
    Paul, perhaps they will schedule another show during the first week of the sailing that will be suitable for late seating diners. The times in May were similar, in fact the later of the 2 performances was 9:15 pm. If not, then they are suggesting that dinner is over within an hour (which it was for us) because the show is 90 mins and :so if you attend the 7:30 pm show you'd be late for dinner.
  11. Although I was promised feedback from RCI when and if reservations would be possible, I have not received anything.


    However, I check the web site daily and I have just discovered that reservations are now possible but only for the following dates, times and shows at the moment. Hopefully they are in the process of loading more of the schedule.


    Sat, 29th Oct


    9:30 pm - In The Air


    Sun, 30th Oct


    No Shows Listed


    Mon, 31st Oct


    No Shows Listed


    Tue, 1st Nov


    7:30 pm - In the Air


    Wed, 2nd Nov


    No Shows Listed


    Thu, 3rd Nov


    No Shows Listed


    Fri, 4th Nov


    No Shows Listed


    Sat, 5th Nov


    No Shows Listed


    Sun, 6th Nov


    No Shows Listed


    Mon, 7th Nov


    4:00 pm - Encore! an Ice Spectacular


    Tue, 8th Nov


    4:00 pm - Encore! an Ice Spectacular


    Wed, 9th Nov


    7:30 pm - Encore! an Ice Spectacular


    9:30 pm - Saturday Night Fever


    Thu, 10th Nov


    7:30 pm - Saturday Night Fever


    9:30 pm - Encore! an Ice Spectacular


    Fri, 11th Nov


    No Shows Listed


    BTW show times are:


    Encore! an Ice Spectacular - 60 mins

    Saturday Night Fever - 90 mins

    In the Air - 50 mins

  12. I personally like to hand out candy when in town but not on the cruise have to watch my weight limit :)
    Me too, the weight watching that is!:D


    I was not trying to be offensive, nor did anything you say come across as offensive. I was just making a silly comment.:D Growing up in the US, Halloween meant loads and loads of candy (and the sugar coma that follows)...oh and we got to dress up as well. It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate differently. One thing is for sure lots of the gays in the USA see Halloween as a very very special day.
    It is only in the past few years that Halloween is being promoted as a major event and I suppose not having children means that I have not been involved as it is promoted as a mainly youngsters thing here. The stores are full of costumes, but mainly for children.


    Halloween in Scotland is still a big thing, even up until last year my mother still made Toffee Apples for the kids (me included) it's a handful of peanuts in the shell instead of candy, but before you get this you have to entertain the householder with a song, poem or a joke then get your reward, closet queens use this as a great excuse to drag up.
    That's why were glad we're away from home on Halloween as after the 4th or 5th ringing of the doorbell by youths demanding something, without providing anything in return, it gets tiring;)
  13. That is just a shame and not really getting into the "true" spirit of the holiday, shame!

    I'm sorry but I don't understand your comment about getting into the 'true' spirit of the 'holiday' and why is it a shame? Halloween isn't a holiday in the UK and it would appear my comments have caused offence just because I don't intend to provide candy on the day. Where is the shame in that?
  14. Is anyone else going to have candy out for Halloween? We have a door decoration for the cruise and for Halloween but wondering about the practicality of putting a small hanging pumpkin with candy in it on the doorknob. Thoughts?
    Unfortunately with the other items I'm bringing (costumes etc) and the restrictive baggage allowance I hadn't thought about this. Then again putting candy out for Halloween isn't something done in a big way here in the UK.
  15. Peter we are wait.sited for MTD. Regardless I hope to share at least one meal with you and Patrick.



    Okay just got home from doctor. Arm out of surgical dressing and in a futon fitted plastic molded splint that can be taken off for showering. Just have to place my arm over my head to reduce swelling. Pretty dark purple color like eggplant:D


    So far lost 8 pounds plus maybe another 1-2 depending on weight of full arm brace.


    Now can I keep it off. Cannot eat much because it is difficult with my right hand.


    So now I will try to make up for B2B nights of two hours sleep. Later you all.

    Behave, I am watching you......



    Looking forward to meeting up Joyce. Hope things get easier for you in the coming days.
  16. I am definitely hoping we can have some FOD gatherings and I would really love to eat at Chops as I never have. Feel to weird making reservations for one... Also love the disco, probably not every night, but give my some good 80's music and I am up and boogie-ing. I am a late seating person too so hopefully I will end up at a table with some one from this board.


    Can't beleive I leave home in 25 days, woo hoo! Looking forward to seeing and meetiing all of you.

    Hillary, I'm sure we can arrange something for Chops as we definitely haven't made any reservations yet and will certainly visiting there and Portofino.


    My Wife and I are MTD and we would love to have dinner some night with you guys.

    Sam 7 Char

    We'll have to definitely arrange that!
  17. On the Eastbound TA in April they did the wash and fold mid way through but you can ask your cabin attendant at anytime during the cruise and he will arrange this for you also if you are D+ you will find a voucher in your book to give you this for free.

    Will need this service next Sept/Oct as I will be on the Radiance for more than Six weeks


    Laundry all done from the vision cruise :) instead of putting it all away I just left the luggage out in the spare room so you can now say IM PACKED :D also filled in online check in yesterday and ordered my luggage tags for both the liberty and Allure trips and was able to print out my set sail passes.


    Spoke to Ken and Colin in London last night, we are three on second seating for dinner if anyone would like to join us ? drop me a email aslgas at btinternet dot com

    Well done on the packing George! Not even made a start here yet!


    Looks like we won't be able to join anyone for dinner as you all seem to be on late seating and we're on MTD :(


    Thanks for the info on how the wash and fold on the TA. D members get a voucher for $10 off the $25 charge in the C&A booklets.

  18. No problem :D I had just gotten home at that time…You helped me plenty before my first cruise, least I can do :)


    We had an excellent cruise, review following ;)


    Sorry for bumping in on this thread :D I thought I was in the roll call.




    No problem thanks for the update. Not too sure about Gordon Whatman as his own website has him at home in Spain in October and travelling to China in Novemnber.
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