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Posts posted by peteukmcr

  1. Where can I find the number of nights that will be formal/dress casual etc...? I want to make sure I have enough clean clothes ready to go. Also do they still offer the laundry special midweek on the TA's?
    Hi, I found this on the RCI web site (UK) and I hope it helps. They suggest that there will be 8 casual nights, 3 smart casual and 3 formal on a 14 night sailing.


    There are three distinct types of evening on board: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

    Casual: Polo shirts and trousers for men, sundresses or trousers for women

    Smart Casual: Jacket and shirt for men, dresses or trouser suits for women

    Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


    The first and last night of your cruise are normally designated as casual dress. The first sea day after the day of departure is usually the first formal night.

    Casual dining is available in the Windjammer every night of the cruise except the last. Your ship may also have other casual dining venues as well.


    Hopefully they will offer the wash and fold laundry special as they did on our 5 day sailing earlier this year as we are banking on that too!

  2. Hello Pete,


    As promised I asked who the cruise director is for the TA...

    Leo Pappa will get off Liberty the day the TA leaves, If I heard the loyalty officer correctly, I believe that Gordon fellow is getting back on.

    FYI, they are giving Liberty a small over hall at this time, during our entire cruise they where painting the ship, varnishing the woods, repainting the decks and track, etc, etc…It was needed, she is showing the wrath of the salt.

    Have fun!!!

    BTW, next year will be the last year that Liberty will be going to Europe, she will be transferred to Asia in 2013.



    Hi there, many thanks for the info. We have also had a message on face book whilst you were sailing from a CD called Mike Hunnerup who said he is taking us over to Fort Lauderdale.


    Interesting about her redeployment to Asia, thanks for the heads up!


    I hope you had a great cruise BTW and thanks for the prompt feedback, you must have only just disembarked today!

  3. As an update, I resent my reply to RCI and have received this response regarding making reservations.


    Many thanks for your email dated the 30th September.


    We do apologise for the delay in response. What we decided to do is contact

    the ship and our head office for further information as to why you are not

    able to pre book your Entertainment. As soon as I receive a reply I will

    get back to you.

  4. Happy New Year to those who are celebrating.


    I have been MIA the last few days, busy at work tired at night.


    Sherry, miracles do happen, a very lovely family.


    Finally got our E- docs and order the luggage tags, not sure why it took so long, but something to do with only one of us used choice air.


    Have great evening everyone.

    Well done Barb, now you're all set!
  5. Now starting to look at plans for this trip :) Can't seem to book for the show's :eek: for the Allure I can book all the entertainment :) anyone able to book yet for Liberty ?
    HI George, I posted a reply from RCI whilst you were away http://cruiseforums.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=30674106&postcount=934


    Basically one half of RCI doesn't know what the other half are doing. As you can see from the reply they made a standard quote not realising that it has been possible to book throughout the summer on Liberty and that they have a schedule published too.


    I replied to RCI but have not had anything back. By the look of it we won't be able to book until we board.

  6. PETE thanks for the photo I have a couple of questions do they have lounge chairs give you blankets like they do on Princess, if not it is probably going to be to cold at night.


    What about Popcorn & choc. chip cookies too like Princess!!!


    OMG PETE I just realized it is not on the LIBERTY it is Trafford Centre...duh!!!!
    LOL, you see you're so ready to be onboard Liberty you're hallucinating!:D
  7. Welcome Jim & Peter (and Calvin and Jeff from Milwaukee).


    So I posted the other day to see about other FOD who might want to get a big table at the late seating dinner. Paul you guys up for that? Any others? There are 4 in our group. I am just not sure how to arrange it so I will put my email here and if you are interested drop me a line.








    Mahari let's win The Quest again this year!!!:D:D:D

    Hi Howard & Vic, thanks for the friend request BTW. As I mentioned we're on MTD so not sure we could join you for dinner, but thanks for the offer. Maybe there's a chance one evening in Portofino or Chops perhaps?
  8. Welcome back to us Mike


    Hello to Jim and Peter.


    On the Vision someone arranged the FOD everynight up in the Crown lounge at 11pm but as this is the Disco on that ship it was way to noisy, last April on the Liberty TA we arranged the FOD in the Champagne bar for 11-11:30pm and that seemed to work, anyone have any other ideas ??

    Sounds good George, we'll let you organise that one! My only other suggestion from experience on Freedom class ships would be Vintages on the Royal Promenade where you can people watch too!


    Couldn't wait another 30 days for a pool party with the outdoor movie screen showing a concert, so...



  9. HI all, Jim and Peter from Chicago....will be on the TA with you all...Peter is taking me on this for my 63rd bday....He is 43 and we've been together for 18yrs....Will be coming to BCN on the 26th....Since we are both flt crew for a major Airline....We're now off for 6weeks and leaving on the Serenade on Sunday Oct 2nd and then on the Millenium Oct 17, before our Ta....These are all Bday month cruises Peter is giving me...Bday will be on the 30th while we are on the TA....Good friends Calvin and Jeff from Milwaukee will be with us on the TA...Looking forward to meeting all.....JIM
    Welcome Aboard Jim & Peter. We're Peter & Patrick from Manchester, UK and this is our first TA. We have sailed on Liberty earlier this year and have been on Freedom twice.


    We're arriving in BCN on the 28th direct from Manchester. My birthday is just before we sail, but I'll still use this sailing as an excuse to celebrate!


    Have a great sailing on Serenade on Sunday and Millenium on the 17th. Look forward to meeting you on board.

  10. 2239263420069717818S500x500Q85.jpg


    Above are (left to right) Miamilatinboys Roger and Martin, Me, Russ not cruising with us then Ken and Colin who are cruising with us.

    Below Marilynn and Geoffrey (Mazza) with me and the Miami boys plus the very Sexy Srdjean our favourite waiter in the D lounge


    Great photos George. Good to see the other people joining us. Roger and Martin are connected to our listing on ****************** so it's good to see them on here too.

  11. Just wanted to show you this..... I think you will remember Kyle my Grandaughter's BIL who was in that horrible accident in March, well miracles do happen... he was not expected to live and if he did would never be the same well they were wrong.... he is almost 100% just his arm that was badly burned is the only thing that may never be healed.. He now has a new baby boy born in August and here is their family photo....what an amazing thing.


    275586_680167922_676099437_n.jpg Thank you all for your prayers....

    Absolutely fantastic Sherry, thanks for sharing and continued best wishes for this great family.
  12. Peter - what about organising a specific night in the nightclub CC posters?



    Good idea Mhairi, I'll leave it up to the group to decide and perhaps you could set it up, especially as it has been suggested for one of the 25 hour days. Also have to take into consideration any parties organised by RCI like the white pool party.
  13. Not sure if anyone mentioned about cycling tours but there is a company providing these in Barcelona and Malaga (amongst many others) that maybe of interest (not to us I must say we're already set for Malaga). There are at least 3 bike tours in Malaga.

    Let me know if you'd like the details as I doubt I can post on here. I have put it ion FB on this TA event page.
  14. [quote name='091971Cruiser']Just wondering if there are any FOD who might be interested in dining together during the cruise. We are a group of 4 traveling together. Looking forward to dressing up for dinner and enjoy a great time at a more civilized dining setting that we normally get. So anyone else looking to get a table together?[/quote]Hi there, we're on MTD not sure if you are, but if so I'm sure there's always a chance we could get a table together at some point.

    [quote name='hillcruiser74']Love it!!!! Louder the better, lol.

    Hey Samben, was so great meeting you both last week, can't wait to relax on board. Trip is so close now. Love this board and the calm, welcoming, friendly, funny people on it. Just sent my mom all my intenerary stuff so she knows all the gory details and can be my home port. Still need to call Verizon to set up international calling for the trip. Bought a luggage scale today, just did not want to risk the whole over weight, shuffle stuff at the check in desk drama!

    Finally told my friends and family about this trip, didn't feel like being judged and thankfully no one gave me any grief. Only grief I am feeling is that my FAVORITE AND I SINCERELY MEAN FAVORITE group the Indigo Girls will be playing two shows right near my house while we are in the middle of the pond. And not in some big anonymous theater either, super small venue....Oy, it's killing me!!

    Still no official word or diagnosis from Cleveland Clinic so today I bought a special medical bracelet that has a USB port on it and loaded all of my medications, surgeries, doctors and current diagnosis on it. Feels good to have a lil security blanket while traveling solo. The neat thing is the USB can be plugged into any mac or pc and they will be able to look up all my info. I don't plan on needing it but nice to have it.

    Whatever happen to the bottles of Vodka on the wall count down????

    [SIZE=6][COLOR=red]33 bottles of Grey Goose on the ground!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]I like it Hillary and you're getting organised!

    [quote name='paul1268']Welcome back. I think it was Howard and Vic, right? Anyway, we have late seating with a party of 3 couples (us and 4 friends from DC who haven't posted except on FB). If you have been following the group here, I don't know how civilized we are going to be but you are welcome to join us.[/quote]As mentioned we're on MTD so not we'd be able to mix it up with late seating as MTD is normally just on deck 5 which is a pity.
  15. [quote name='sebritish']Glad Pete, Matthew, you had a good time with Mhairi and Tam, isn't it great to meet up before a cruise.

    Back later have to have my breakfast :D[/quote]Yes Sherry, great to meet beforehand. Hopefully I will get the chance again soon.

    [quote name='Joy_K']Thanks for all the welcomes and confirmation about ships time. [/quote]Joy, hope you found it helpful.
  16. [quote name='cinnamon']Good Morning all, just had to tell you about my dream last night. We were on LOST and were eating our first dinner at a large table, full of other posters. The conversation was quiet and mostly about the fact that unfortunately the food was terrible. I sincerely hope that doesn't come true. However, there was another table nearby full of LGBT passengers from this board having a great Party. I slipped away to join them after the meal for the rest of the evening, dragging John along, and then we had a really good time.

    The dream was so vivid, I remember 'meeting' Peter and Patrick, Paul and others. I know that seeing their photos on here are the reason I could imagine the faces.

    Corinne[/quote]LOL, that sounds like us! Corinne you'll have to remind me, when are you in Manchester again?

    Met Mhairi and Tam briefly yesterday, it was great to meet in person and look forward to spending more time when we get onboard.
  17. [quote name='paul1268']Jill, Marilyn, Sherry,
    I posted way back at the beginning about our little weekend place in the mountains where I have my little toy but forgot that many of you may have jumped over here way after that post. Really therapeutic to move dirt around to build a trail or something for several hours :D .


    Welcome Joy and Tim. We are Paul and Mark from southern california. What took you so long? Please jump in an have fun![/quote]Paul, that's one heck of a toy! Great photos, thanks for sharing.
  18. [quote name='Joy_K']Thanks for the reply and welcome. Guess what more specifically I am wondering about is meeting our drivers. For example, DST ends at 3 am on October 30 in Spain. This is as we overnight to Malaga. If we have a driver meeting us at 8 am when we dock, will the ship be on the same time as the driver?

    I think the only place I have heard of the ship being on different time than the port is in the Caribbean where not everywhere observes DST and the ship stays on the same time the whole trip since it is not crossing any time zones. Don’t know why, just pulled that memory out of storage and wondered if we would all be on the same time as the drivers who are meeting us in port.[/quote]Hi Joy & Tim, welcome aboard, I don't think we've spoken before. We're Peter & Patrick from Manchester, UK and this is our 1st TA but will be our 2nd time on Liberty and our 4th time on a Freedom class ship.

    As for the time change, I know mainland Spain will end Central European Summer Time at 2 a.m. on Sunday, 30th Oct, so this is as we are heading to Cartagena. I cannot confirmed 100% but I would expect that the ship will be on the same time as your driver by the time we arrive in Malaga on the 31st.

    The Canaries are on the same time zone as the UK, so in effect -1 hour behind Spain, but again they will move their clocks back -1 hour at 2 a.m. on the morning of the 30th Oct.
  19. Peter, I know you were wondering about the CD. I'm told it will be Mike Hunnerup.


    GEORGE sounds like another successful cruise.... great itinerary too


    I googled Mike Hunnerup CD and if this is him he looks hysterical...


    Mike Hunnerup has recently introduced himself on the FB Event for this TA, so he is confirmed as our CD. He is currently on vacation and not yet onboard Liberty.
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