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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. @Mr. Boston my condolences on the loss of your aunt, so tough to lose this generation. @XBGuy I love primitivo, thanks for the info! We’ve had some fabulous ones! @57redbird glad it’s behind you, let the healing begin!
  2. Sending big hugs! Day by day! You have been through so much, and it’s only later that it hits!
  3. Good morning and thanks all! @Cruising-along happy birthday Henry! @Nickelpenny and @Haljo1935 welcome home! can’t believe it’s over already! @LAFFNVEGAS @dobiemom@POA1 @lindaler Bon voyage!
  4. lol, ain’t that the truth! Best appreciated at a distance.
  5. Good morning and thanks all! I really appreciate all the beautiful photos of Madeira. I had a Portuguese colleague who said it was her favourite, I would love to visit! @kazu glad you didn’t hurt yourself too badly! I hate the ice! The snow is beautiful and we are now in a winter wonderland.
  6. We’ve enjoyed Rhodes a few times, last time we went to a beautiful beach for lunch.
  7. The first one is the cellphone, it’s impossible to get a good shot even with the new zoom and better iPhone pro. The Nikon professional with the serious telephoto is my DH’s I can barely lift the thing, lol! I am hoping your DH feels better soon! You two deserve a break! @Nickelpenny @kazu@puppycanducruise@marshhawkThanks for the nice comments, we sometimes spend hours looking for these birds so it was such a gift to find one on our way home, glad we had the big camera with us.
  8. @cunnorlcongratulations! Welcome to a beautiful new baby! Our DGD has the same middle name! Love my blue jeans, black…. It’s part of the Cowboy tuxedo here in the west. my niece even had a wrangler wedding, lol! We’re having a lovely day today. So sorry for the east and the west, but we have no snow and plus 16 Celsius! We visited our DGD dog rescue adoption event. It was interesting to see this tiny but strong girl wrangling the creatures, one a nine month old Cane Corso that definitely outweighed her. After several hours of looking a week ago, and hundreds of kilometres driven we were lucky this week to see a snowy owl on our way home from the pet adoption. I’ll show you my Iphone 15 pro, compared with the Nikon Pro.
  9. So happy to hear @57redbird and @dfish have surgery dates! good for you @JazzyV getting what’s needed, @ger_77 great news that Wayne’s cardioversion worked! @rafinmd glad you are home! @seagarsmoker yay on the interviews!
  10. @Nickelpenny thanks for the great photos! Hope you had a malasada at Punaluu bake shops. They’re my favourite! Agree about Honolulu, we love the big island! Hope to visit again in the new year!
  11. We enjoyed our visit to Puerto Limon with a visit to a nature sanctuary
  12. @StLouisCruisers congratulations! No wonder you are so proud! I once had a student who went on to play for Bayern and Man U. I think Ted Lasso has helped us North Americans understand about soccer! @JazzyV hope you get some answers soon! @dfish yikes on the Hollywood set, so wrong when people need those drugs for medical reasons Thanks for all the kind puppy comments, we’re having fun! I think she’s A bit of a princess, lol!
  13. White rabbit, rabbit rabbit! Good news are furnace is repaired! Phew! prayers for @superoma dear friend and for @ger_77 Wayne! yay on the surgery date @57redbird @grapau27 yikes on the mess! Sorry so many are not feeling well! Hope things improve quickly. @0106 I too am following the grand South America as my cousin’s on board who we sailed with in Japan. Ok one more puppy photo, for those who wondered what a Kong was.
  14. lol, There’s of course a squeaky toy and a pink Kong, tee hee! We got more instructions from DS than we’ve ever had for the grandchildren🤷‍♀️😂
  15. Late again! @cruising sisterSo glad to see the lovely baby Murphy! Red hair and feisty! @Sharon in AZ hope all went well today! @rafinmd safe travels! We’re puppy sitting so all are exhausted, lol!
  16. A late check on! @JazzyV yikes Vanessa, no fun at all! We too are having hearing issues, our furnaces are taking turns going out! Hopefully will be fixed tomorrow, but little heat is NO fun! @Cruising-along yay! So glad it’s all good! We get the granddog tomorrow, so need to puppy proof! The crate is ready
  17. Good morning and thanks all! @kazu thanks for the update on Roy! Hoping he feels better soon, so glad it’s not heart failure. Sending wishes for healing to all those in need. We’re enjoying lovely weather but O snow, so a bit of a worry. @0106 thanks for the information about Alanis Morrisette. We love visiting Naples, so many things to see and do. We enjoyed visiting the beautiful palace in Caserta where they filmed The Empire Strikes Back. Also the lovely island of Ischia is worth a visit as well as of course Capri where we’re been several times. Or perhaps a visit to the Swiss clinic? We also enjoy just visiting Naples, and having great pizza. Last time we enjoyed visit the lesser explored UNESCO Heritage site of Villa Poppi, Oplontis, Neros wife’s villa.
  18. Happy thanks giving to my friends in the US! I am thankful for this lovely thread and all who contribute. I was delighted to hear a song from my 99 year old aunt about thanksgiving today! Thanks to @marshhawk@kazu@StLouisCruisers@Quartzsite Cruiser @puppycanducruise for the kind comments on the newest addition to our family. I call her Ms.Bean, her real name is in an ancient language. She is a real blessing, as he sadly lost his last pup. @Heartgrove that photo melted my heart! I’m sorry that you are missing her today. Thank you so much for the lovely wishes! I love those olives! She is helping decorate today!
  19. @1ANGELCAT happy big birthday! It’s a great milestone! @Nickelpenny Bon voyage! @Heartgrove hope you recover quickly and your wife stays negative @cruising sister good news! @ger_77 yikes, glad you are getting DH checked out! @summer slope sorry to hear about your DH, Mine had a Tough time too. Next time I’m going to look for Novavax, supposed to be less side effects. I am feeling like a human pin cushion but thankfully today the side effects are gone! Thanks for the great New Zealand photos, it’s definitely on the list. Here’s our lovely new 5 month old grand puppy, from a shelter. She is lovely!
  20. Good morning and thanks all! Appreciate the photos, Sandi, Lenda and Tony, probably the only way we’ll see Israel after so many cancellations. @smitty34877 glad you’re able to help the pup, our first DGD had surgery for the same thing! Wow, so sorry this happened to @Niagarawine and glad it was caught. I guess it seems we are a Safe place, but I always wonder about those one shot wonders. @Quartzsite Cruiser please take good care! Yikes! @cruising sisterglad the surgery went well. I had the RSV shot yesterday and a little under the weather today.
  21. Please take good care of yourself! Poor Chuck! Hope nothing permanently damaged!
  22. Good morning and thanks all! @smitty34877 I am glad you are starting to feel like yourself, it takes a lot of time. Hope you have a nice visit with your DS. They say a change is as good as a rest, I think you need both! @seagarsmoker I was very sorry to hear your news. I am hoping there will be something much better! @Seasick Sailor Oliver looks so cute! Enjoy your cruise. @Cruising-along what a beautiful sky! Sorry you too are affected by the changes in itinerary. We too got the expected Israel port change letter this morning. I am beginning to think we will never get there after trying for several years. HAL cancelled one because of the pandemic, this year we had to cancel due to medical and move to next year. And sigh, rinse and repeat. Some good news, yesterday DS welcomed a new grand puppy. She looks lovely and we’ll meet her later today. On the subject of Christmas lights, we invested in permanent lights last year. They are truly amazing, can be programmed in hundreds of variations. Well worth the cost to not have DH climbing a ladder. My DF fell when I was a young girl and that had a big effect on our family. So I am so very relieved to not have this worry.
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