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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning and thanks all! We’ve been to Costa Maya a couple of times, nice beach. @cruising sister happy birthday! Hope the surgery is early and successful! @Quartzsite Cruiser glad your DH had good news, May the healing continue. @RedneckBob yikes, glad you’re safe! @marshhawk safe travels! You’ve had lots of great advice, now go and enjoy! Italy is one of our Favourite places. @Haljo1935 DH was pickpocketed in Italy and caught the guy. We were very glad the valuables were under our clothes in a money belt. It can and does happen to anyone. This is the type DH likes, it attaches to his belt and worn inside his pants. Fits passport, credit cards and cash. We keep a few euros in a change purse to buy water etc. Then there are O worries!
  2. happy birthday! Annie, one more suggestion. Please use a money belt under your clothes for your valuables. In Italy you are supposed to carry your passport and may be asked by police to see them, it is Italian law. Also when you arrive jet lagged, you won’t need to worry about keeping it safe. Not trying to scare you but the pickpockets are very skilled. Also at the airport, make sure you go to the official line for the taxi, don’t pay attention to anyone who wants you to go with them.. . the official taxis are regulated and much safer to choose.
  3. I am so enjoying your wonderful photos, amazing food! I am drooling! And congrats on the winnings! I am so glad that fortune is smiling! some Canadian swans just in case you get lonely, lol!
  4. Hindsight is always 20/20. Don’t think this is on the passengers. As @Heidi13states one weighs the risks. Lots of concerns worldwide right now, the straights of Taiwan for one. We cancelled our cruise that included China in 2019 when they imprisoned the two Canadians.
  5. I’m just on my own little wold, lol! But it is strange!
  6. Thanks, I felt my chair shake a little and commented that if felt like what we’d experienced a few times. But I didn’t really think we could feel it here, but who knows? The timing is right!
  7. Thanks for all the good wishes for thanksgiving! We had a lovely day of 26 C or about 79F which is insane but we’ll take it! what time was the earthquake yesterday? I swear I felt something around 8 ish MDT. We had some lovely company!
  8. We were completely amazed by Priene, Miletus and Didyma. Absolutely fascinating I think we all can learn a lot too from this thread. Our ultimate safety depends on us being prepared and taking appropriate measures. I don’t think one can completely count on others in an emergency. A working phone is a small cost in the scheme of things.
  9. I too echo not second guessing things. I’m sure Hal did their absolute best with what and when they were made aware. It makes one rethink private excursions. We always carry an up to date phone with international calling. Not sure I would count on emergency alerts either after receiving the infamous Hawaii one. We were actually booked on this very cruise and had to reschedule next year. My heart is with everyone at this crucial time.
  10. Yikes I don’t want to join the back club. I’m hoping it’s my mattress as sleeping in the rv I’ve been ok. ok new mattress club. Suggestions 🤗
  11. Happy thanksgiving! I think we can use more than one. DH had a Harley do that was fun. But we did get the looks Prayers for Israel. I can’t find the thread @RMLincolnsorry you were so triggered. Group work can make things surface and good they had someone to be with you. Hope things resolve We have visited Split a couple of times so last time we went to Trogir which was highly recommended by my Croatian dentist.
  12. Just checking in and oh my. We were supposed to be on the Nieuw Statendsm right now. We had to cancel and reschedule to next year. bon voyage to @kazu @0106@St Pete Cruiser @sailingdutchy such lovely photos So nice to see lovely lady A. We are enjoying glorious low twenties fall weather. We have enjoyed visiting Skye
  13. Bon voyage. I am So hoping third time lucky. The book club is a fabulous idea. I read the hiding place ages ago. So looking forward to traveling with you vicariously. Your hotel looks lovely
  14. Columbia has some water repellent pants that look very nice. Also goretex footwear and jackets are a good idea.
  15. Sorry I’m so late to the thread! I’m glad you’re safely in Amsterdam! The Banks hotel looks awesome and that lounge menu, I’d try the Rose Champagne on the way back if you can. Yum! Is the signature lounge just for international? We had a very nice one in Vancouver when we went to Japan, with a chef. Loved your menu! wishing you a fabulous trip!
  16. Sorry, cut off mid post! @0106 yikes on the cancellation, but glad you got another flight in PE! Safe travels! @marshhawkglad you liked the photo of the springs, it’s A lovely spot. @AroundWithMAPTravels welcome! Love your name and maps! @St Pete Cruiser safe travels! Sometimes smaller airports are nice! My DH loves the Greek frappes, pretty much just instant Nescafé We have enjoyed Nice on several trips and are fortunate to have friends there.
  17. Happy birthday Vanessa! Wishing you a great year! Happy anniversary Terri! @Smmessineo welcome!
  18. My two cents, we throughly enjoyed Meteora which is possible to get to from Volos. But Volos area was affected by the terrible recent floods so it may depend on the timing of your cruise. We also enjoyed Paros and have spent several days on that island. It’s nice to see an island that is a little less touristy IMO. I agree with @cruisemom42 Regarding the factory tours! Quelle surprise! Nothing like seeing a Fashion show instead of the sights! @budmeister if that truly was silk it would have been a great deal.
  19. Good morning and thanks all! @kazu safe travels!, @Cruzin Terri happy 42 anniversary tomorrow! @smitty34877 such a nice photo, memories are so bittersweet! @Seasick Sailorhope you’re ok today! Echoing the call for help, we’re not spring chickens any more, sadly. @Quartzsite Cruiser glad the er docs were happy, hope you can catch up on your rest today! Shimizu is a great port for views of Mount Fuji, some lovely tea grown there and a stunning temple with a cable car to get there.
  20. We too prefer king or queen, double matrimonial size bed in Italy works as well. It’s larger than a North American double, more like a queen. My only concern for you is that I have heard of numerous last minute cancellations for people who book early at an air B and B type place. You are at the mercy of the third party. My preference is to book directly or with a well vetted booking company. Research carefully to see they are legit reviews.
  21. Yikes! Hope it all healed well! I guess mine would be the time I had to take a taxi to Naples and back from Salerno for an ultrasound to the tune of several hundred euros, had to pay both taxis for double. Thank goodness for great insurance or when the ATM aborted our transaction and our bank thought we had the 600 euros we didn’t get and we needed to get the carabinieri involved. Thank goodness for google translate. Or when the fire in the Rome airport resulted in all flights cancelled and we had to pay 700 euros for a domestic Italian flight on Ryanair. But renting a Ferrari made it all worth while😂🤷‍♀️ always a silver lining with good Insurance!
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