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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. This is so true, and people underestimate people to their loss. This happened to a friends father, at a car dealership. He was ignored and bought two brand new vehicles at the next dealership. He could easily have bought both dealerships.
  2. There will always be one or two, sigh! Once we had a couple who were supposedly a travel agent ask us the first morning of our circumnavigation of Japan cruise, weren’t we just sick of Japan? And their constant complaints to staff and Maître’D prompted us to also have a conversation with the maître’D as the issue wasn’t really with the staff. But easy to avoid ever after. I could talk about travel forever, it’s a passion for me and I am always interested to hear others’ experiences.
  3. Good morning and thanks all! A very thought provoking quote. I have always loved fossils and am fortunate to have a few interesting ones. Welcome home @kazu@St Pete Cruiserand @0106! Hopefully you have no jet lag! What a bonus, sorry you missed a port, but it sounded like a wonderful cruise. We have visited Stockholm twice, the first cruise we were so jet lagged and with the continued eastward direction we nearly missed it, as that night we actually slept. @Cruzin Terrisorry you are still having a difficult time, I pray things soon resolve for you!
  4. An interesting topic, we have not experienced this to any great extent. OnePrincess cruise out of Fort Lauderdale we did, to the extreme, The dining room was hard to get in and out of with all the motorized scooters. We think it may be more itinerary based. I had read about Celebrity’s cancellations, unbelievable the grief that must have caused you. Japan has been one of our favourite cruises. We too are booked on next years holy land as we had to cancel this years. I am not optimistic, but will look at Japan again instead. I don’t need these but have been using them and increased my spine density significantly. Wow, we have never experienced this on HAL. We have met some lovely people, some very well travelled, probably wealthy and extremely gracious. We have made some lifelong friends from our travels. On Princess we were constantly asked our status and on Cunard if we were in the Grills. So a different experience.
  5. Sorry, this seems funny to me as we had a similar experience. Took our adult son on exactly one cruise as a third also and he got double cruise credits for the suite we were upgraded to while we didn’t. The one thing HAL is consistent in, is their inconsistency.
  6. Highly recommend Carcassone as well. We found Sete underwhelming. Montpelier is a lovely city to explore.
  7. My two cents, the taxi will likely want to charge you both ways unless they are willing to wait for you. I once needed to go to Naples from Salerno by taxi and return. I incurred two return taxi bills of nearly 500 euro total. I had no choice as it was medical and fortunately my insurance paid as the ships doctor walked me off the ship to the taxi. So make sure you check the costs.
  8. We have used them twice with great success and reliability. We used them to go from Piazza Roma to Venice Marco Polo airport for a group. The second time we used them from Treviso to Venice and we found them again reasonable and helpful in a tough last minute flight change. We’ve also used and liked Rome cabs but don’t think they operate much outside of Rome and area.
  9. Yes, we toured out of Catania. We used Giuseppe Leotta, and he was the owner and driver of the company. He was very responsive, reasonably priced and took us to a great place for lunch. We had some specific things we wished to see and do and he arranged it all. We visited the famous pastry shop in Noto, he arranged a wine tasting of Nero d’ Avila that we requested. When our ship docked early he changed things to accommodate us. We would highly recommend him. Here’s his contact information:
  10. We took a private tour. We also visited Syracuse and beautiful Noto and a winery.
  11. Good morning and thanks all! @Lady Hudson happy birthday! @smitty34877it takes a lot of time to heal, you’ve been through a lot. Give yourself time and rest. @RMLincoln you have a gorgeous view! Nice to see where people live, hope your upcoming move goes well and you settle in quickly. @HAL Sailerglad your husband is home, pace yourself! An interesting discussion on how everyone finds the photos. For me it’s just easier to use the choose files and search in my photos. We also have been part of the flat battery club after a long trip, great idea @StLouisCruisers
  12. We thoroughly enjoyed both Split and Trogir. Missing Olympia will be disappointing but cruises often stop there and it a train ride away from the port. Split can easily be explored without further transportation, Trogir is about a half hour drive. I posted some photos when it was the port a few weeks ago. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stop, all the best!
  13. @Haljo1935 sorry to hear of your itinerary change.sadly these things happen before and during a cruise. Do you just have a sea day or any substitutes? @Cruzin Terri I’ve found layers, with one being wool works well. You can always buy a nice cashmere sweater in Italy. We enjoyed visiting Berlin from Watnemunde. A fabulously interesting city and very sobering. @Overhead Fred fabulous sunrise! Thanks for sharing such beauty! Not sure why so many countries names are anglicized? Couldn’t we just say Venezia, Firenze? …. @grapau27 probably just me, but I would much prefer seeing photos of your beach or local scenery. I think I know your dashboard better than mine, lol! I personally don’t think it’s necessary or expected to like every post, some times we just checkin quickly or not at all. My lovely thai dumplings
  14. Looks so lovely! And the book club! What a great idea! Makes me consider a TA, being a bit of a fairweather sailor, I’m not sure but it looks great!
  15. Good morning and thanks all! Happy birthday wishes to @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl @NextOneSending healing thoughts and also to @redbird @JazzyV @rafinmd hope you have a good appointment @Cruising-along Carolyn, hope your DH feels better soon. @CruisingSisterhope little baby Murphy improves with this new treatment. I am so afraid I’ve forgotten someone! @ger_77 glad you had no side effects, we had the usual but minimal but are glad we have them as there seems to be a shortage of supplies. Safe travels! I love the library and use it regularly,
  16. Good morning and thanks all! @NextOne praying all goes well and you soon feel better!, @dfish thanks for the encouragement, we had our boosters yesterday and are dragging today. My indoor plants are very happy! Even if upside down, lol!
  17. Enjoying following and your descriptions of food and wildlife. @LouChamp good to know there’s still a chart house in Honolulu, sadly no longer Maui or Kona. We enjoy the pizza at the kona brewing company, our winter home.
  18. Good morning and thanks all! @redbirdhope all goes well Wednesday,. My mom had AF and they were unable to convert her, but with a pacemaker she lived into her 90s. @grapau27 nice to see you were able to get Pauline to fly across the pond, looked like a lot of steak. Honestly, we just use our regular credit card with no extra forex fees. We have travelled to Italy probably a dozen times, just use a money belt under your clothes for valuables and then all will be secure. When DH was pickpocketed they only got his throwaway wallet with less than 20 euros in it.
  19. @NextOne praying all goes well with your surgery, it’ll be so good to have it behind you so you can start the healing!
  20. Thanks, I thought there was a new one, I’ve had the other two, the pneumovax twice.
  21. Very late catching up! Love Victoria, have a good friend there. Both my DS and DD spent time there this summer. @aliaschief DD too was shocked at the drug use. @Quartzsite Cruiser fabulous eclipse photos! @JazzyVi hope you start to feel better soon! @StLouisCruisers thanks for the update on Annie! And the great reminder about gelato, once a day is minimum. @Nickelpenny I too hate yolks, and then I found out they’re a good source of choline which can help fight breast cancer. A very interesting discussion of RSV, appreciate @cruising sister take on things. I’ll be doing it, after the Covid and flu booster. I would like to spread them out. Any thoughts on novavax? Our RSV is not covered and over $100 a shot, but I’ve paid before for prevnar 13,and the high dose flu which is now covered. I guess there’s a new Prevnar 23? enjoying the fall colours.
  22. Always personal choice, but along with that is personal responsibility. DH was also on call, one night three times we were woken. Not fun. From my training in critical incident stress management I learned predict and prepare. We have been grateful to have a working phone on many occasions, a family member hospitalized, last minute tour changes, an airline strike, hotel changes.….. since no one can predict all possibilities, it’s best to be prepared.
  23. So glad you are having such an awesome cruise! And Harneys and sons tea! Hope the seas calm, and fortune continues to smile on you!
  24. Good morning and thanks all! I like the sound of that wine today and the one Nancy suggested too! We’ve been fortunate to visit Corfu many times and am enjoying all the pictures today. Like @smitty34877 we loved watching the Durrells in Corfu. Last time we visited the Beach and the time before we hired a private boat so explored by water and saw where the Durrells actually lived. They also provide an onboard barbecue of local fish and treats.
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