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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. Running a few minutes late so sent my mom ahead to grab a pager. I'm here now only a couple minutes late and a full bar. I need to toe the line between having too much at dinner, and enough for Neil Diamond 😆.
  2. My mom found two more ducks. We are tied now 3-3.
  3. Some apps to hold you till dinner. There were two but I ate one before I realized the upload failed.
  4. Food and another Cosmo. Just toasted with the captain and now we have the Acrobats . Yes, that is a shirtless man 😆
  5. At Reflections for a Sr. Officer meet and greet. Elevator was a zoo because we were all coming here at the same time 😆
  6. It was fantastic. Eat what you can, and I will finish the rest 😀
  7. Guess it's time to work some of that lunch off. Heading to the gym now and will work in some sauna time as well.
  8. Picking up some sweets for my mom and those desserts look so good. I've been waiting all week for the red velvet cupcake to reappear and it is finally here. Maybe if I have room later but if I grab it now, I will eat it just because it is there 😆
  9. My mains were both a little over cooked but overall a good meal. For those in the TA, I am starting to hear work being done. The drilling noises at lunch were a bit distracting.
  10. Heavenly sin on a plate. So delicious. I finished my mom's for her as she wasn't as crazy about it as I was.
  11. The noodles had a very good flavor as did the shrimp and pork in the dish. The only trouble was the noodles were overcooked, and I like a well done noodle. These were mushy. The croissant was so good. Flaky and buttery and the herbs amd cheese on the egg gave it a nice flavor. Again it was cooked a little too long and the croissant was a tad burnt.
  12. No problems at all. But it is a small gym so I imagine if there are a lot of exercise aficionados it could be difficult. Hardly anyone there when I've gone.
  13. Salad was good but as I've said, it's hard to get too excited about a salad. Udon and what I've been waiting for the egg and herbs croissant
  14. Very nice flavor and not overly breaded. The sauce it was in was heavenly. Key West salad.
  15. That's a good idea. Also may scare them into buying an exercise class 😆. Genius. I use my scale from home though 😆 🤣
  16. Need three sea days to get this menu, but it has some great choices.
  17. I've been doing the gym. It's too warm outside for me, and the track is very short and only in KM. It hurt my head trying to calculate how many times I had to walk to get a mile.
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