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Posts posted by Thorncroft

  1. I'm in the same situation (check in at 12:30). I've considered terminal parking, but I read in a different thread that you can park in the city garage for $7. I was just curious about your parking experience.


    We are driving from Kansas City and plan on arriving at the port around 10:00. If anyone else can give me information about parking and how to get from garage to pier I'd be very grateful.



    I seriously doubt you'll find $7 prices anymore. The county used to own that garage, but they sold it to a private company a few years ago. Near as I can tell, this is who operates that parking garage now and I'm hearing prices in the $10 range, but I don't know if that's daily parking or long term.


    Central Parking System

    126 South Jackson Street

    Mobile, AL 36602


  2. I had read a post about a public parking structure a few blocks away where you could park for $7/day and then ake a shuttle to the cruise terminal. There is a Raddison Admiral Hotel right next to the parking structure so I read you can just hop on the shuttle there and go to the port. We are cruising from this Port as well in October so I'm trying to find out the best rates as well.


    Near as I can tell, this is who owns that parking garage now. It used to be county owned, but they sold it a few years ago. I'm hearing prices in the $10 range, but I don't know if that is for long term parking.


    Central Parking System

    126 South Jackson Street

    Mobile, AL 36602


  3. You'll want to exit I-10 eastbound at 26A (Canal St). Take a right at the bottom of the ramp on to Water St. and it will take you right to the terminal. You can pre-pay parking online. It will save you time at the parking deck. If you get there before 10:30ish you may be turned away and told to come back later. The line to get in can get pretty backed up, especially if a train is going by. If you're coming down I-65, you can take I-165 south and it will dump you right on to Water St. downtown. You'll have to navigate some downtown streets to get back around to where you can get into the terminal because I don't think they will let you into the parking garage if you are headed the wrong way on Water St. Your best bet is to follow I-65 until it ends at I-10 and then take I-10 eastbound towards FL. You may want to eat before you get there. You can walk to restaurants, but it's about a 15 minute walk and you have to cross some busy downtown streets.

  4. San Diego and Mobile are the only two ports that Carnival has ever pulled out of completely. They can say what they want about sales and pricing, but I believe both pullouts were due to industry politics and promises made to FL ports. Now that Carnival has multiple new ships coming online and shows no signs of deep sixing any of the existing fleet, they will be looking for spots to place ships.

  5. Guess the food is just different for what people like. We sailed the Triumph May of 2017, had overall an enjoyable cruise and didn't go hungry in anyway. Personally I like the Blue Iguana and their tacos and guy's burgers. We found staff to be enjoyable and didn't encounter any issues.


    Now I can pretty much say all cruise lines leave a little something to be desired for me in the food department. I however am a rather plain eater, I am fine with steak, chicken, hamburgers, pizza, hotdogs, tacos, etc. I am not a foodie, nor do I like really exotic foods.


    Guy's popularity is off the charts. The Carnival demographic seems to lean toward fast foodies. You don't hear too many complaints about the real food, but a lot of love for the stuff that makes dieticians cringe.

  6. When Sunshine was first rolled out, the Carnival website did have a banner proclaiming the ship as new. Now whether they were trying to make people think it was a new ship or if it was just a marketing gimmick, much like a decade old store having a grand opening after a major renovation, I can't say. All I know is that the website did promote the ship as new and shortly thereafter the banner was removed from the page.

  7. Renovation...remodeling...enhancing - it's all a great idea, but why is there a need to change the name?

    "Legend says that when every ship is christened, its name goes into a "Ledger of the Deep" maintained by Neptune (or Poseidon) himself. Renaming a ship or boat means you're trying to slip something past the gods and you will be punished for your deviousness."


    To try to hide the humiliating history and reputation of a ship.

  8. I think it should be hundreds of millions...... really? Curious as to how you came to the amount? Do you arbitrate cases like this? I never knew we had so many experts here...tried....convicted....surprised a few executions are not in order.



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    They should just gift the man the Triumph as settlement. What better way to get rid of problem customer and cursed ship than let him set sail and be stranded forever at sea somewhere. LOL.

  9. Honestly, there is revenue to be made here. CCL could sell reusable stainless steel straws imprinted with their logo and charge it to you S&S account.


    Eco Friendly could be profitable :)

    Look for logo straws to be an upcoming platinum gift.
  10. I hope that they don't stick to that design of the bow! It just seems so odd to me, although it does make sense why they did it. I like ships to actually look like ships...


    They're more stable in rough seas. Look for it to be the new normal. Everybody is going to that. You can look to the USS Zumwalt for the extreme progression of that form. It's actually nothing new. Civil war ironclads did it 150 years ago.

  11. Nice big crock you are hauling round. You have confirmed my estimation of your business and accounting acumen. I believe I told you what Carnival does with the gratuities they collect. They pay them out to their employees based on the percentages they have described to all of us in their gratuities breakdown. They are not allowed to take an administrative fee for doing so. That is part of the cost of running their accounting system, not of what is collected for gratuities. It would be like saying that they figure out what they are going to pay in their payroll system, and then take part of that money as an administrative fee for paying their employees.


    I don't know why I am wasting my time talking to a moving Thorncraft wall. He/she just doesn't get it and never will.


    Whatever, retired dude. I've been in busiiness since 1993, contracting with a federal government agency. Obviously, we're not in a tipped based industry, so it's not something that I'm familiar with and have stated as much. You, however, have done nothing to make me change my mind; your thinly veiled and pathetic insults notwithstanding. I still don't believe Carnival. LOL.

  12. Oh I can, But I know you cannot support your claims about Carnival taking an "administrative fee". Let me give you a little tease. The company, in this case Carnival, is not allowed to take any portion of the gratuities. They are targeted for those in the gratuities pool and not the company. Depending on what tax laws govern Carnival they are required to report the gratuities that are collected (easy to do), and how much each of the employees in the gratuities pools are given (easy to do). This must be reported to the taxing bodies that the employees will have to pay taxes to. The companies financial reports must contain records of the amount of gratuities collected and the amount disbursed. All of these numbers have to be verified by the company auditors and the outside auditors that Carnival engages. All of these numbers must also be included in the proper accounts in the various levels of General Ledgers that Carnival uses. My guess those ledgers start at the ship level and are rolled up into various company and corporate ledgers that are required by law.


    Now if you still want to pretend that there is some administrative fee taken out before the employees are paid, you should realize that every transaction that hits you S&S card also hits the ship level general ledger with the same account codes that are used to debit your S&S card. That way you insure that the ledgers have balanced transactions, ie a debit and a credit. This is a very simple business financial picture to make sure that you understand. If you don't, then you definitely do not own any kind of business other than a ponzi scheme.



    Your turn. Prove your accusation.


    Let me refresh your memory of what I actually posted. No accusation of any kind there. Just my personal speculation. Enough with your unfounded hysteria. You still haven't told me what Carnival does with their gratuities.. Unless you actually work for Carnival, you can only guess at how they handle this, just like everyone else. Therefore, you can't answer me truthfully.


    "I don't believe them, but that's just me. LOL. I can't imagine that they don't take an administrative fee off the top. That's gazillions of dollars that they have to handle and disperse. That's not free or cheap."


  13. Only after you explain to me how you know that they take an administrative fee off the top of the collected gratuities before they pay them out to their employees! And only after you do your own research to get up to speed on how companies that collect gratuities for their employees must, collect, handle, disburse, account for, and report these action through their financial and accounting systems and on to the various taxing authority that are required. And then, do a little research on how financial and accounting systems work and the requirements for legal audits that their accounting groups, firms, and taxing bodies require. That shouldn't be a long process for you since you have claimed that you have employees and have to do lots of the same things for them. I know they don't take any of the "tips" that you give them (as you clearly stated), so you must not be taking any administrative fees for that.


    Yeah, I didn't think you could.

  14. Obviously you have no understanding of the requirements for handling and financial reporting when it comes to the collection and management of gratuities! Making such an obviously inaccurate statement that implies financial mismanagement by Carnival shows your disdain for this company and the people who manage it. But that is some people's personalities when it comes to making statements they will never have to prove. Sad! It ranks right up there with salty dingo's earlier claim about Carnival being able to not follow regulations which he/she failed to prove when I called him/her on it. Must be nice to be able to make all kinds of false accusations that you can easily avoid defending. Seems to be the norm now days. Sad!



    Please explain how Carnival handles their gratuity collection and disbursment. We're all ears.

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