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Everything posted by Pcardad

  1. Commenting really helps them out. I hope my suggestions were taken as only suggestions - this is a topic that is sensitive and no one needs another telling them what to do. Enjoy the trip!!!
  2. Tips are included in your fare and are not expected. If you chose to do something for the crew you might consider the following... 1. Mention them by name in the end-of-cruise feedback form - this helps them with pay increases and promotions. 2. Donate to the crew fund - this helps subsidize departmental funded parties in the crew bar as well as excursion tickets for the crew. 3. If you decide leave an additional tip, please do so discretely, at the end of the cruise, and seal it in an envelope (available at Guest Services).
  3. When I have had this issue, I 've been able to upgrade the class with Regent Air for a fee...but Regent UK might be different. It might also be worthwhile to look at Luggage Free to ship a bag home to alleviate the concern. Or you could cancel that leg of the flight with Regent, take the credit from Regent and book it yourself.
  4. My advice is never fly economy to a cruise. What is the point is spending all that money for the cruise only to arrive tired and annoyed? Also, you can move up a class in ticket by arranging it through Regent Air for a fee - what did your TA quote you for this? If that doesn't work, your TA can call their Regent Account Manager and ask for help.
  5. Posted today for July 14...and they should do more but booking a few rooms here and there isn't feasible. A larger credit and transfers would be something they might agree to. If I was the TA, I would subsidize the room as well....the client is worth it.
  6. They provide the best class within their budget but not promised to be 5 stars. As I have said, I think the offer was light and should be adjusted. Running transfers as well would make it comparable as I can book a decent hotel for the credit they are offering via a public website.
  7. Agreed. I do not think the $150 pounds per person to replace transfers/breakfast/hotel is sufficient. I would argue for more for my client and would fund it personally if Regent didn't agree...but the Account Reps have budgets for things like this and usually accommodate reasonable requests.
  8. The miscommunication was that the actual letter said this... "As a gesture of goodwill, we have added a hotel and transfer credit of £150 per guest to your account. " My follow up comment said its a bit suspect that refunding the cost of the hotel that Regent couldn't provide is hardly a gesture of goodwill. The OBC is the gesture and is insufficient, IMO. If I were the TA for this gentleman, I would be on the phone with my account rep at Regent and they would make it right.
  9. It sounds like your pricing is different that what shows on Expedia. I ran then as 4 star with breakfast for one night (July 14 - July 15). Hopefully your TA can make some headway with the Regent Sale Rep assigned to her. The two times I have been to Rejkyakic, we were in tiny hotels that were unremarkable. Some ports are very difficult to source rooms and if a single large hotel goes offline it can cause havoc.
  10. You are! But there are also Titanium members under 40 and the number of younger people is increasing.
  11. A very quick search of hotels on the night you wanted, at 4 stars or above and including breakfast yields the following......and note that a Regent equivalent transfer (shuttle bus) can be had for about $35 dollars.
  12. Out of curiosity, I looked up a taxi ($125) and a 4 star hotel ($175 to $250) for July in Iceland.....it looks doable to me but I am sure your TA would know for certain.
  13. This makes more sense. That amount is consistent with what Regent typically refunds for an unused pre-cruise hotel....although there is no "goodwill" in crediting you back money you paid for the hotel they are not providing. At least with the $400 OBC you can buy a couple of decent bottles of wine to bring home.
  14. In the USA, Concierge rooms include 1 night hotel pre-cruise (check your reservation paperwork to see if this is listed). If you do not use, or Regent cannot provide, that room then Regent will credit you back the amount for the room. It has been this way for all the years I have done this and I have booked about 5,000 nights on Regent and seen this happen every time the situation occurred. I can't speak for what happens in the UK, but this is how it happens here. I would call your TA, ask where the credit is for the room because Regent has already identified the £150pp credit as a "gesture of goodwill" in their letter. Are you comfortable posting the letter so we can see it in its entirety?
  15. From his post...."It goes on to offer us £150pp as a "gesture of goodwill" towards paying for our own hotel and transfers, plus some OBC." Every invoice I have ever seen includes a credit for the pre-cruise night if not used.
  16. To help clarify the facts - if you are in a Concierge room, Regent normally covers your hotel if they can. In this case, as they cannot, you get a credit back for the room AND a credit of £150pp as a gesture of goodwill AND you get OBC.
  17. 14.06 Billion as of 12/31/2023. Their debt has maturity dates all the way out to 2038 but most of the debt is refinanced every few years. https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net/_85d0a313e590fff1de64615b765bc464/nclhltd/db/1110/11449/debt_payment_schedule/Debt+Schedule+as+of+12.31.23.pdf
  18. Clarification - you are not REQUIRED to wait in the theater but you are not allowed to block the transit space for other tours. Since Covid became a thing, I won't spend any more time than I need to in the theater. I wait outside the theater and far from any transit path. I am close enough to a staff member that I can hear them call our tour on the staff member's radio. This way, I can stay away from people who are obviously sick and, at the same time, not intrude upon the right of others to have clear passage to their bus. Also, people who have movement issues can get a head start and go out to the Destination staff on the dock.
  19. If we know it here, it stands to reason any TA who specializes in Regent should know it too.
  20. Then you or your TA should call Regent ASAP and insist that they fix this. If this occurred after your final payment, you insist that they refund your money as this is a material change. Or you have your TA book a hotel and help with the transfer. Either way, your TA is going to play a material part in fixing this. Thankfully, they have an account rep who exists for exactly this purpose.
  21. This is common in Reykjavik as the hotel situation is markedly different than pre-Covid. In ports like these, the cruise companies find it extremely difficult to secure large reservations in advance and they don't have the ability to make call around and find individual rooms. If they are offering 300 pounds per couple, that should be sufficient to cover a hotel for one night and your TA should be able to secure the hotel reservation. If I was your TA, I would also cover car service to the ship on your behalf as it wouldn't be much and would solve your issue.
  22. Part is pent up demand. Part is limited time left to cruise. Part is this age-bracket has a lot of money right now.
  23. I think we know the same people...
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