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Everything posted by Pcardad

  1. Perception is subjective. I would rather have Regent on financial solid ground and skip the extraneous fluff. My solution was to have nice folders embossed for my clients and I have their docs sent to me and I pack their folders with appropriate material.
  2. I have 450+ nights as a full fare paying customer and I have never had a trip ruined by a child...just my experience. There simply aren't many kids on board unless you go to Alaska or maybe Europe in the summer.
  3. Regent across the board - less formal, more comfortable and welcoming and I think the service is a level above. SS might be more FORM whereas Regent is more SUBSTANCE..if that makes sense.
  4. Agreed. Wall street is seeing and rewarding the efforts. IMO, I think these measure will remain in place through the end of 2024 and then they will be re-evaluated.
  5. If it makes you feel any better, we have always had to fill out our own luggage tags. They always arrived blank and I am Titanium and a TA with 5 million in bookings. I am not trying to discount your feelings, just providing some factual perspective. Covid came THIS CLOSE to wiping out the cruise industry....
  6. Hopefully most of the 15% cuts they announced in non-fuel costs will be invisible. It isn't effecting service, food or the experience in general and the luggage tags are now given out when hitting SSS levels. You can also opt-out of the catalog mailings....but those should decrease in frequency as well. TBH, there is really nothing in the pre-cruise package that you even need to bring with you - all you really need is a passport and a credit card.
  7. The service is as exceptional as always as is the food and the experience. There is minor cost cutting for all cruise lines - its the cost of Covid and current interest rates.
  8. Interest rates shot up through the roof and all the cruise companies have to refi their Covid debt at massively more expensive terms. They are all cutting costs for a bit.
  9. I think everyone agrees that people who cannot behave should not be onboard.....no matter what their age.
  10. Agreed but I have seen many kids on board. And some of those are the children of staff who are on vacation with their parents. The OP was asking opinions about actual passengers on board ship with the OP...it wasn't a hypothetical.
  11. In over 450 nights, I've never seen a child throw a tantrum on Regent. Has it happened, I am sure it has. I have seen adults do things that would horrify you and their parents on not onboard to correct their behavior. Regent welcomes children and families...and that's just the way it is. It has been my experience that if someone is going to negatively impact your experience, it will probably be an adult.
  12. Not according to Regent. They encourage TA's to market to families. A 2 year old isn't going to remember any trip - this is more about the parents and grandparents wanting to be with their families. Regent is for whomever Regent allows on board.
  13. I agree 100%! Lets not discriminate against any age group - let's just uphold Regent's standards for behavior onboard.
  14. I think it is only $100 - you should get a letter after your cruise. The Regent rep your TA books with can explain it to your TA.
  15. Absolutely true - I would add that ANY person, of any age, who cannot behave should not be on board.
  16. Plenty of Regent Captains and Officers have brought their families onboard for a cruise...not to mention plenty of clients. If you want to be with your family - bring them. From my experience, the kids that come on cruises are as well behaved, if not better, than the adults.
  17. Anything you put your mouth on should be cleaned daily....just saying.
  18. Give it to your TA or your Regent Rep - they will add it.
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