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Posts posted by eagletwo

  1. August will have temperatures in the high 80's. The ABC Islands are below the hurricane belt. Last hurricane to get close was in 2007.


    St. Maarten got hit hard by Irma last September. Island is slowly recovering. If there is a hurricane during your cruise, the Cruise line will probably change the itinerary to avoid any issues.


    We have a cruise booked August 25th and know hurricanes are a possibility. Not really worried.

  2. We took the up sell offer yesterday from a Mini Suite to an Owners Suite cabin. The Sip n Sail did not change nor did anything we had with the Mini Suite. There was an additional Balcony breakfast that came with the offer.


    We are excited to have breakfast in Sabatinis during the cruise along with some other amenities that come with a suite.

  3. This is not true either. If he needs an emergency evac from the ship back to the US' date=' it will happen but there are procedures that will need to be completed after his arrival. If he is stabilized in a hospital in another country and needs re-patriation to the US, there are procedures that will be completed at a US Embassy or Consulate to obtain an emergency passport and then it will be exchanged for a standard passport on arrival back in the US. In other words, he or someone on his behalf will have a pain in the neck bit of bureaucracy to deal with. He will not be denied needed medical care or emergency transport back to the US due to lack of a passport. It is just much easier to have it.


    He will be denied the ability to return to the US when medically stable (for instance, after hospitalization on an island) until he has jumped thru the hoops there.[/quote']


    You must know something about emergency flights that I have missed. Our company operates an 8 passenger Citation V for Charter with authorization to operate in North America, Central America and the Caribbean. We can not transport any passengers from a foreign country without a valid Passport. The passenger information is transmitted to US Customs before scheduled departure. No Passport, no approval to depart. In addition, the arrival Port of Entry must grant landing rights. If they don't see the electronic ok for the flight, they will deny landing rights. Bad situation to deal with it someone is in critical condition.

  4. First cruise was on the Diamond Princess in 2005 and we were in a full suite. Had a nice blouse my wife loved come back from the laundry that would fit a size 8. At the time she sent it out, the blouse was a size 12.


    We have had our whites come back grey. If the ship has a lot of Elite passengers, it may take 2-3 days to get your clothes back .

  5. Had priority boarding on our 2016 Caribbean Princess cruise since we were in a suite. Arrived at the Port Everglades terminal at 10 am. Stood in line with the other 300+ priority guests until the doors opened around 11 am. Check in was quick. We then were seated in the main waiting area for over 30 minutes. Got on board around 11:45 am. Stateroom was ready.


    Next year on the Crown Princess, we were in a Mini Suite, no priority boarding. After our flight was cancelled out of Atlanta, we drove all night to Fort Lauderdale, bought some clothes since our luggage was still in ATL and got to the port by 2 pm. We walked into the terminal and the only people their were the Princess employees.


    We are traveling on the CB in August, will arrive no earlier than 2 pm.

  6. My sister in-law did volunteer work in Thailand 5 years ago at an elepahnt sanctuary. Most of the elephants are rescued from the tourist trade where the animals "beg" in the streets for money or give rides to tourists. The photo's she brought back of these poor animals was heart breaking. Do some research on the subject and you will never want to ride an elephant. Even the weight of an average person riding on the back of an elephant will cause pain. They are not built for heavy loads on their backs.

  7. I’m in E707. Wa there much noise from Club Fusion?



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    No noise at all from the Club. You could feel a small vibration when cruising and when using the thrusters to dock, but that was it. We like the E deck. Our favorite cabin is E731 which comes with a larger balcony. We have E731 booked on the Caribbean Princess next August.

  8. We were on the same cruise. You nailed it with your review. I agree with everything. We were in E727. Most important thing you brought up was please treat the staff well. They work hard, 10-14 hours a day for 6-9 months. A smile, kind word and a little extra cash to those who busted their butt for us to have a good time. We loved the Crown

  9. Also if you like bacon with your eggs at breakfast, only request one order. The first time we ordered for the 3 of us we marked for 3 and there was enough bacon for 30 cabins :)


    We did this on the Caribbean Princess last December. Little embarrassing.

  10. The wind coming over the balcony can be a little rough. Ship cruises at 22 kts and if you have stong headwinds added to this, the balconey can be interesting if you want to read a book. Just opening the balcony door underway can be fun. Our family of four were upgraded to the family suite on the Caribbean Princess. We did enjoy the extra space, the ability to order room service from an expanded menu, breakfast in Sabitini's and ordering room service on the last day. We all agreed we would not book this type cabin and pay the regular price. But the free upgrade and a lot of OBC made it an easy choice.

  11. I have to laugh at some of the comments. Rusty ship, worn carpets, ship needs TCL.


    We have only been on three cruises. 2005 on the Diamond Princess after she was in service for 1 year. 2008 and 2016 on the Caribbean Princess.


    All three times we saw rust, worn carpet and things needing repair. All three cruises, the crew were painting, cleaning, replacing carpet and even changed the tile in our bathroom during a port day in San Juan.


    Don't sweat the small stuff. Relax, enjoy and laugh at the drama Queens and their surf husbands. As we say in the South..."Bless Your Heart". If someone says that to you, you have been insulted.

  12. On several occasions, my wife and I have been unable to leave an elevator due to the passengers pushing in before anyone could get off.


    On each occasion I was standing next to the control panel - so I just held the "door open" button.


    When asked why I was doing so by one of the pushers, I smiled and said "because there are a number of people on this elevator who want to get off on this deck. Perhaps you'd kindly let them do so?"




    I like your stile! Have to remember this if I start using the elevator again. So far, the wife and I take the stairs so we can enjoy some deserts.

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