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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good Friday morning. Thanks for the Daily Sandi. Thanks in for all the pre-work in advance @richwmn. An interesting group of days, thanks Graham for providing clarity for us today. A good quote by Steven King, I read many of his books early in his career, my favorite being The Stand. I look forward to today's port photos. I will pass on all three, salmon, sambuca and bubblegum. What a combination..... @JazzyV I pray that you got some sleep last night and sad to read Terry @smitty34877 that you had little last night, I hope Tana is okay. Prayers for Annie @marshhawk and @Lazeybear for relief of your pain. Vanessa I was sad to read your BFF had to have a second wave of Mohs. Prayers for all in our group needing prayers. Prayers for those in war zones Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. @kazu safe travels to your cruise port today. @MISTER 67 I thought @RedneckBob would have had a good joke about your typo on your golf shamble today. I hope you do well and have a lot of fun. I had a long day yesterday with my Zoom talk starting almost an hour late and then heading over to garden club for our Arbor Day Tree project. The talk was delayed as the class had a long delay on Wednesday due to a tornado warning in their area near Lansing. The bare root tree provider didn't have 600 small trees so we ended up with bushy trees that were almost three feet tall and bushy for the most part. I was sent home with about 30 trees that we will attempt to pot today for our plant sale. I have enough potting mix but I don't think I have enough appropriate sized pots. We will make it work. Thankfully I got a call last night at 9:50 pm that someone else wanted trees so 9 of the trees won't be needing to be potted. I had ordered 6 thinking I could pot them and bring them to the cabin but they are so big I don't know if they will fit. I will probably donate some to my neighbor who loves native trees and always helps me out. It is going to be 50 degrees when my helpers show up at 1pm but it has already started to blow. I really hate working outside when it is so chilly but they have to be taken care of. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  2. Jacqui I am so happy to read that you can carry on with your cruise. So glad you are getting airport assistance. 🍾🛳️🎆 Lenda, so glad you didn't have a serious issue with your hand. Thanks for the lovely photos of Sydney. @aliaschief thanks for your photos this morning. What a trip you are having. Everyone thank you for the photos of Sydney.
  3. Good Thursday morning! Thanks for stepping up for the Daily Sandi. A good group of days, I used to really enjoy animal crackers when I was a child, they never were so special again when they came in the large box instead of the little circus wagon box. We are grateful for linemen. We had so many high winds the last week I am grateful we didn't lose power. A plain weird quote. Thanks for the photos of Sydney Sandi. I am sure there will be many more coming from this popular port. I will pass on the sandwich and the boozy cocktail, maybe one before a long nap.. The Aussie wine from D'Arenburg sounds like another winner. Thanks for researching these for us each day, Vanessa, I hope your BFF MOHs surgery goes smoothly and all done in one pass. @kazu Jacqui I hope that you are getting some relief from your foot pain and can carry on with your cruise. @Haljo1935 glad your MRIs are completed, does your hospital offer a patient portal? I get all of my results including x-rays, dexa scans and MRIs as soon as they are passed on to the doctor. Prayers for Tana and Annie and everyone else in our group who is hurting or suffering. Prayers for all in war zones, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. Today is a busy day as I am doing the Zoom class for the Landscape School in Lansing. I am glad they allowed me to Zoom in instead of presenting in person. Then off to garden club for the Arbor Day tree project. It will be nice to have this talk off my desk as it is rather stressful to perform well. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  4. @MISTER 67 Our Detroit Red Wings didn't make the Wild Card. The Capitals somehow squeaked it out so they are in, Detroit is out. @grapau27 Sympathy to Pauline on the memory of her Mam's 102nd birthday. I hope Sarah is on the mend soon. What a tasty looking meal! @bennybear Nice Mustangs!! Thanks for the photos of Taormina. @JazzyV I am sad to read that you only had 3 hours of sleep. I hope your surgery and some relief are soon. @ger_77 So sorry to read your lost a school friend. I wish you would come to the end of your winter. We had a brief storm and I think that is the end of our bad weather for a few days.
  5. Good morning everyone. @kazu Jacqui I am so sad to read that your foot problem is imperiling your cruise. I know you put so much pre-work in for your M&G and you were so looking forward to this itinerary. Prayers for you so that something can be done for your foot. All the while you still faithfully do the daily for us, Thank You! Roy, thank you for the daily fleet location maps each day. @grapau27 thanks for the explanations of our days. My Dad and his parents passed through Ellis Island when they returned to the US from the Netherlands after living there for 4 years to care for my Dad's ailing grandfather. My Dad's father passed through Ellis Island when he immigrated to the US in the late 1890s. My Mom's parents passed through Ellis Island when they immigrated to the US from the Netherlands in the early 1900s. Our family is truly a family of immigrants. A good quote today from Adorno. I appreciate the port photos so far @Haljo1935 and @Quartzsite Cruiser. A beautiful area. I will pass on the rhubarb pie and today's apple cocktail but would enjoy the GSM wine from Australia. Thanks ladies for researching these for us each day. @JazzyV Vanessa I was saddened to read that yesterday you only got two hours sleep from your leg pain, I hope your surgery is sooner rather than later. Like Jacqui you soldier on for the Daily to get our cares and celebrations pulled together each day. Prayers for @marshhawk after your fall yesterday. I pray it isn't too serious. Prayers for Tana, Chuck and everyone else in our group needing prayers. Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. @Gsel Welcome to the Daily! I am heading to my brother's house soon to pick up a freshly dug Hosta plant. They were removing all of theirs for a simpler bed so I am going to turn it into several plant sale Hostas for our May 11 sale. Then paperwork for sign ups for the plant sale for our GC meeting tomorrow and fine tuning my Zoom presentation on Xeriscaping principles for the Landscape school tomorrow afternoon. After that tomorrow I head over to our garden club Arbor Day project and meeting. We are bagging Hop Hornbeam 2 year old trees to hand out to the local 3rd graders on Friday. I bought three to bring to the cabin so I will have to pot them when I do the Hosta, they can't sit in the bag for long. Have a nice Hump Day. Here is the passport photo of my Dad, mother and siblings for their long visit to the Netherlands. My Dad is closest to my grandmother.
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Jacqui and for the maps Roy. Thanks to @grapau27 for explaining the meaning behind them. I remember reading about Foursquare when it first launched but haven't heard anything else since, either it is a fail or is used by another generation. A great quote by Roth. I will pass on the cauliflower meal. Today's cocktail looks like another winner. The Rioja sounds like another good value wine. I haven't been to Whitehorse so thank you for the photos of the place. Thanks for the photos @marshhawk and @Quartzsite Cruiser. Vanessa thank you for the cares and celebrations reports. @Mr. Boston Sympathy in the passing of your friend Lauren and good luck with the move. Prayers for Tana and hope she enjoys her day of vegging out and enjoying her favorite shows. Prayers for everyone in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. @StLouisCruisers congratulations on Ren's winning goal and thanks for keeping us updated on his progress. @0106 thanks for the lovely poem about cruising. @grapau27 thank you for the poem on grief. I had to stop reading as the tears were beginning to flow and I have a Zoom coming up, can't have my mascara running. April is a very hard month for me. @aliaschief enjoy your wonderful trip to Agra and the Taj Mahal. What a wonderful journey you are on. @MISTER 67 I enjoyed your comments on Scottie Scheffler winning the Masters, I loved that he recognized his caddie on his walk too. I was supposed to go to the Michigan Biological Station Conference Center for a meeting about our garden club hosting an Environmental School there. I got an email that they want it switched to Zoom so that gives me almost two hours back into my day. I got a lot done outside but my body was telling me it was too long of a break from that kind of work. I finally felt better about 2 hours after dinner. Have a lovely Tuesday! Nancy
  7. @rafinmd Thank you for the gorgeous sunrise photo! What colors!
  8. Good Monday morning! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports @kazu. Thanks for the maps @rafinmd. ASL is so important to help everyone to have a chance to understand things. McDonald's is a place we eat at probably 2 or 3 times a year when we are driving to and from our cabin. It has been a very profitable stock almost doubling since I bought it 5 years ago. One Boston is a reminder the marathon is today, I hope they have fair weather. I liked Richard Lewis, I think his quote was part of his schtick. Totally pass on the beet green salad. The cocktail sounds like a good one for a BHB, wonder if they stock Mandarin Vodka? The Rioja sounds very good too. Thanks for finding these for us each day @summer slope, @dfish and @cat shepard. I haven't been to Manzanillo, thanks for sharing the photos Sandi. Vanessa, thank you for the cares and celebrations lists for us each day all the while you are suffering from your right leg pain. Prayers for the crewmember who jumped off from the Rotterdam. One wonders what kind of horrible stress they were going through. @StLouisCruisers I hope your DS Linda has a successful surgery and has a good recovery. @Haljo1935 I hope your eye procedure goes well today and that you can get your shoulder unfrozen. @LambKnuckles I hope you can find what is going on with your respiratory ailment and can get the right treatment. I got a lot done inside and outside yesterday. Cleaning up my two ornamental beds, fertilizing and spreading weed preventer Preen. Lots more to do today with more beautiful weather then rain returns and the weather gets cooler for next weekend. Have a lovely Monday. Nancy
  9. We just did a multiple back to back on the Eurodam. The first leg we were on deck 7 but we couldn't book the same cabin through the whole cruise. We just packed up our stuff and the stewards moved it to the new cabin on deck 4. On back to backs you will have to go through the customs procedures for whatever port your are departing or returning to.
  10. Good morning from sunny and warm Southwest Michigan. Thanks for the Daily and Maps Jacqui and Roy. Through those reports I can see our friend Richard aka Santa Claus is beginning to wind down his 4 months on the Eurodam, heading towards Cartagena means Panama Canal soon. Laughter is always worth celebrating in this world full of sorrow. Dolphins bring so much joy to our lives. I don't agree with the Woolf quote if the libraries are locked up how would one get their knowledge she claims she could rely upon. I will pass on the high carb soup but the classic martini and the Chilean wines are wins. I have not been to Hiroshima so look forward to other's photos. Vanessa, thank you for the Cares and Celebrations reports. I pray you get some relief for you right leg pain soon. Prayers for Terri, Tana and the rest of your family as all of you soldier on. Prayers for continued healing for Baby Murphy. Prayers for all in war zones, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. @Denise T what a terrible situation. One of my former employees had to move because her neighbor neighbor was bat s__t crazy. @StLouisCruisers Your DD's Cinco de Mayo tree is so creative and especially since it can light up too! A fun day of sports yesterday. Today is doing a lot of outside work and probably spreading my mulch too. Have a lovely Sunday! Nancy
  11. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and the maps @kazu and @rafinmd!. I will celebrate Scrabble day, it is my secret addiction to play an ersatz version on my Kindle. A great quote from Lillie Langtry, life will be much happier if we learn to live without regrets. I will pass on anything goat cheese, the sweet cocktail but today's wine in a winner! Thanks for finding these for us each day! We have been to Aruba many times visiting twice this year on the Eurodam. It is the only one of the ABC islands that we haven't gotten away from the port. It is usually visiting the Renaissance and the casino. This year I went on a solo trek to locate cough syrup with menthol at the Flamingo shopping area. It was a shop meant to restock yachts I would guess, their cough syrup was $25 but was much more effective than the small $23 bottle on the ship. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports for us @JazzyV all the while suffering yourself with the leg pain. @puppycanducruise sympathy on the passing of your dear friend. @RMLincoln you are such a good sister to help out your DB's family. @ORTravelGal welcome to the Daily! Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people in war zones, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. Prayers for the lost souls in Sydney. @marshhawk Do you have chipmunks? John had a hole in his concrete driveway where they had built a big burrow under the concrete and it collapsed. I would guess not with all your kitties, but you take such good care of them maybe they get too lazy to hunt. Today is fertilizing my plant sale plants before the wind picks up. We had 60 mph wind gusts yesterday, the power blinked off an on right when I was pulling the osso bucco out of the oven. Fancy dinner last night, Polish Sausage from Costco tonight. I will be stuck to the TV a lot today, the Grand National Steeplechase at Aintree, The Masters and more horse racing from Keeneland, all while cleaning house. Nancy
  12. @atexsix Bruno, deepest sympathy on the passing of your dear father. You did so much for him to keep him going.
  13. Our trip to Cozumel was a fun cooking class at a day trip resort which was a HA excursion . We cooked, enjoyed cocktails and relaxed at the All Inclusive resort. I would do it all over again. It was so fun and got to know people from our ship. We wish it was at the beginning of the cruise not at the end.
  14. Good morning from very windy Michigan. It will be gusting up to 45 mph here. It was pretty windy in the later part of round 1 at Augusta yesterday. I have been enjoying watching human space flight since Alan Shepherd made the first launch into space. Street children are sadly a problem throughout our world not just third world countries. A wonderful, positive quote. We were in Cozumel for the first time in February this year on the Eurodam. I agree with Debbie the lentils would be a good side dish. My old friend who lived near me in MD made a terrific Dal to go with her savory meals. I pass on a Stone Raft. The Duoro wine sounds wonderful. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for everyone on our list needing prayers for healing, especially Tana, Vanessa and Chuck. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. My missing case of wine from 10 days ago will be delivered today I am promised. It will be an inside day here with the cold. I hopefully will have wine to store and work on my Zoom presentation for next week. Have a lovely Friday. Nancy
  15. Good afternoon everyone. It is a blustery rainy day here in SW Michigan. A good day to get caught up on things since we were away for three days on our fling to New Buffalo. Thanks for the Daily Reports @kazu and the maps @rafinmd. I am working on cleaning out the freezer so I will do that in lieu of the pantry. My dear pets, two kitties passed away several years ago. @Seasick Sailor @Heartgrove @smitty34877 @kazu @Haljo1935 @puppycanducruise @StLouisCruisers @Cruising-along thanks for sharing your pet or family's pets. I am looking forward to maybe seeing @marshhawk crew of kitties too. @Nickelpenny thanks for sharing the lovely shadow box in memory of Martina. A funny quote today. I will pass on all of today's comestibles. I have been to Norfolk on land trips but have no photos. @JazzyV thanks for the Cares and Celebrations lists each day. I hope that you are getting some sleep. @smitty34877 I am happy to read that Tana's distress from her pneumonia is relenting and you have a possible short term back up. @Cruzin Terri I hope that there is good news at the neurologist. Prayers for everyone on our care list, those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. @Haljo1935 Happy Birthday to your DH! 🎂 @aliaschief What a feast! Have a lovely Thursday. Nancy
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily reports and maps Jacqui and Roy. Farm animals deserve good treatment. The Salvation Army does a lot of good in our country. Another great quote by Lewis. Pass on cooked cabbage, the fussy cocktail but I enjoy about all wines from King Estates. Thanks for the gorgeous photos of Petra Sandi! Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Tana and everyone on our care list who are ailing or suffering pain or grief. Prayers for all in was zones especially Ukraine and the Innocents in Gaza. We had a lovely day yesterday. Beautiful weather for shopping. The only turtle neck sweaters in TJ Maxx were in my size. Perfect. We had lunch at a Asian restaurant and dinner at the steakhouse. I had prime rib and bread. Not very healthy but all I had room for. John had Ahi tuna. Have a great hump day. Nancy
  17. We had a 95% view of the eclipse. We had a wide viewing area in the church parking lot. My talk went well though many had bailed out to go elsewhere to watch the eclipse. I agree the coverage was overblown but it was kind of a happy break from politics. We headed south and made it to the hotel by dinner time. A quiet day of shopping, something I never do but my turtle neck sweaters are past their time. A nice dinner at their steak house tonight. @aliaschief I can almost smell that meat market from hear. The Halal section in D.C. grocery stores were enough for me. Have a lovely day everyone! Nancy
  18. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and the maps Jacqui and Roy. Nice to see some ships heading east for the Europe season. I will pass on the cocktail and the muffins, maybe with some bacon instead. Another winner in the wine department. Thanks for researching these each day. A good quote. I have many photos of Denali park on my laptop but we are on the road so will share later maybe. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for everyone needing them, Tana and those in war zones through no fault of their own Ukraine and the Innocents in Gaza.
  19. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports Jacqui and for the maps Roy. Good wishes for the cardiologist visit today and for your busy day. A good group of days. A very nice quote by C.S. Lewis. Pass on the chicken, the goofy cocktail and I would drink today's vino if I could find it. I don't even know where it is from so what section to search at Total Wine? Thanks for the photos of Darwin Sandi, I look forward to more coming. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa staying on top of all these events while you are suffering from all the pain that keeps you awake. Prayers for Tana and her family. Prayers for all in war zones, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. Prayers for whatever is going on in Haiti. We are leaving in a while to head to the Lake Michigan city South Haven where I am doing a talk on butterflies and their host plants. That begins at 2 and just as that ends the close to full eclipse (95%) will be happening at 3:05 or so. Then we head to New Buffalo for some free nights at the casino hotel that John was comped. When we come back from that fling we will really have to buckle down and get the yard ready to be abandoned, save for mowing. We plan on heading to our cabin on May 19. It will be here before we know it. Have a lovely Eclipse day everyone! Nancy
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