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Bossa Nova

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Everything posted by Bossa Nova

  1. Thanks — that is helpful perspective. But if Regent loses its differentiation, I'm gone.
  2. From the WSJ article: The Miami-based company behind the Norwegian, Regent Seven Seas and Oceania cruise lines is also planning to slash $300 million in costs by 2026, with $100 million in reductions coming this year. “We are maniacally focused on that,” Chief Financial Officer Mark Kempa said of deleveraging the balance sheet. “We’re trying to eliminate waste from the business, and that could be from anywhere,” he said. “There are no sacred cows.” Don’t you think that the $300M in “maniacally focused” cuts with “no sacred cows” will likely include highly experienced, and therefore higher paid, staff? Better cuts of meat? More enjoyable wines? Excursions with less pan-handling by the tour operators? (Maybe that’s just a Mexico thing.) Included dry cleaning and laundry? Etc. etc. . . . death by a thousand paper cuts.
  3. Agree in general about the net benefits of capitalism, but aren’t you concerned that NCL’s cuts will reduce Regent’s differentiation in the marketplace, and thus the premium Regent can charge? I see forum threads about Regent vs. Explora and Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection, and it makes me wonder whether we’ll be migrating to those lines because of cuts to Regent’s service and amenities. BTW the WSJ article is here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/norwegian-cruise-line-looks-to-cut-costs-and-debtno-sacred-cows-738ed418
  4. This is great for excursions but unfortunately does not show onboard culinary classes.
  5. What people wear affects how they behave. If someone says we shouldn't care what they or others wear, what they really mean is, we shouldn't care how they or others behave. It is absurd to tell people that they shouldn't care how others behave on a Regent cruise.
  6. Regarding berth 46, it is quite a long ways south of the LA World Cruise Center and berths 92/93. Another post said there's a shuttle between the Cruise Center and berth 46. Do you know if we have to check in with the cruise line at the LA World Cruise Center, or do we have the option of being dropped off with our luggage directly at berth 46? (I'm on Regent Mariner departing 10/3.)
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