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Everything posted by richwmn

  1. I have now been on Zuiderdam two full months and I'm enjoying the life aboard the ship. We have eight sea days starting today, so back to that routine. I celebrated the occasion by sleeping in an extra half hour. Hope everyone is doing well, and my thanks again to everyone who keeps this thread going. Special thanks to those who have started posting recently. Hope to meet more of y'all on board a BHB! Rich
  2. February 22 – Final Day in Fremantle Last night the ship celebrated Mardi Gras. Activities included Mardi Gras themed trivia, a Coin Scavenger Hunt, a Bead Toss, and a Party including a King and Queen. Billboard and Rolling Stone were open for everyone to enjoy. This morning included a normal breakfast followed by another day in Fremantle. We left the ship and took the shuttle back to downtown and took a two hour walk. Fremantle is full of old buildings still in good repair and beautiful. The weather was good for the walk and it went quickly. We stopped at the shipwreck museum and enjoyed the exhibits. Back to the ship for an easy lunch. Prior to sail away today we have to watch the safety video again and check in at out muster site. Sail away will be at 4:30pm with the Jazz Band playing somewhere. Navigator App lists them playing on aft Lido Deck, printed information list them on deck there but not where.
  3. February 21, Mardi Gras in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia Last evening on Zuiderdam was very good. At some time yesterday Zuiderdam got together over 400 current guests and staff who were on the 2020 World Cruise that had to end early. People that attended said that it was very nice. The 4:00pm trivia session was called ‘Lightning Movie Trivia’ and consisted of 30 movie clips that we were to give the name of the movie. The clips were well known clips from the movies and we did well on that one. The 6:30pm session was entitled ‘Disco’ and actually covered more than disco, but all around the same time frame. We didn’t do as well on the music as we usually do, but still did ok. Following trivia, I went to a Bocce Ball event. Only two showed up, but it ended up being fun with us and the host. I guess it helped that somehow I won. The next event was ‘Majority Rules’ and I participated with with two of my trivia partners. It was fun and we did ok. It was interesting to hear some of the responses. Since I enjoyed the Jazz Band the other night I went up to the Ocean Bar but they were on a long break. I went back to Billboard Lounge and watched a few people play Scattergories. The World Stage entertainment was ‘The Magic and Comedy of Adam Dean’. By definition I guess he qualifies as a Magician. His act was things like having someone in the audience think of a number, then he writes it down an when the audience member reveals the number it is what he wrote down. A couple of variations on this completed what I saw of his act, but I will admit that I left before he finished. This morning we arrived in Fremantle on time and were cleared to leave the ship a couple of minutes early. I left the ship around 8:30am and took the provided shuttle downtown. Locals were available both in the terminal and in town to help you find what you were looking for. I walked around the downtown area for a while and found some familiar names, Target, Subway, 7-11, McDonalds, and more. I walked a little more and found that I was close to the ship and walked back rather than going back to the shuttle. It was a very nice day for the walk and I really enjoyed it. We don’t leave Fremantle until tomorrow, so plenty of time today and tomorrow and Perth is not far away.
  4. February 20th – at sea toward Fremantle / Perth Yesterday turned out to be a very relaxed sea day. I went to all three trivia sessions and enjoyed them. We managed to win one of the sessions. The trivia hosts are managing to keep the sessions fresh, with few repeat questions. The sea day sessions always get a good audience. After the evening session it was dinner in the Main Dining Room with Kelly, Jett, and Sue – my partners in crime from the previous evening. The dinner was very nice, I had Shrimp Cocktail, a steak, and Carrot Cake, others had the Fish and Chips. I don’t remember what Kelly had. All meals were good and the portions adequate. Again the conversation was very good and the meal lasted about 90 minutes. After dinner I headed in and after adjusting my clocks again called it an evening. Most of my sea day mornings are a bit lazy. The activities I generally participate in start after lunch. I did manage to walk around the promenade deck again this morning. @aliaschief asked the yesterday if I had gained any weight, regrettably the answer is yes but I think it is now under control. Not much, but enough to take note and do something about it. It is again a very nice day outside. We have been very fortunate in that respect. The Captain has been hedging his comments a week out, seems that the weather might not co-operate when we get to Africa. We’ll just have to wait and see.
  5. Good Morning. Today is our third sea day headed for Fremantle / Perth Australia. It is another good day, maybe a bit overcast. Our position and sunrise:
  6. February 19 – at sea toward Fremantle Things were hopping on Zuiderdam last night. The show on the World Stage was ‘Chart Toppers’ featuring the Zuiderdam Singers and Dancers. After the 6:30pm trivia session I walked by and they sounded ok. I planned to go to the 9:30pm show, but other things got in the way. Music was happening in all the other venues, and I got a call to meet others at the Ocean Bar for the Jazz group. I got there a few minutes later and ended up staying there the rest of the evening. The music was decent, the conversation was better. This morning again has been a slow, easy going, sea day. Good walk around the Promenade Deck. Good conversation over breakfast. I turned in laundry yesterday morning and for the second time it was ready the same evening. I put it up this morning. It is another beautiful day out, and the afternoon activities start shortly.
  7. This morning's position and a sunrise. Have a great day everyone!
  8. Volendam is doing the Grand South America. Zuiderdam is doing the World Cruise and approaching Fremantle. Those who were on Amsterdam in 2020 are having a get together during the time in Fremantle. Quite a few are involved.
  9. It is late in the evening on Saturday and I just noticed that I truncated another quote. The one I like is: I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen Hope everyone has a great weekend
  10. February 18 – at sea toward Fremantle / Perth After a nice day ashore on Kangaroo Island yesterday I spent a relaxing evening on the ship. We had good sessions of trivia at 4:00pm and 6:30pm. After the later session I did something unusual for me. I participated in a game of Ring Toss. Only a couple of people were involved, but it was fun. It is definitely worth trying again. This morning we are back to the ‘at sea’ routine. For the second time on this cruise we had to turn in our passports. This was done at 9:00am in the mid ship elevator lobby on each deck. It was a quick and painless operation, and we were given a receipt. I got there a few minutes early and had time to go to Ian’s Coffee Chat with a Priest, a Minister and a Rabbi. For the World Cruise we have one of each assigned. For the Minister there were two representatives. They each introduced themselves and provided a very entertaining hour. It was held in the Billboard Lounge, formerly know as the Queen’s Lounge, and had a full crowd. The weather is actually quite nice outside!
  11. Today Zuiderdam is at sea headed for Perth / Fremantle Australia. Today's position around 7:15am local time.
  12. I am currently on Zuiderdam and like @Real NHDOC have been using my T-Mobile phone quite a bit. I just received my bill and I have a 53 cent extra charge for the last month which represents two minutes of international use. On board using the ship's WiFi I have had WiFi calling available, but I have also used Whatsapp for texting and voice. When within range of a shore cell tower I have had my phone (and tablet) connected to the local service and used whatsapp for calls. The previous bill was a bit higher but was correct due to international calls at 25 cents per minute made from Panama.
  13. Back in October I left Nieuw Statendam. When I arrived home that evening I realized I had left two pair of shorts in the closet. I had friends who were still on the ship and I contacted them. They went to Guest Services with very good descriptions of the items and where they were left. After two days Guest Services said they were unable to locate them. Chances are the items are gone.
  14. February 17 – Kangaroo Island Last night was again special on the World Stage. We had another local show, this time from Adelaide. It was a trio consisting of two men and a lady, all with good voices. The lady played guitar, one man played the bass, the other man played several instruments including a fiddle. The set list included two songs from the Seekers (a ‘60’s Australian Group) and several traditional Australian songs. All were very good and the group had a lot of energy. At 4:00pm Spencer hosted a trivia session with a Culinary theme. Interesting questions and Spencer proved to be a good host for that session. At 6:30pm the theme was songs with a girl’s name. Out of 33 points we got 27, so I was happy. We managed to get second place with that. This morning we pulled into Kangaroo Island, which is a tender port. I boarded the tender with a friend and the trip took about 20 minutes. Once there it was a very nice day to walk around. From the tender dock to the main town was a short walk uphill, but the angle wasn’t too steep. Very nice views from the high point of the area. Part of the main area was a supermarket, where many crew members were making purchases of snacks to take back to the ship. The ride back to the ship was smooth, as was the transfer to the ship.
  15. My experience with Comcast is about 15 years old, but back when I moved into a duplex it was during the time all the students were moving in and they gave me a 6 month 'student special'. After that they tried to double my cost and I went into the office and told them I wasn't paying any more than I had been, and they managed to find a similar discount for another 6 months or a year. That process continued for about 5 years. Every time they tried to raise my price I went to the office and complained and I never had a price increase but kept about the same channel lineup. For the last 10 years I have had Dish Network, and it has been going up regularly as well. Each time I called to complain I was told there was nothing they could do. Last September, knowing I was going to be gone, I called to let them know I was going to cancel the account as of December 15 and my call was moved to a different department which was able to cut my bill in half if I would agree to a two year term. I accepted that.
  16. As I was re-boarding Zuiderdam in Adelaide a little bit ago I saw this sign. Since the subject comes up frequently, I thought I would post it
  17. February 16 – Second day in Adelaide Just a quick posting of activities and menus, then off to the city.
  18. 20230215_125718.mp4 Our Welcome to Adelaide
  19. February 15th – On the way to Adelaide, Australia Yesterday was Valentine’s Day aboard Zuiderdam. Every event had a Valentine’s theme and the ship’s lighting tended toward Red or Pink. I posted a picture of the Valentine gift yesterday. Special activities included creating Valentine’s paper flowers, Valentine’s Painting and Wine, The Couples Game Show, and a Valentine’s Day Dance in the Crows (Love) Nest and Rolling Stone (Love) Lounge. The trivia sessions at 4:00pm and 6:30pm also had Valentine’s themes – About Valentine’s Day, and Love Songs of the ‘60’s. At 9:30pm they brought out a Chocolate Surprise, which was chocolate covered nuts and berries. The Valentine’s Dance lasted until after 11:00pm and was declared a happy hour. Everything was well done. We had a time change by 30 minutes last night, and I didn’t change my clocks until this morning. That messed me up a little bit, but I recovered. We are due to arrive at the Adelaide pilot station around noon and be able to leave the ship at around 2:00pm. There will be a trivia session at 11:00am, then more later.
  20. I am also on a cruise and although I have been able to see previous statements on my phone and tablet, I can't right now.
  21. This was just delivered by the Cabin Steward The card -- A GRAND GIFT FOR YOU, "Life is short. Eat dessert first." -- Jacques Torres. Captain Frison & the Zuiderdam crew wish you a pleasant Valentine's Day
  22. Just delivered by the Cabin Steward The card -- A GRAND GIFT FOR YOU, "Life is short. Eat dessert first." -- Jacques Torres. Captain Frison & the Zuiderdam crew wish you a pleasant Valentine's Day
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