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Will Work for Tiramisu

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Everything posted by Will Work for Tiramisu

  1. When traveling through an airport we haven't been through before, I have found it useful to go online and find a map of the airport, and get a sense of where you will be arriving and departing. It can save a lot of time. My wife and I once got in a LONG line (I think at Heathrow), thinking we had to do that, but I had her stay in line and I checked it out - it turned out we didn't need to be in that line - saving us much time. Knowing the general lay of the land can make the connection easier. I would print out a copy of the plan, then discard (oops, RECYCLE!!) when done with the connection. Hope this helps. PS I actually found a short cut at SFO to get to international gates that saved lots of hassle (leaving and reentering secure area), just by looking at the map of the airport.
  2. Whatever you call them, we have found every one to be eager to please and helpful, although me and the missus are pretty low maintenance. As long as the cooler has been stocked, I'm good. I think of them largely as a concierge that comes to your room, similar to a concierge function at a good hotel - there to help with whatever you're trying to do. (Well, at least legally!) We've enjoyed taking time to talk with them and see where they are from and hear their stories. But then, when traveling, we are always aware that to some degree we are ambassadors for our country (US), and believe me, after certain recent occupants of the Whitehouse, the US can use all the good will it can get!
  3. We have always brought along flexible plastic water containers (by Platypus, made in US), contain .5 liter when full, with snug screw top. When empty, they lay flat (take no space), you can roll up and put in pocket. Enough water for an outing, and nothing goes in the landfill, or the ocean! Have used for years, and have never had a leak. Worth looking for, likely sold in REI or similar outdoor/camping/outfitting stores.
  4. I understand that once opened, vermouth should be used within a short period, or it will start to go bad. (ie turn to vinegar, etc.) So if they're using an old bottle that's been around since the Clinton Administration, that could be a problem. I was considering starting a new thread here, titled "3 Liter Box Wines & Lite Beer on SS", but thought better of it. 😋
  5. Most of these airport hotel shuttles do an adequate job of getting you to the airport, although many stop at other hotels on the way, and can take longer than you hope. We always tip them and say thanks, although I'm amazed how most folks don't. My wife and I have had a few unfortunate shuttle experiences leading to almost missing flights. I suggest, if your hotel has a Concierge, ask them about it. If they don't give you an unqualified assurance about the shuttle, slip a 5 or 10 euro note to them, and ask them to arrange for a driver to pick you up and take you directly to the airport. It will cost money, but you won't waste any time, and given how much you spend to take a cruise, it is an insurance policy. After many years of traveling, we have come to appreciate that a good hotel's concierge is your best way to extract reliable service from the local community. Money spent on that is well worth it. Crucial travel connections are not a place to economize!
  6. During the depths of the Covid pandemic early period, there were mercifully a number of these wonderful songs done with compilations of contributions from people all over the world. I know I took a lot of comfort in seeing them, and seeing that people all over the world were still cooperating to do something meaningful. This version of The Weight is one of the best. Meanwhile, here's a link to a little diddy that you might enjoy:
  7. Fellow Watercoolians: Perhaps too much silliness has been applied to the Sockgate matter. Still, it does beg a serious question: How does one denote that your (full to brim) drinks haven't been abandoned, and if you take my chair, I'll give you the Joe Palooka treatment, clear into next week! Herewith a few suggestions, that are perhaps a bit less de classe: *A couple of diamond stickpins (I'm looking at you, Daddy Warbucks!) *A pair of ballet flats, preferably not well worn. *A violin and perhaps a piccolo. *Blue suede shoes, preferably Ferragamo, with silver buckles. *A string of pearls might suffice. *A nice Homburg, and a Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat!
  8. Well, I suppose it is marginally better than "Unmentionables Gate".... Perhaps the gentleman was wearing socks with his hurachi sandals when they were called away on important business.
  9. He's just a hunka hunka burning sargassum!! Apologies to Elvis!
  10. When my DW & I travel, we always have an eye out for Botanical Gardens. In fall 2019, we did 10 days before a cruise departing Venice, wandering around the area. We stayed two nights in Padova, and visited the Botanical Gardens there, associated with the University. These gardens have been in the same place since 1545, when they were founded by the Venetian Republic. Venetian ships were trading all around the world, and would bring back specimens, which ended up here. Well worth seeing, when in the area. Later, traveling down to Bologna, we stopped at Valsanzibio, a garden complex located in the foothills of the Eugenean Hills. This is a large complex of formal gardens, mazes and waterworks, that was built by a wealthy land owner to express thanks to God for his family's survival of the plague! It is still in operation, I believe owned by same family, and well maintained.
  11. We once took care of friends' 5 year old boy (we had a 6 yr old), as parents had family emergency and had to go out of town. They told us he ONLY ate PB&J with apple juice, and pasta butter & cheese. Nothing else. (No food allergies.) We of course thought "forget that noise". By end of the week he had eaten (copiously) steamed clams, roast chicken, grilled tuna, salads, guacamole, curry, granola, fruit salad, everything BUT the two things he "only ate". When parents got him back, they called next day, asking "What did you DO to him?" We said, "he got hungry, we fed him". I always think of that, when I hear parents dancing around what to feed the little dears! Given the special nature of being on a cool cruise ship, out on the water and the fresh air, with a whole crew of professional chefs - it is a GREAT time to introduce your child to a whole 'nother world of good food, from many cultural traditions. Enjoy the trip!
  12. The aerosol cheese has to be one of the triumvirate of American corporate worst foods: Take two pieces of Wonderbread, lay on a couple of slices of Spam, and squirt the Easy Cheese on. Maybe wash down with a Blue Cream Soda, with a Tum chaser!! That was where (at least in popular culture) our food was at in the post-war period. It was a long process, starting in the late 60's and into 70's, to pull at least some of the population out of that hole. Credit to many individuals who did heavy lifting - Julia Child, James Beard, Molly Katzen, Craig Claiborne, Alice Waters, Marcella Hazen, to name a few.
  13. Heavens! Don't even THINK of staying close to either Fiumincino (airport) or Civitavecchia (port). Not that there might not be a few decent places, but Rome beckons. You can taxi from the airport, but I suggest arrange for a transfer in advance, who will be waiting for you with a sign with your name. Ditto going to port. (I would have concierge at hotel arrange for that - minimizes any chance of a no show or confusion.) Before our first (and subsequent trips to Rome), I did a ridiculous amount of general research, getting familiar with the City. So much to see, so is important to not waste time. (Until you're ready to, you know, waste time! Preferably with a Negroni at sunset from a roof top vantage point.) As to hotels, we have two major favorites, although there are many great choices. Portrait Suites is on Via del Condotti, two blocks down from Spanish Steps. It is part of the (Salvatore) Ferragamo organization. At ground floor is their men's shop, but around the corner is the hotel entry. It is not cheap, but the view from the rooftop terrace is spectacular, the rooms are beyond wonderful. Everyone that works there is dressed to the nines, and as helpful as can be. The staff saved my cruise when I couldn't get my bags from the airport - they got on the phone, lots of rapid-fire Italian, bags were delivered shortly thereafter. Impressive. Lots of nearby destinations in walking distance, and restaurants aplenty. The other hotel we also love is now called Bio Hotel Raphael, about 1 block west of the north end of Piazza Navona. Another stellar hotel, incredible rooms (try to get one on top two floors designed by American Architect Richard Meier - wowzer!) Impeccable service, great food, roof top terrace again (gotta have that in Rome), and also a great jumping off place to walk to many features. One piece of advice: Arrange a tour of Vatican in advance (preferably private if you can afford it) - you'll skip the long lines and the expertise of the guide is invaluable. Buy a guide book to Rome, with a map, and study it - you'll be glad to know the lay of the land. Navigating is not hard, with various landmarks visible from most areas. Enjoy!
  14. Last time we sailed out of Venice, we flew from west coast US, SFO to Germany, then down to Venice. Was a long haul, and we had been doing all the stuff you do to get ready to leave. My DW is prone to jet lag, so upon arrival in Venice airport, we rented a car and drove about an hour into the foothills north of Venice, to Asolo, where we had reserved a room for two nights - to rest and recover - at Hotel Villa Cipriani. A small town, known for their Film Festival, and the hotel a small, elegant place, with spectacular view over the Veneto - looking out to the Eugenean Hills far away. We had one of the best meals we have ever had there - Katy bar the door! Lovely outdoor spaces for taking in the view, a pool of course, the American Bar (felt very international!). Food was fabulous. We went there to rest up and be able to go to Venice and spend our time already refreshed and rested, which was in fact an excellent strategy. When we got to Venice, and checked into Hotel Moresco, we were ready to spend all day walking and vaporettoing all over the place. We're big fans of small boutique hotels; not that we don't like the uber bling places, but if you want a time to rest and enjoy the view (with lots of very cool drives to be had in the area), check it out. One of my all time favorite hotel stays.
  15. Do you think Paul Simon heard this song, and it got him thinking?? I remember when this song came out, there was a sort of grab bag of songs that made it to radio, before the British Invasion. Fun stuff!!
  16. My wife and I stayed at Hotel Moresco, in Dorsoduro area, last time we were there. Small elegant boutique hotel, with lovely little outdoor garden, on a canal, and a short walk to either San Basilio (vaporetto stop) to south, or to Piazzale Roma to north. Our room had a view down the canal, quite roomy, lovely bath, and all for a reasonable price. This is a quiet area, but a short walk to plenty of restaurants, shops, etc.. Everything was spotless, everything worked, and staff was as nice as could be.
  17. Occasionally, some of these football fans go just a tad overboard....
  18. Only the Shadow knows!! Silverfish? Centipedes? Cockroaches?
  19. I'd love to see the aurora b in full glory on a clear, cold night, preferably on the poop deck of a cruise ship with a warming beverage in hand, and beloved spouse nearby. In the mid 60's, during July in New Brunswick, Canada, presumably during a major solar storm, we saw a pretty nice display very late at night - all the locals said it was most unusual. Nothing quite like it. Meanwhile, a man's gotta eat. We've always thought Christmas eves was the real magic moment of Xmas - perhaps this comes from my childhood days, with compulsory attendance at church services, on Christmas eve with all the candles, hymns and carols, staying up later than bedtime, etc.. I told my DW this year we should keep the food thing simple, but good, for that magic night. So, in the fall we attended local farmers market, and bought a bunch of beef bones, which went in the freezer. In November I got them out, defrosted, and following JC's (Julia, not Jesus) teachings, roasted them with onions, celery, garlic & carrots, until well browned. Slid all that good stuff into a big stock pot, deglazed the pan with vodka (works better than wine - it is the alcohol that cuts the congealed juices), added a bouquet garni, and simmered for 10 hours or so. Degreased, and saved a whole bunch of wonderful beef broth in the freezer. On the big day (24th), thawed the broth, sautéed a bunch of onions (yellow & red) after slicing on mandoline (all finger tips still intact), in oil and butter, later added the broth and more long simmering, then added cognac & vermouth. Finally, showtime! Cut pieces of sourdough baguette, toasted and rubbed with garlic, covered with grated gruyere, and broiled until melted. (Yes, this is a little different from bread on top and melted cheese seals the top. Sorry.) Bowls from wife's parents, used for this purpose for many years. Finally, ladled the hot soup over and served, with simple salad greens (frisée) with oil & vinegar, and a bottle of nice pinot noir, or three. A splendid time was had by all. Then opened a few small gifts, and had nice chocolate with the pinot. Then off to bed, with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads! Photos below: Bones ready to roast, beef stock in the pot with aromatic vegetables, onions in the pot doing the very long, slow browning process, and finally, the finished soup. A labor of love, worth all the trouble for those you care about. Hope you all have a wonderful New Years, and indulge those you love, and give generously to those who aren't so lucky to be as comfortable as you/we are.
  20. The floor over the living/dining room is framed with glulam beams at 40" on center; the beams project down from the ceiling - we like the look, and the layout of beams is aligned with windows and other things. "Chust for nice", as they say. Just happens that one of them is in a good place for Christmas tree clamping. I resisted the urge to include a photo, recently sent to me, of a C clamp applied to a ham, which was sent to me, with the note "If you're happy and you know it...."
  21. Some folks take this dog stuff just a tad too far, know whutta mean?? And yes, that is the traditional family C clamp with a wire affixed to the tree, an annual installation ever since dogs, cats & children in years of yore pulled over several trees, causing much breakage and inappropriate utterances. Haven't lost one since!
  22. It's not too early to be getting your jewelry in order for New Years...
  23. Sadly, when I got to high school, they no longer taught Latin, and I didn't pursue it later. I shall forthwith stop making lame attempts to use Latin (well, maybe Pig Latin...), unless I can find it in my slim reference volume. I should stick with my native language, which is Southern California surfer-dude speak. I still stand by the august-ness of this forum. And to update, the pictured dinner was good, the football - not so much. Our team (Ducks) got a little bit too cute (tried another onside kick mid-game, which failed spectactularly). This despite the home field advantage of a very loud stadium full of crazies screaming and quacking. My wife and I remind each other at such times - it is only football. Not like a national election!
  24. Since food porn seems to be a recurrent theme in this august forae , I thought I'd slip in today's football watching food - kind of lasagna, with Italian sausage from local pig farm, tomatoes & garlic from our garden, EVOO from the olde country, cheese from Parma, It, locally made ricotta from happy Oregon coastal cows, plus provolone from Wisconsin (sorry, purists), topped with roasted eggplant from Central Valley, California, slathered with Costco's quite decent pesto, and more parma. When you make something like this, if you are familiar with world history of trade, you realize that every thing in here used to be had at great expense - like black pepper, oregano & basil probably local, but pasta made from wheat grown in the Po River delta. Regarding football (I'm talking about the weird American version,) NCAA (college) Oregon Ducks playing Washington Huskies - a traditional grudge match. Ducks in contention for the Natty, perhaps. When considering the US version of football versus proper football (soccer) the rest of the world plays, I'm reminded of the Rolling Stones song - "It's Only Rock & Roll, But I Like It."
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