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Everything posted by CDNPolar

  1. If you are not booking Viking's post-extension, then book the air on your own. You are then responsible to get from the ship to your hotel where you are staying for the extra time. If you are flying in the day of embarkation, you can fill out a Viking form under the air tab in MVJ, and get your transportation to the ship from the airport. You may pay for this... sometimes they will allow you to jump on a bus but often they will charge you.
  2. Because we love the unexpected and eat anything, we book every 3 or 4 days so that we can experience each menu change.
  3. You may be denied boarding of a cruise if you cannot produce the required visas. I would not suggest that you are waiting to get visas on arrival at any country. I personally would use a travel agent that was knowledgable in this area to guide me.
  4. I personally think that most "allow" you to show up in a set window and there is not a firm requirement for you to be there at 7pm sharp... But, many ships don't offer that many tables for two and then you don't have much choice where you sit and the table that has two seats open may be well through their meal as you are sitting down to start. I know that most Viking River ships have limited to no tables for two. The last Viking river cruise we were on there was a couple of couples that would come in 20-30 minutes later than most and they were then forced to choose between only one or two tables that had two seats side by side. In some cases I noticed that they were at the same table but not beside each other.
  5. To me the few hundred less is a no brainer especially if coverage is better and better terms. Just ensure that with any insurance for medical, cancellation, or interruption, that you understand the terms for pre-existing conditions, what constitutes a stability period, etc. I also never buy from anyone until I have a full policy in front of me that I have read letter for letter, word for word, and probably asked 20 questions from that. I would go with the broker. Actually - a broker can have great reviews - but who is the insurance company that they are selling you?
  6. I want to be sure that I am reading this right... Viking is more casually dressed? What is common on Regent in the evening in the dining rooms? I LIKE the Viking dress code and if I had to be more concerned with a higher standard of formal dress then Regent would not be for me.
  7. Agreed... when and if you are asked by a living human. If I am correct, the question on the screen - if this question exists anymore - asks if you are bringing in anything above your personal exemption? Yes? No? I Googled but cannot find the specific question asked on the screen. If I was asked by a live human, I would say "one bottle of liquor", one this, one that... even if it was under my exemption. Is there a question on the screen now? The machines keep changing and the process seems to keep changing.
  8. We have gotten really good at packing for most any weather in one suitcase. When we are going to an anticipated warm destination, the clothing represents that, but there is still one really good and effective windbreaker jacket and one cashmere sweater in the bag. We may never need it but we have it. Some are worried about being seen in the same outfit - we don't care about that. If cold strikes and you see me in the same sweater a couple/few times, sobeit.
  9. We have carried insect repellent with us a couple of times but never needed it and if there are mosquitos they will find my husband. I can be bite free and he will have dozens. Never needed it, but if your checked luggage has room, put it there. It never hurts to be prepared.
  10. Absolutely... they are "simple" compared to the bigger shows of the bigger lines. We enjoy the Viking entertainment on the Ocean ships. We have found that if you travel ocean often that although it is a different foursome of entertainers, it is the same shows - The Beatles, ABBA, etc. We have not been on ocean for a couple of years now as we have been doing River, so perhaps this has changed. The show content was driven by Viking corporate - apparently. I know that this was discussed a lot a couple years back and Viking was apparently addressing this. We have had a solo rock guitarist that put on a great show. We have had magicians, we have had several other "invited" entertainers that made one or two appearances. The foursome are generally from a UK talent agency and they are young, energetic, and fun. We like their energy and it is a good upbeat show to end the evening. We also love the strings, piano, and guitarist that play and rotate through the Living Room, and the Explorer Lounge. These are nice calm relaxing singles, duos and sometimes a trio.
  11. Yeah... it is good to know. I guess that I never really looked before because we use a TA that gives us OBC or SBC for every booking, but because we always book optional tours that is generally gone before we board. We have our first SBC from Viking that is only valid on the ship and that is being put on a River cruise in November. On our invoice it shows as $227.00 CDN pp and I don't remember why the odd amount. It was perhaps a USD amount converted to CDN? I will watch when we board what happens to that $227 CAD because this will be a European River Cruise and I would assume that it will convert to Euros. Interesting however is that when we have booked on board an ocean ship, the invoice we receive and the deposit we pay is in CDN, but the OBC that is granted immediately for booking onboard is not $100 CDN coverted to USD, it is $100 USD on our ship board account.
  12. Enjoyed reading all this and the comments. We just keep booking Viking. We talk about other lines, but then we look and because we have 3 or four future Viking cruises booked, we hold off and it never seems to happen. Interesting, and no offence to anyone, but reviews like this are always subjective. We have just never really had a reason YET to push us to try another line. Not that we could not in the future contribute to this discussion and agree to make Regent our new favourite, we just have to make the step and try something new.
  13. Consider that we could be in a better position to purchase in CDN before sailing than wait for the conversion.
  14. Viking got back to me and our SBC is in CDN funds on our invoice. Any funds NOT used prior to sailing is converted to the currency onboard the ship and posted to our shipboard account. So they DO convert the full amount, or remaining amount to the currency onboard. I have never really paid attention to this before but now we have our answer.
  15. Yes, is the simple answer. There are two groups of entertainers on Viking Ocean ships. The Viking Band generally accompanied by a male/female singing pair. The Viking Band and the singers perform nightly in Torshavn. Then there is generally a foursome - two males, two females - that are singer/dancers that perform nightly on the stage. Often there are other acts brought in and the Cruise Director generally does a full review type performance one of the nights with all performers.
  16. Generally speaking you can take out medical insurance by itself, medical and trip cancellation/interruption together, or trip cancellation/interruption by itself. In my experience the value of the trip is for cancellation / interruption insurance, not the medical portion. I would contact the insurance companies that you are thinking of and ask for just medical. Remember that pre-existing conditions may or may not be covered for medical.
  17. On some of the ships, that hidden section at the back of the buffet, across from the bar on the Port side, there is a small cook to order kitchen... I like eggs done a specific way and the morning chef there knew my likes and every morning I would walk by, wave, say hello, and he would take that as my "request" and I would come back after getting my other items and the eggs would be ready. This is one of the types of great service that we have always found on Viking... especially when you chat with the crew member. This guy was on his first cruise with Viking, and of course away from home, and adjusting to the life... He was extremely interesting to chat with. One morning we left on a very early excursion and the next day he indicated that he missed me the day before, and was I ok? He was concerned that I was not there the day before. Sorry - I digress from the actual topic....
  18. Thanks, and yes, we would use the supplied fins as those are difficult to carry.
  19. We cruise almost exclusively Viking both River and Ocean. Beds together, table for two for meals, and no one every gives us a glance. Crew are welcoming and open. Guests are open and welcoming, or they just keep quiet as we have never encountered even a sideways glance. Cabin Stewards have no issue whatsoever on Viking.
  20. If we cannot convince, then let's confuse.
  21. This is because on many River cruises, you only have one seating for each meal. You will find breakfast to be people trickling in as they get up and the dining room is rarely full. Lunch is same as excursions get back at various times, so the dining room serves as you arrive but between very set hours. Dinner is basically all sit at the same time. If you are not on the ship over lunch hours - which can vary daily depending - then you are either enjoying an included lunch on shore, or you have stayed on shore to eat on your own.
  22. As @pontac says, there are as many 110's as the 220's, but if you are charging any electronics, they all charge on either the 110 or 220 so you can also use the 220 as long as you have a plug adaptor. There are also USB outlets.
  23. You know, we don't really see the WC like what your minds picture of a buffet would be. It is above that for sure with all the options and especially the cook to order options. Shame is that I have met a number of people in brief conversation near the end of a cruise that did not know that they had cook to order options in the WC.
  24. Yes - we have done the same. Asked by Shorex manager to show up as she thought that there would be space and there has been.... Just standing for a few minutes at the bus.
  25. Download the Viking Voyager App before you leave home. Once you board the ship, connect to the ship's wifi and then you can book the restaurants.
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