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50+ Club (4/20)

  1. On the Getaway on the 6th June cruise, there were min $5 tables for 3 card & roulette.
  2. Our balcony room had them USB ports by the beds, I did not use them, old habit of using the power socket by the mirror with the travel adapter continued on the 6th June cruise... I brought it so I am gonna use it stubbornness 🤣
  3. The dry dock is flooding now.
  4. Cruise is scheduled to start 06th June.
  5. We used GoOpti last year, it was a shared mini van. We did not have to wait long for the other passengers. Got us from the port to Venice in around 1 hour 40 minutes. Good Service. It would take less time to get to the airport.
  6. I can't believe the Haven peeps get to go on the original itinerary and us steerage peep's miss out 😆
  7. Cheers for the reply, appreciate it. Very informative thread for the set of circumstances. I might put Zombie by the Cranberries on my playlist for the flight 🤣.
  8. You are mistaken, the decision to renew the passport was taken after speaking with an NCL representative which took place after my posts enquiring.
  9. Read back over the thread, see where, and why the thread was 'unnecessarily reopened' and the context. I was interested to understand the outcome of the original poster and sub poster with a very similar set of circumstance to mine with regards passport expire date & NCL policy within Europe. Private messaging for both posters is disabled hence I posted to inquire in the titled thread as the most appropriate place I could find to get their attention/outcome.
  10. I watched a few live football internationals in the Skyline Bar when we were on the Escape in 2022.
  11. I have just booked in to get new passports next week for peace of mind.
  12. Well eileeshb, how did you get on after? Apparently reading a bit of info on CC, I have a similar predicament to yours with a cruise in two weeks time... some craic eh!
  13. That is a good point. I would assume the required online check in (including passport details/expiry) is part of the contract? Surely a gap NCL need to close on their IT side with their form validation data ^^, leaves them open to a viable counter.. I will give them a call on Monday to clarify.
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