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Everything posted by Jinn

  1. Jinn

    Symphony Reykjavik

    Reminder—-informal meet and mingle, 5:15, Palm Court, starboard. Julia
  2. Yes, there are small, handheld weights. Julia
  3. I'm not Keith but we are having an informal Meet and Mingle on the 11th at 5:15 in the Palm Court, Starboard side side , just as you enter. Hope to see you. Julia
  4. So glad to see you will be on this cruise, Keith. I experienced the same setbacks as you did in 21 and 22 trying to get to Liverpool. I have a private tour booked this time so I can cross the Mersey ala Gerry and the Pacemakers and drive on Lime street to remember the Mersey Murders written by Brian Porter. And, of course, see the Beatle sites. Can hardly wait to return to the Symphony and see old crew friends. Julia
  5. One week from today I begin my journey to Reykjavik to board the Symphony on September 8. So looking forward. Whipsnade and I are organizing an informal "meet and mingle" on Sept. 11 at 5:15 pm in the Palm Court, Starboard side, just as you enter. If there are any other CCers onboard, please join us. Julia
  6. Thank you. Julia
  7. Where on the Crystal website is info about discount or do I call Luggage Forward and ask for discount? Thanks, Julia
  8. Jinn

    Dress Code Question

    I’m on the current Serenity cruise. Have seen very few jackets /ties. Many people dressed in white last night. Julia
  9. Simigirl---I am on your cruise and I have received no notification about the shuttle. Julia
  10. Jinn

    Pompeii excursions

    The description looks like the shore exc. I went on 6 years ago on which we did have a guide. Just to be sure send an email to crystaldestinations@crystalcruises.com. Julia
  11. Twice yesterday I posted on the Crystal forum asking for fellow CCs who will be on my September 8 cruise with me to join the roll call. My post appeared then disappeared. Why? There was nothing illegal in it. Julia
  12. Jinn


    I had both the sea bass and the lamb and enjoyed them Had the risotto as an app but no shrimp. It was good but a tad salty. Julia
  13. Jinn

    Itinerary change

    Thank you Joanzzzz and others. We won't be there long. I'll take a walk. Julia
  14. Jinn

    shipping luggage

    I used Luggage Forward to ship bag home from the ship and will use them in September to ship bag both ways. Julia
  15. Jinn

    Itinerary change

    Thank you. Julia
  16. Jinn

    Itinerary change

    For my September 8 cruise Reykjavik to Dover we are no longer going to the Isle of Lewis but instead to Oban about which I know nothing. Anyone been there? There are no shore execs listed yet even though there are plenty for the next cruise, Dover to Dover. Thanks, Julia
  17. We missed you. Just glad you’re not sick. Julia
  18. I went ashore, Hot. Very polite traffic. Went to pearl museum. Had to ask for help in finding it. Cathedral was closed. Homeless sitting on steps did not ask for money but did tell me it would be open tomorrow. Lots of street musicians. Clean streets. Visible police presence. Julia
  19. I will be in the Palm , Sunday, the 25th, at 4:30. Looking forward. Which side, Dwight? Julia/Jinn
  20. What is considered a proper tip, per day, for a butler? I ate at Osteria and really enjoyed it. Had the sea bass. Will return. Julia
  21. I’m game. Anyone else? I don’t know how many there are of us. Julia
  22. There is a Facebook get together this afternoon. Any way we can have a Cruise Critic get together? I walked outside this morning. Wonderful. So happy to see the sunshine and calmer seas. Julia
  23. Thanks, Keith. No French fries, yet. Seas getting a little bit better. Travel group party tonight then dinner at UU. I've been waiting for the Black Cod. I have 2 great cabin attendants and a wonderful butler, Fredrick. Life is good. If only Tracie were on this cruise so I could be on her trivia team and win a game! Julia
  24. It's taken me forever to be able to reply to this thread since I forgot my password and had to reset and iPad and phone didn't want to cooperate so had to resort to desktop and gurus in computer center. Third world problems. So happy to be back on Crystal. Lovely rough seas. Grey Goose slept on sofa last night. Since Tracie isn't on this cruise I haven't won at trivia but tomorrow is another day. The passengers and crew keep telling one another how happy we all are to be back. More later. Must exercise so I can eat again. Party for solos tonight. Julia
  25. I am feeling discriminated against since I received only print outs from my TA. However, I will swallow my pride and show up at the pier on Feb. 3. Julia
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