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Posts posted by geeko1

  1. How was the boat ride? Rough water or smooth? Did anyone get sick? ( I had a bad experience on the jet boat ferry from Cozumel to Playa del Carmen) Thanks very much!



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    if its windy the ride will be rough, if its not windy the ride will be smooth?

  2. Right, crews! I did see this tour you mentioned but it was lengthy and I didn't want the other stuff anyway. Plus it's a lot more expensive than just a brewery tour. It seems others (including some cruise ships) used to do a brewery tour excursion without a lot of extras but I can't find anyone now. I did do a fair amount of research over the past week - also I called and got no answer. Because they do not post hours, have an incorrect contact email on the home page of their website, etc., I am thinking they don't care much about people visiting. We may end up with a distillery visit, and was already considering it, we just would have preferred Belikin. We have done the cave tubing, etc., and are fairly adventurous people, so I don't know why someone (not you, Crews) would take such offense and say "stay on the boat," just because I happen to have the opinion that I would like more options in this port. I thank you for your thoughtful response.


    your problem is you make several unwarranted assumptions.

  3. Same issue; did all of the above before. Doing a snorkel and beach thing in Roatan so don't really want any of the same. Apparently the beaches near Belize City are not the best from what I have read. I really wanted a tour to Belikin Brewery but can't find anyone who still does it, nor does their website have any hours listed to try to do anything on our own via taxi. Someone, please help us - hahaha!


    go to their website and contact them about a guide and time. the brewery is a short taxi ride.

  4. BC is certainly not a tourist city but does have enough for a tourist to occupy a few hours. There are a variety of close by tours easily accessed from BC. The Museum of Belize is small but well done. St Johns cathedral (smallish) and the light house the Maritime Museum and coastal zone museums are also available.

  5. The title of the thread is: "Leaving the Secure Cruise Ship Dock Area in Belize" -- in re the OP's statement of "We figure we'll hang around the Cruise ship port area with the shops & restaurants. A coworker suggested we leave the secured area where the shops/restaurants are and go across to the street to the locals market for authentic art and crafts etc. This sounds good to me, but the wife is concerned about our safety.


    Is there a local market across the street from the cruise ship secured area? Is it directly across the street, so therefore not too long a walk? Is it safe?




    It's not exactly clear how your statement of "returning home alive from Belize" has any direct relevance to the topic.


    Are you trying to dispute that Belize City isn't safe? To do so would be a disservice to those that frequent this board looking for accurate info. I will direct you LINK HERE so that you may also be informed about "Safety in Belize City".


    You might best be served by controlling your paranoia. The link you quote States specifically that tourists are not targeted reread that stuff before you post it

  6. And that has what to do with the fact that Belize City is a dump?


    Millions of tourists visited the United States in 2016, yet how many of them strolled around frivolously through places like Camden, NJ or Gary, IN, or any number of seedier areas in major cities across the country?


    Now that might be a tad hyperbole, as I would wager that some of the sketchier neighborhoods in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans etc. etc. etc. may be on average more dangerous than Belize City. However, it does deserve noting that Belize City isn't exactly the safest town, or what one might expect to be reasonably safe being that so many cruises make it a port-of-call.


    Yes, chances are walking around Belize City as a cruise visitor during the day might lead one to only being street hassled a little bit, but one ought naught minimize the necessity to be a little extra aware of one's surroundings and recognize when their Spidey-sense is tingling.


    The area just outside of the tender/cruise tourist village/heading to the local market is plenty fine. Walking aimlessly around greater Belize City.... The question is: Why would someone want to walk around Belize City when there are so many more interesting things to do on excursions in the surrounding area? To see how the locals live?


    Belize City is a jumping off point.


    Has nothing to do with Belize City is a dump you're just pulling stuff out of thin air. Go further Inland or go up the coast it's your trip do what you want

  7. With my work schedule and kids in school summer is the only time to go. I work retail so from the end of October to the January 1st is blacked out for taking any vacation time. That leaves spring break as the only other week to do a vacation. Where I live my kids don't get a full week off for spring break. To take them out of school is hard now also with them in Jr. High and High School. So if we want to vacation then summer time it is!😀


    reality does bite sometimes. You want only two things in NOLA in summer. A place to go with AC like the WW2 museum and a hotel pool for the kids.

  8. No
    h_blond2, Continue with your plan. Highly doubtful that Geeko has been to the stores of which he speaks. He is counting on almost 5 year old posts by people who had second hand information. Some didn't even live here. The people who live here will tell you to bring with you. But now he has piqued my curiosity about the dustless chalk at A&R. I am going to go in and see what the lead content in the dustless chalk is because most of or local products come from China. We know how that goes in the USA, some products are unacceptable because Chinese products are filled with byproducts that we would not allow.


    Please come, visit our schools and bring with you what you wish to donate. Our economy is not affected by that. Loss of tourist dollars and cruise money spent only on tourist village stores and cruiseline sponsored vendors hurt us much more.


    Some people just need to be hateful because they have nothing better to do.


    Walking the walk.


    You certainly need to do your homework about dustless chalk sold in the United States with lead in it and you need to do your homework about crayons sold in the United States with asbestos in them but the bottom line is if you don't have time to shop locally then probably you have to bring it with you

  9. Well thanks for your snarky comments that I did not ask for. If we do book this excursion, we will not have to opportunity to stop anywhere to buy supplies, so we will take them with is. Also, if you want to try to educate me on anything, please use proper capitalization and punctuation. Now, have a lovely day.



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    Trying to say that proper punctuation teaches you how economics works doesn't make sense.

  10. Thank you for your information. We have donated school supplies in other ports and it has never been a problem and I don't see how bringing some pencils and crayons will destruct your economy or could be considered disrespectful. I really hope there is enough interest for this tour to take place.


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    certainly the effect is all about the numbers but I am stunned that you cant see how tourists donations effect the local economy. We are really just talking econ 101 so its not complicated. A&R in san pedro has dustless chaulk cheaper that in the states. here is a discussion on school supplies.



  11. wouldn't it be easier just to answer a question rather than send someone searching through 2 or 3 gazillion posts to find what they are looking for, since you know there are so many, you could just answer these folks questions. Right? jus sayin


    I believe in personal responsibility

  12. Yes, they are sold here at such a high rate that no one would likely purchase them. The children who have Crayola crayons in Belize will never be the recipients of donations from kind hearted travelers.


    I offered a differing opinion to yours as a person who has lived here for 15 years. For those who hadn't thought about stimulating the economy, your point is out there for them to consider. I do not want travelers to see your post and think, oh, we will just buy things when we get to Belize. It isn't that easy. The stores are not always open. We have no Walmart, Target, Kmart, etc. They are not convenient to the locations that you may want to disperse your gifts to, and I stand by my stance on the Chinese products that we have here in Belize.


    Two options, travelers can decide, but many children here will be thankful for donations or gifts brought in, purchased here, or money donated so that expats here can purchase in first world countries and bring back in on their next trip.


    Your first quote said Crayola wasn't available they're your recent quote acknowledge that it is I'm not really convinced that you know what's there or isn't there

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